What happened to adult cartoons?

what happened to adult cartoons?

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Cartoons are for children, not adults user.

Family Guy, Futurama,South Park etc are your choices. If you want adult cartoons you're gonna have to watch anime.


Normies need to be accommodated so most cartoons have been to audience they would feel comfortable with

You forgot about comic books.

No one saw Final Fantasy and nobody liked Beowulf.

They're still being made.

They're called Deadpool, Star Trek Beyond, Independence Day: Resurgence, and so on.

Each of these movies had as much animation as live-action, if not more.

Pic unrelated.

It got replaced with later season Family Guy tier humor.

Then again what kind of adult cartoon are you looking for? Gratuitous violence/naked girls or adult subject matters in animated form?

There was this, from Pixar. Not sure if you would like it or not.


Nah, kids these days aren't interested in comics and geek culture oriented kiddie shit comics (super heroes/fantasy/sci-fi etc) are dying and moving on to film/tv. alternative/underground/comix, or whatever you wanna call them, which are aimed towards adults are in a golden age at the moment.

were replaced by cartoons with muh feelings, crying and fat quirky porotaginists

>adult cartoons have to be sexual for me to enjoy, not explore more mature themes or ideas, all I want is big bosoomed women in my 'toon

>never heard of Fritz The Cat Coonskin or Heavy Traffic

>Doesn't know about "Tijuana Comics"

They were dumbed down to appeal to normies so that they could survive. Trying to make an adult cartoon that takes itself seriously like a live action show would be financial suicide.

Anime offers a lot more, and it's more open about sexuality. Which makes it especially weird, I have to say, when there's all those sexualization threads about cartoons. Not comic books, but cartoons like Stephen Universe or whatever.

That just strikes me as insanely, unspeakable creepy because those are really aimed at kids. At least in anime, you get the distinct impression that the girls are down to fuck.

There's literally only one cartoon that has what you described, and that is Steven Universe, even then it still hasn't changed the industry much and its following is still limited.

Except those are all live action smart ass. And don't pretend they would have even a fraction of the success if they were all animated.

Tijuana comics are not cartoons though and they are basically just porn parodies of real newspaper comic strips. They could be regarded as proto-comix though since a lot of the underground cartoonists in the 60's and 70's got inspired by them.

>not down to fuck

Are we watching the same show?

They are already animated, you fucknut.

> not wanting more Frazetta men and women in cartoons

Fucking love this film, pity there are not more like it.

Closest we will ever get to animated conan like films.

I don't know, what are you watching?

woah woah! I din't mention names, if you want to put your favorite cartoon in that category it's not my problem
>mfw some nigga get's mad around me

Technically speaking we are all "animated" but that's not what were referring to now is it? You're just bending the definition to make yourself look like less of an ass after making such a ridiculous statement.

The Brak Show

I hope Rodriguez doesn't fuck up the remake.

>not wanting both

Fire and Ice is a bad example tho

The theatrical market was way too niche to get good returns during a time when animation in the west wasn't doing to hot. At the same time the tv market was ever growing, but it had lost the "family appeal" of the Flintstones and went for the "kids appeal". Then the Simpsons happened and reawakened the market for "adult" cartoons. Afterwards you had South Park, Duckman, MTV and the birth of [AS] and Fox' non-Simpsons stuff. We've just sort of been sitting here until Sausage Party became the first R rated animated theatrical in 20+ years to see success.

It's not even my favorite cartoon, all I did was point out that the only cartoon you properly described was Steven Universe and not the rest of the industry like you implied.

They didn't make money.

Sup Forums animation generally doesn't involve realistically or semi-realistically drawn human characters, isn't deliberately or openly sexual, and is generally intended for children (with the mindset that children should not be exposed to sexuality), so shit gets really weird really fast when Sup Forums and sexuality collide.

Anime sexuality is mostly not different from real life.

Can't think of anything that isn't comedy (except Bakshi's stuff but that's not very relevant today).

>Pocahontas in a thong

That's what I initially thought and what I'm going to continue thinking.

Sure they are.

What the fuck? The target audience for anime is literally children.

no need to get so angry my man, I know your love for lesbian cartoon is unique but I really wasn't trying to disrespect the thing you like, I was talking about bee and puppycat but I guess stiven univers fans are a little jumpy and grumpy all the time, sorry for triggering without any warning

there are


The target audience for some anime is literally children. Most anime produced today airs at night and isn't meant for children. Even historically speaking a lot of anime hasn't been for children, or at least not in the sense that children's animation is understood in America.

>WAAAAAAAAAH! Some guy on FourChinz wants boobage in his entertainment!

Hey Dobson, finally done mourning over POTUS elections? :^)

They turned into kids cartoons with an adult rating.

Define "adult"

I swear I've read this exact thread before.

Same, but considering how most remakes go I am not getting my hopes up

>Bakshi's not relevant today

it's appears like twice per week

I liked Beowulf, but that was because I knew going in that it wasn't a true adaptation, but a commentary on it. I don't think anyone but Gaiman actually picked up on it, though.

Same thing that happens to every art form

Lefties got triggered it and made it go exstinct with the help of intimidating and censorship

There are plenty of cartoons with profanity. That's usually their whole joke, "A cartoon character said damn, that's so whacky!"

Not OP, but thanks all the same. That was pretty good.

The largest consumers of anime are adults. Adult otaku (18+) watch the most and spend the most which is why all the studios pander to them. They buy the most waifu merchandise and they're the ones who stay up at night to watch the adult rated shows the general public doesn't care about.

In the West they're all garbage. Any attempt at mature themes is overshadowed by ADHD humor and shitty character design.

He is tangentially relevant at best. A bunch of the 90's big names got their starts working under him, but now their students/proteges/underlings are now the showrunners.

>Soccer moms and Suburban Dads got triggered by it and made it go extinct with the help of intimidating, censorship and what about muh children.


The studios don't "pander" to them any more than fantasy writers pander to fantasy fans and RPG developers pander to RPG fans.

Late night anime isn't watched by a monolithic group of "otaku" who all like the same things and buy the same things, and there is no such thing as "waifu merchandise."


They did not take off in the west. Its the only media from the US is not leading in

Was it always simplistic shit design?

pretty much all frederator cartoons are like that

People realized how stupid they were and stopped making them.

>The studios don't "pander" to them any more than fantasy writers pander to fantasy fans and RPG developers pander to RPG fans.

That's wrong. There's clear favoritism towards that niche of anime fans.

>Late night anime isn't watched by a monolithic group of "otaku" who all like the same things and buy the same things

Do you really believe anyone besides the most dedicated people are staying up late at night to watch anime? Normal people don't even do that in the west. Everyone staying up late at night to watch Toonami are the kind of people to post on Sup Forums and Reddit.

>and there is no such thing as "waifu merchandise."


Suuuure, which is why "lefties" also form the overwhelming amount of animators that are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable.

Sup Forums not exactly taking the brightest posters nowadays are they?

My three biggest worries are that they cover the characters up, that they attempt to make it more plot heavy and fail, and that they make Nekron a creep towards Teegra rather than Larn.

>Sup Forums not exactly taking the brightest posters nowadays are they?

It was literally soccer moms from the suburbs and religious types who got television and shit censored but you can't tell underage Sup Forums that. Buckle your seatbelt. We're gonna have to deal with this for four years.

>That's wrong. There's clear favoritism towards that niche of anime fans.
or its just what you have with low budgets and not wanting to do stuff you could have done in live action
> staying up late at night to watch anime?
no one gives a shit. Tv shows hire people to make them content to put in between the ads, profit comes from dvd box set sales and various other merchandises and events

Sadly yes, but the writing is almost Larry David tier.

>That's wrong. There's clear favoritism towards that niche of anime fans.
The "otaku" anime that so triggers you is just a normal part of anime, and there are other kinds of anime. And "otaku" anime isn't a monolith either, or a clearly defined concept.

>Do you really believe anyone besides the most dedicated people are staying up late at night to watch anime?
People normally record the shows, and even if they didn't it does not negate what I just said.

Note: I did not say there is no merchandise. I said there is no "waifu merchandise." And there isn't.

>or its just what you have with low budgets and not wanting to do stuff you could have done in live action
Budget doesn't affect anime in that way, and shows such as K-On would be trivial to accomplish in live action.

They're still around, its just that 99% of them are comedies because of South Park and Family Guy's success.

If you want adult cartoons that actually explore other genres and subjects, you'd have to look at foreign films.

You mean like Sausage Party?

This guy is right. It has always been the right winged conservatives that has been banning and censoring things. However, the neo-liberals/lefties of today have become lovers of censorship too.

Same thing that happened to the rest of popular culture: SJWs.

>The "otaku" anime that so triggers you is just a normal part of anime

They don't trigger me. I would be considered one of them.

>and there are other kinds of anime.

There are.

>And "otaku" anime isn't a monolith either, or a clearly defined concept.

It's a pretty defined concept. People who are obsessive about their hobbies. I still believe that anime otaku are a driving force behind the anime industry still being alive because it certainly isn't shit like Crunchyroll keeping it around.

This came out in the 90's, and even lasted three seasons.

Ironicially it was the "SJWs" of that time who made animation and comics for adults and got banned by conservatives. Little did they know that they wuld be banned by their successors too.

Also this.

But it's stil geek culture oriented so not really "adult" in the first place.

Did season 3 flop or something?

Why was it cancelled so abruptly and why HBO just stopped trying with animation?

>They don't trigger me. I would be considered one of them.
Then what are you complaining about?

>It's a pretty defined concept.
It really isn't. Love Live for example is something that people here would peg as "otaku anime" for sure, yet it has sold extremely well, the movie was the eight most popular domestic movie last year, the mobile game has 18 million players, and the series has seen all kinds of mainstream exposure. Girls und Panzer is another example.

From what I understand, it was cancelled because it was very expensive to produce, even with only six episode seasons.

Not really. Some are, but a lot aren't.

Are there any quality FHD remasters of Red cartoons? All I can find is VHS copies.

Well, it was pretty good.

Still, 60% of it was Simmons brooding in the dark.

>K-On would be trivial to accomplish in live action.
oh yeah find me jap girls that can looks so distinctly, can act and even fake playing an instrument. Im sure trip to london could have been done in the backyard.
>Budget doesn't affect anime in that way,
yes it does. it does not seem that way at first because only in very rare cases are there stretchered out shots. These days they just cut away to stationary objects for 5+ seconds, often every 10 seconds. camera moving away from action like a mild shaky camera is also a factor. lets not forget all the rushed drawing jobs that they "fix" only in BD release

Funny how that works. Almost as if censorship is terrible no matter who's doing it.

lol he's saying that CGI is such a huge part of those movies that they're basically animated. Why are you being a dick?

I'm not complaining. The guy said anime was for children and I said adults are a larger consumer of anime and spend more money on it.

Okay before we get the shitfest going, let's define (or at least categorize) "adult" animation.

* porn
* political (Coonskin, Heavy Traffic, American Pop)
* drama (anything that isn't action or adventure or the above)

Anything else?

You accused studios of pandering.

The basic definition would be animation that is intended for an adult audience.

>three seasons.
>less than 24 eps
With often poor voice acting

>You accused studios of pandering.

I did but I never said I was mad about it or that it was a bad thing. You assumed that.

Then why are you accusing studios of pandering? What is your angle here? What are you trying to pull?

Keith David did a great job as Spawn, and the guy who voiced Clown was pretty good too. The rest of the acting was actually pretty hit or miss.

Because I'm saying that a big portion of anime and manga is made for adults because they buy the most of it.

>fantasy with blood
>gundam, etc
>depressing shit like blue gender
>comfy like yuujinchou
>philosophy/pseudo philosophy ergo proxy,kino no tabi
>romance were characters actually hook up or come close to it
>work drama about working X job, anything from a civil servant to whatever else gov is pushing
>mahjong/go anime

>no more undergrads
>no more clone high
>no more Mission Hill
Just end the suffering

American Pop isn't political. Out of the 3 categories you listed it would fit best under drama. You also left out comedy. We then run into the very big problem of genre overlap, especially if we are seperating out political, comedy and drama all which can easily crossover in the same movie.

The best method to define adult animation would be like said, animation intended for a "mature" audience.

To be fair only one of those was actually good.

I'm actually thinking of doing a proper statistics comparing french and american animated series to see if there really is an acceptance for mature content in the former.

End your life

You said studios pander to otaku.

You are just mixing the concept. It's not a genre, nor a definition of the consumption material, or even a demographic. It's just a term for an specific behavior in people. Being obsessive about a hobby.

Yes and the majority of otaku are adults. What's the issue?