Who the hell thought this was a good idea?

Who the hell thought this was a good idea?

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It's pretty good, like ParaNorman: The Series.

ParaNorman was good as a self contained story,with no room for expansion.

>That background music
Literal tumblr trashes first cartoon

This pilot is really fucking good though, OP.

It even has a peppy ghost waifu.

What's your problem?

>IT'S NOT [insert a cartoon he watched amd loved as a child] OR A GHIBLI STUDIOS PRODUCTION
I just saved you a whole wall of text's worth of reading, cuz that's probably what he's going to employ.

Looks like another generic tumblrtoon


It's not perfect, but it's pretty good. Some of the voice acting is a bit off and I question the music choices, but with a little polish this could be a great show.

I remember the first time we saw this in Sup Forums and it's not growing on me in rewatch.

The writing is the worst part; the ghosts are retarded children for no particular reason and the high school stuff is every imaginable cliche done badly.

"Anything is permissible if it moves the plot along" seems to be the rule of the day, and we end up knowing jack shit about June.

It works (almost) as a short, as a pilot fuck no.

There's potential in the idea, but every ghost is just the setup for a gag and doesn't have any real continuity, which it *feels* like it's trying to go for. Also has to rely on self-awareness sometimes, which is a symptom of weak writing.

I could see it being a nice Halloween special. Not sure about a real series though.

>>IT'S NOT [insert a cartoon he watched amd loved as a child] OR A GHIBLI STUDIOS PRODUCTION
Not that fag, but one of the biggest issues with this generation of cartoons is that it's all shit that's constantly trying to pay homage to Ghibli/90s anime. When you see it so often it stops being charming and just comes off as uninspired. You watched fucking Sailor Moon as a kid, I get it.

>I just saved you a whole wall of text's worth of reading, cuz that's probably what he's going to employ.
>Not that fag
why do you feel the need to project?

This whole normal person surrounded by weird shit plotline is getting really old, Becky Prim does the "ghosts in high school" idea way better by making the main character the ghost


I liked it overall. The bullies were too exagerated though. It would have a more realistic and powerful effect if they were more subtle. It makes me think the creator was bullied in HS and has a lot of left over resentment that they never got over.

Why would you assume that I am the same person responding twice? I really don't have as much emotional investment in this as you seem to think I do. Surely not as much as you seem to have.

>It makes me think the creator was bullied in HS and has a lot of left over resentment that they never got over.

It makes me think the creator never went to high school, and only knows about school from 80's and 90's movies.

>not that fag
is from this post retardi'm not saying you're samefagging

HEY. Calm the fuck down right now!

It kinda feels like an anime to me. Her parents not being ghosts themselves could mean that the ghosts with her have unresolved things that keep them from resting in peace. I can see some of them start disappearing one by one like in those feelsy type episodes you get from those generic animes. Still, I think this show can have potential and it's sure looks better than the new shit that's coming out these days.

Ok. Well, uh, have fun with whatever. I stopped caring the moment you started posting like an assmad faggot.

>reminder that praying before tests is still considered cheating

that was really enjoyable

its two unbearably generic concepts (normal person living with the supernatural, and 'i don't fit in at high school') mashed into one unbearably generic cartoon.

not just one stock bully, but two stock bullies.

introduces like 13 characters in a pilot episode.

I was beginning to like it until i met the unholy trinity of stereotypes (dumbass bully, rich spoiled brat, irritating optimistic geek)

While we're on youtube cartoons, how about dog world?


Good stuff.

Why no room for expansion?

reminds me of my life as teenage robot

I need this.

People in this thread legitimately think this bland, uninspired poorly animated pilot with stock characters and poor pacing was good.
When did our standards die.

>she's different and i don't know her, that frightens and upsets me
we really need more cartoons where the writers project their insecurities about being a loser in high school in ways that aren't subtle at all

Pilot thread?

Is it a requirement they contain ghosts, because I can do that.



There's only so much you can do with the kid talking with ghost premise,and they did them all.

Both of these are terrible

This one is god tier

No one did

That's why it was never picked up as a series

They barely touched the premise in Paranorman, it ended up being about zombies and bullying.


Posted so recently that we don't know for sure that it's a hopeless cause, too.

Whats a Ragazzi?

How many damn cartoon kids have we got going around being buddies with ghosts while everyone thinks they're fucking nuts?

it's a great idea. she's cute. i want it to become a show

This video is an example of a potentially good idea executed very poorly, developed with semi-interesting characters, yet succumbing to an art style was wholly uninteresting and didn't stand out.

What they could had done with this show is have a wide diversity of different ghosts, some being prior famous dead people, discussing various social issues from varying stand points.

Imagine an episode where Martin Luther King Jr and Jefferson Davis (or more appropriately Lincoln and Jefferson Davis), where the two exchange commentary about, whatever, while trying to fix some typical episodic shenanigans and in turn both learning something about the other through spending some time together?

The possibilities would be endless. It could be a less vulgar and better done Clone High.

>all those ass shots

What I find to be very funny is that this was created by someone who reviews movies, how does a critic write something so riddle with cliches?

That was really good id totally watch this hope it gets picked up.

Those who can't teach. Being a critic doesn't mean you're a good writer.

Why is Arin Hanson beating up children?

this is indie, not a company. no one greenlit this.

While that was really good. And actually funny.

Oops. I meant "Wow"

Why is the General dressed as an infantryman? And why is that rifle so horribly drawn?

Best pilot ive seen this year.
Really hope it gets picked up.
Made me legit laugh a few times. Hoping they give Becky a real girl voice because the LSP thing isn't working for me

>I wish white people didn't have to make cartoon pilots

Maybe he just claims to be a General, or maybe its his nickname. Or maybe he was wearing a different uniform for some reason when he died. Or maybe the people making it just didn't care enough. Probably that last one.

At first I found her voice jarring and distracting, but it really grew on me.

Pretty sure it's a dude doing a mild falsetto

all the designs in this are so generic

Yes. By "her" I meant the character.

>Expecting people who make a pilot this generic and shitty to actually do some research on mid-19th century uniforms
>Expecting your average cartoon make to draw a half decent gun, ever
Best I've ever seen were the Lee Enfields in Disney's Atlantis, cartoon makers are almost all noguns

how have I not seen this, fuck that was fun to watch.

That's no excuse not to try.

Oh, they don't need an excuse to not try.


Is anyone starting to get sick of seeing "anime" type moments in western animation where it comes off as shoehorned and off-putting?

The first 30 seconds was funny, the rest was just uncomfortable. The high school stuff is really cliche and mean *spirited*. The ghosts seem fun tho.

Vastly more funny and original than current threads animation.

I love this so much. Fuck the other short, this is so far the best one here ladies and germs.

Jesus you're such a faggot. Not the guy you were talking to but this is specifically the reason why you tumblrite faggots need to get off Sup Forums Can't even defend your shit before you get triggered. Go cool off your vagina senpai.

God damn you got that song in my head now.
Thanks. I didn't know about it before this.

Woof, looks ruff.

>gets mad
>calls me mad
>bonus points for MUH DUMBLR boogeyman
You can calm your titties right about now, F a m b o r g h i n i.

I enjoyed it, though the bullies made for exceptionally boring antagonists.

visually it was fine, but like said it hit every possible cliche for the sake of moving the plot. It was like watching one of those disney sitcoms put to animation.

whoops got the replies backwards. Also, she's kinda boring.

Would work better if she ended up accidentally killing the bully and the bully's ghost became the primary antagonist.

who made this, Maxwell Atoms?

No,but he's currently working on a cartoon of his own.

What was that other pilot from a couple years ago involving a ghost?

It was like this boy that had to sneak into a building for raisins, and he had to climb through the duct work. There might have been video game references. He had a QT ghost companion.

Chainsaw Richard?

That was it, thanks.