JJ Abrams to direct again, Star Wars episode IX

JJ Abrams to direct again, Star Wars episode IX

Whos excited?


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Even reddit's top comment is a "please no fourth Death Star" joke.

This whole third trilogy can be filed under "missed opportunity."

already a thread



Fuck this trilogy.
I'd take another Rogue One movie if they didn't kill them all off.
Seriously, fuck the new trilogy.

Go back faggot

Good. It'll be like a containment cage to keep his shit touch away from ruining other franchises.

>I'd take another Rogue One
You're part of the problem cuck.


Go suck Abram's cock, faggot.

All disneywars is fucking garbage you fucking retard.

Enjoy the Jar Jar dick

Same for 2nd trilogy.

Hard to say how it'll be until 8 comes out. But going from 7 and what's been shown of 8 I'm far from optimistic.

>Kike director
>Rebuild the death star again
>female and nigger characters

Will watch for free online.

It will be shit.

Rogue One was good tho

This was always the plan and they stalled for as long as possible.

No user you're just retarded.

It was mediocre. It's good compared to the recent string of shit that's come out.

>REEEEE I can't take opinions I disagree with

What was good about it user?

I'm not him but what I liked:
They all died
Story was simple but coherent
Honouring the originals without using them as a crutch
The characters seem legitimately haunted by their actions

What I did not like:
The death star being used but not blowing up planets
The scene with the pilot and the movie and fuck alien
How they had to show all the characters dying one at a time
The princess Leia scene at the end

*mind fuck alien

its better the other way

White Men Are Evil Part 3

I almost didn't correct it desu.

Jewish Marxism: The Movie part III


i liked tfa but i really hope 9 is better

it probably won't be

>i liked tfa

wonder how many other Star Wars films there will be in 10 years

There will still only be 6.

Don't you mean I FEEL FAR FROM GOOD

"Like It Or Not, Star Wars Needs J.J. Abrams Now More Than Ever"


What a cuck

It's not like I needed more justification for not seeing anymore Star Wars after TFA, anyway.
Nice digits.



first he killed Star Trek, now he's finishing off Star Wars, what beloved franchise will he kill next

this it was ok/average but it was miles better than SW:TFA



Yet I bet they still love TFA and have full faith in 8 and 9 even though they've already seen the next movie is BIGGER ATATS BIGGER STAR DESTROYER BIGGER EMPEROR BIGGER YODA... and downs syndrome penguins for the Minions audience

Halo has already been ruined. Gears of War?

JoBlo still exists? I used to live on their forum like 12 years ago.

Indiana Jones