Let's place bets on when the best actor of all time is going to die

13 September 2017

ya heard it here first folks

This is your future, Leo.

that pawg on the right, jesus i'd love to give her my bbc

but not yours.

What will happen to his queer party friends?

Jack has a bunch of bastard children though.

thats a tiny ass boat.

jack will die really old while fucking some 19 year old.

or he'll end up being brought down if pedohollywood ever gets thrown under the bus. dude had a woman murdered at his house and got away with nothing, so i doubt anything ever happens to him

i thought he was all sad that no one loved him, now here he is shagging two thots
old habits die hard?

Feels good, man.

Someone pls pepify him


Jack is probably the second most based actor after Brando

Someone post some of old Brando's hijinks

>tfw in 10-15 years most of us browsing here will be 40
it feels weird

No, Orson is #1. Brando is a distant #2.

>tfw in 10-15 years most of us browsing here will be 40

I am 38

>mfw I googled marlon brando because I thought he already died
>mfw I actually thought this fat dude in the boat was marlon brando

?? Who?

Oh, you mean Marlon Wayans?

But Leo is gay.


About Schmidt is classic old man kino

Marlon Brando was much fatter

I remember every time a celebrity would die someone would post on the IMDB forums that Jack Nicholson warned the actor, and every sanctimonious person would lose their mind.

This is a years old picture and you would know this if you weren't so new.


>By the 1980s, it was reported that one of Brando’s girlfriends had left him because he wouldn’t keep his promise to lose weight. He always seemed to be dieting, but the pounds weren’t coming off much. Unknown to her, he had some of his buddies throw bags of Burger King Whoppers over the gates of his Mulholland Drive estate.

I'm 27. Bit I have a career and a gf, so eventually I'll be a full blown normie and leave here. Right?

Honestly imagine the amount of amazing stories you could tell if you were invincible to giving a fuck like Brando.
What's the secret guys, how do I not give a fuck like Brandkino?

have lots of money

haha no one checked these digits so I figured I would haha

>dude had a woman murdered at his house and got away with

Why make shit up?

2017-2027 will be ridiculous

July 1st, 2004

He's like half the size of Brando

Become the most Respec actor of your generation. Gain a shitload of weight. Make a bunch of horrible movies while being adorably eccentric behind the scenes. Quit acting and then spend your last days shitposting on movie forums.

I'm 40 now. In January I'll be 41. My wife is 41. She won the cooking challenge on /ck/ a couple years back and has the apron and coffee mug to prove it.


>tfw gf is using you for practice for real relationship

Holy shit


>Big Bug Man is an American animated movie starring Brendan Fraser and Marlon Brando. The movie is Marlon Brando's last known film work.
He's a Big Bug Man.

Are you mixing it up with the Roman Polanski incident?


>Karen Mayo-Chandler, a Playboy Playmate, outed Jack Nicholson as a spanko by saying that he had a paddle (ping-pong paddle) and loved to spank women. His girlfriend's nickname for him is "Spanking Jack."

>Video producer Nu-West/Leda Productions has a M/F title called Spanked for Jack. Their online catalog describes this as a custom-made video for a client they call "Spanking Jack". There is no mention of Nicholson's name, but it appears to have been made at his request. In the video, two nude girls are simultaneously spanked; during this, they both talk into hand-held cameras.

>those tits

>"He was an avid user of the Internet in his final years, often going into chat rooms to start arguments."

Literally me.

Dubs and trips for truth.

Brando never gave a fuck. He was an alpha trickster when he was a penniless teenager.

Where the fuck is the steering wheel in that boat?

Under the towel between the two bitches.

You guys are assholes. How nice of Jack was it to take his granddaughters out for the afternoon. Spending quality time with family is important.

As if; Jack's too chaotic neutral. Leonardo's too busy thinking his opinions are saving the world to look cool even though he's old and fat.


Is he me?

I bet one sucks his dick and one licks his asshole

I'm 43 though. Sup Forums is already 17 years old.

oh to be at this level of success. /fit/fags just never get it. rest in piss piana

Nice bait.

Based. Jack is now /ourguy/ along with Fat Orson and Fat Brando.

october 19th, 2020

I wouldn't want to get married but I would at least want to associate with cute girls that have perosonality and I enjoy being around, not just for their pussy

I'd rather hang out with a cute but fun and smart 8/10 than a braindead 10/10

Cool man.

I thought it was Bruce Willis


He even sucked his friend's dick as a joke.



Someone has actually just screen capped this thread and will actually be saving it for a day

You read it first here

Nicholson is my favorite actor and it will be a dark day in the CTM household when he passes on!!!FACT!!!

I'm 39 and I've been here for TEN FUCKING YEARS!!!FACT!!!

The absolute madman!

Except Leo will have five more bitches who all look better.

>not knowing the difference between Jack Nicholson and Roman Polanski
The fucking state of this board.

>He even sucked his friend's dick as a joke.

Marlon Brando fucked men and women. It was hardly a joke.

Fucking people wasn't a joke, but sucking that particular dick was.

ahh, ok I guess. but wasn't wally cox white?

Yeah, that's the part where I have doubt. I think it's more likely that it's some other dude's penis from a sex-party, really. Brando and Wally's relationship always struck me as Brando loving Wally but Wally loving women, hence why they never lived happily ever after. People just attribute the penis to Wally automatically because of the rumours.

I wonder where Jack Nicholson will be when he hears about it.


Pics or it didnt happen

on the one hand I'm jealous. on the other he looks fed up.

I hope it's mine ;_;



>Orson is 1

Orson isn't top 10

>tfw been on Sup Forums eleven years already