Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Don't let muh laygs drop owwwwwwwwww


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Fat people are so disgusting. How can you let yourself go that much?



No but Fucking for real though. DAFUQ DID he mean by this?

They do it for our entertainment

Some idiots believe that you're burning out the calories by frying food

>look at all this gross shit
>make sure you censor his ass crack though

Dat filename

..yyyyyea I think I'm jumping on the "purge humanity" train then..

How do we save Joey?

i think the next season they're finally going to drop the bullshit " helping people " aspect of the show. everyone that watches it wants a freakshow. james k and the assanti bros are their best episodes because they're the most fucked up people

any updates on lardass's operation? id go check myself but i dont want to give his channel any views.

Fuck that'd be great. Don't get me wrong , seeing people actually dig out of that mental backhoe is great.

But I'm exactly what's wrong with this country. I wanna see these people just get deeper and deeper into their own vicious cycle of self destruction

>deeper and deeper into a bag of french fries from 5 guys...

>any updates on lardass's operation?


>audible kek
On both the comment and the webm. Well done sir.

How is he not in a mental hospital? He's literally fucking insane. Do Americans just let insane people wander around?

he doesn't do much "wandering" probably no more than 20 meters from that bed at any time.

Unless someone can prove they're a threat to themselves or others, yeah kinda.

Do you really think it's ok for a man like this to be loose on society?

My opinion hardly matters, not my decision to make.


>double fisting that
I'd like to see her go at pic related like that.
captcha: hershey barnwood

>2600 calories
Do Americans really eat this?

I can feel my heart aching just reading those nutrition facts.

>pussy ass yuros can't handle extreme nutritional values
not surprised you're all starving

Yes. Unironically my mom

I drink 3 a day for my protein intake

Disgusting fat fuck

Serious mental hangups. Some people are just fat fucks though.


I got scared because I thought this was my 450lb friend but I texted him if he was ok and he sent me a picture of his empty dew bottles


>you will never be this comfy

>How is he not in a mental hospital? He's literally fucking insane. Do Americans just let insane people wander around?

mental patient here, can confirm. in america mental hospitals are considered holding tanks for people who have severe drug problems. heroin/opioid addiction accounts for a huge chunk of mental patients. you have to remember just how many junkies we have in america. there are very few places in the world that can compete with our level of drug use. the citizens of this country are legendary drug consumers. plus we still have a ton of strict drug laws. so that of course means that you're going to need a million places to place junkies who are repeatedly arrested. so mental hospitals are pretty just a secondary prison. many patients bounce between prison and mental hospitals

most health insurance companies will give a patient about 3-5 days before they cut them off and tell them that if they want to stay at the hospital then they'll have to pay out of pocket. but nobody can afford that. so then the psychiatrist has to decide whether or not you're an immediate threat to yourself or others, because that's the legal standard. if you answer "no" to those two questions then you leave that day usually. if you say that you have specific plans (and they have to be specific and immediate) to hurt yourself or someone else then they have to keep you there. most staff are very honest with you (with the exception of the psychiatrists). they'll tell you "just say you feel safe so you can leave. you're not going to get any help here"

if you have money then none of that applies. america has absolutely incredible private facilities. i spent a long time at a rich kids mental facility and it was like day and night compared to the state facilities. none of that was necessary but clearly i felt the need to type it out due to mental stuff

Pretty much.
Politicians care more about anchor illegals and benefits for financially well off minorities than they do the homeless and mentally ill right outside their doors.

what a fucking faggot


>263g of sugar

>that fucking bending on that bench

273 grams of sugar?
Wouldn't that be like 65 teaspoons?

What does being fat feel like?


put on a bunch of heavy coats and it's probably similar

I wanna chew on his legs.

Nah man, you gotta get a knife to scrape the barnacles off. It would feel so satisfying.

>How is he not in a mental hospital?
>Do Americans just let insane people wander around?


why do you think theres so many mass shootings

Please, elaborate more.

What were the differences between the "rich" site and the state site?

What kind, if any, psychiatric help were you given? Was it just "how do you feel?" Or did people actually talk to you, at either facility?

How were general living conditions in your opinion, how many people were addicts as opposed to the number who needed help outside of addiction?

Would you say your time in either type of facility helped you more than the other? If at all?

Curious user(s) want to know

he sort of looks like sam from game of thrones lol

You underestimate the power of people with 0 willpower and plenty of money to spend on convenience foods.




>You underestimate the power of people with 0 willpower and plenty of money to spend on convenience foods.
This comment hits too close to home.




Do you guys also switch between feeling sad and giggles?
Have any of you tried to eat while watching this show and just stopped eating?

Of course.



You're that user that loves the idea of removing impurities from the body. Were you the one on the thread of ear wax removing or whatever it was?

Im a fat fuck piece of shit but I hope I never reach the level of not being able to do something as basic as a sprint.

Is that shit on his leg necrotic flesh or just filth that's accumulated over time? fucking hell

holy shit this is hilarious

Just one little eggroll

that black thing looks like a toilet

>a whole days worth of calories in a single drink

>a whole days worth of calories
Are you a manlet, or...???

A normal person needs to consume are 2000-2500 calories a day to maintain their weight, fatty.

>t. martsharter

yes but that would assume no physical activity

Thats like a meal for 4

Infected, not necrotic. Soon it'll be, if he doesn't change.

Reminder that James K. cucked his neighbor and has a child.

Does anyone have a high quality link? All I can find is 480p and below

Uncomfortable and disconnected. You feel like a hideous monster, like your being is incompatible with a normal human life.

It's like the holy grail for starving people

Why are Americans so fucking fat?

Feed him a bullet.


Because F R E E D O M

>tfw hungry skeletor
Need to move to America, senpai.

What are some other good fat TV shows?

That's nothing

That's made up.

It's not, you can order it

The numbers are.

>almost 7k calories for a double cheeseburger
That doesn't sound right.

No they aren't. That's a Carl's JR burger with literally everything on it. And by everything I mean every possible meat, cheese, and sauce

>One of the garnishes is another drink.
Nice touch, I lost. I'm guessing most of you missed that.

The eggs and bacon are the only things engineers actually cooked on shovels. The rest of that is there because MUH ENGLISH BREAKFAST. It's cringy that this is actually served somewhere.

There's more to the joke then that. Look closely user.

So it's made up.


It's not, you can order a burger with literally everything on it. It costs a lot but you can do it. That is the most unhealthy burger you can order from Carl's

It would be served in three takeaway bags and would not be able to be fit onto a bun. It's stupid and not a valid proof of anything.

It wouldn't. You are wrong

You are like little baby. Watch this.

>The Quadruple Bypass Burger with 9,982 calories (41,760 kJ) has been identified as one of the "world's worst junk foods". It consists of four half-pound beef patties, twenty strips of bacon, eight slices of American cheese, a whole tomato and half an onion served in a bun coated with lard.
