Anybody here knows the comic "Valerian et Laureline"...

Anybody here knows the comic "Valerian et Laureline"? There's a upcoming live adaptation featuring Cara Delevigne and Rihanna

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Inspiration for Star wars....

Yes, I've been hearing bits and pieces about this. I'm interested to see what the movie will be like.

I read the first tome,it was enjoyable. The action was solid, so was the plot, story,and characters. Laureline was effective and not just a damsel, but I read she becomes a lot active in later tales.

Seems to be this story that gotta be adapted


Sadly she's not a redhead like in the comic

There was even an anime. Not in the same style

>Dat title

A larger image

The casting for the movie is so awful.

>Eyebrow troll
And just like that, there goes all interest.

The only book I had any interaction with was a hardcover french version of "Heroes of the Equinox" my cousins had awhile ago.

>Luc Besson

He had not been always that bad! Remember earlier movies. I missed some recent ones

Overrated as fuck.

storytime pls

What movies has he made beside this and The Fifth Element?

Please stop casting Cara Develigne in movie

Well, he had also adopted a classic BD, the Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec, with terrible results.

Leon - The Professional.

You know, the one with the Hitman and little girl Natalie Portman.

Educate yourself, pleb. They showed aliens that are exlcusive to Ambassador of the Shadows and the setting is taken from that album as well.

>with terrible results.

The movie was fun. Not fun in the same way as the comics, but fun in its own way.

>fuck quality, this is fun
You liked the film = you didn't understand the book

As i remember, the big blue, i haven't seen lucy, nikita , and more


A lot of these bits were fom comics that came out after Star Wars.

Everything is relative, everyone has his best off list possible. Sometimes is just the least bad list

I haven't read the comics yet. Thinking of mass buying them on Amazon. Do they ever fuck?

Can you confirm it?

I get the comics alright, but I think the movie was an okay popcorn movie.

>Do they ever fuck?
In panel? Not really. The series is too old for that. Valerian does defeate both communism and fascism to become the father of a whole alien species though and Lareline dresses up as S/M Barbarella at least once.

>I get the comics alright
No you don't, casual.

Oh god, please call me a faggot as well while you're at it.

He made a movie that quotes a few characters and situations from the series, but is otherwise completely different. Still manages to be a decend popcorn flic, so whatever, you really can't expect any better in the first place.

Cara Delevigne
>in 2 highly overrated/shit movies
>now is considered a real actress
This is like allowing Vanilla Ice to continue his acting career.

Them both being rewritten into shitty characters is worse than the wierd casting, IMO.

>Lara croft is better than Adele Blanc Sec
You Americans, seriously.

Well fucking aside, do they end up together? It seems to tease that angle, and I despise that endless tease status quo thing older media does.

>Well fucking aside, do they end up together?

They've basically been an item for the whole series. This isn't really put into doubt or only alluded to in passing either, as Yoko and Vic's relationship in Yoko Tsuno.

>Empire of a Thousand Planets: 1969
>World without Stars : 1970
>Welcome to Alflolol : 1971
>Star Wars - A New Hope: 1977
I don't care about who ripped off who, but, please, user, just shut up instead of saying obvious bullshit, think about board quality

Yes. They're together. Zero doubt about it. It's an unusual relationship, in that it's hinted that they fuck since the first adventure, but it's never clearly said or shown. They kiss, get jealous, say they love each other when speaking with other characters, but it's completely incidental to the story. It's just a professional couple going on adventures.
Nonetheless, Valerian does have silhouette sex with a handful of alien, CIA agents, and a goddess, and Laureline seduces more than a few guys. The spatio-temporal service expects a lot of its agents, it seems.
Pic related.

Besson said that he got some inspiration from Laureline for Leeloo in the 5th element, and that now he wants to avoid an image of someone that always cast redheads. Truly unfortunate.

The movie is called Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, though. Even if the name could apply to central point, why would you mislead fans of the comic like that?

Yuppers. We call him 'Ravian', though, for reasons I do not know.