I'm halfway through season 2, not enjoying it as much as the 1st but its still good, does this show get better or worse?

I'm halfway through season 2, not enjoying it as much as the 1st but its still good, does this show get better or worse?

The show was only good until Carrie banged Brody in Season 1. The show fell off a cliff after that and never fully recovered.

It only gets worse. Drop it

This show is garbage, the writers have a very juvenile understanding of politics, and write their tripe as serious business.

Stop wasting your time with it.

Plebs think it went to shit when Brody dies but it was shit before that and season 4 was way better than the Dana diaries

Pls no

Seasons 1 and 3 are best.

I love the intro more than the show though.

t. Toxic Soldier


he is the only good part of the show, and its because its like 24 lite. everything else about this show is shit.

Is Mike gonna fuck Dana? I'm not against this happening


The Brody storyline runs for 3 seasons, peaks in the first half of season 2 and becomes quite embarrassing by the end.

Each season after that is a soft reboot. Though it looks like season 7 will pick up where 6 left.

>it's a Dana forced drama episode

What the fuck was he doing in Venezuela again?

Pakistan season is the best. Germany is nice too.

The plotline for the American ones is borderline comical.

Getting the Prison Break audience.

Remember that year everyone was hyping the fuck out of it? Don't think I've heard anyone mention it since.

It gets worse and then a little better.

If Dexter didn't exist it would be the go to example for shows that crash and burn after a promising start

That only happened during the first season. Season 2 killed its momentum.

I actually think it's ok once the whole Brody thing is forgotten about

each season being a soft reboot like user said

and Quinn is an enjoyable character

it becomes and alright spy thriller

nothing groundbreaking but not a bad flick all in all