What the heck? When did the Simpsons become good again? I just watched this episode and was blown away by the animation...

What the heck? When did the Simpsons become good again? I just watched this episode and was blown away by the animation. The story line was solid and there was plenty of chuckles. Is this the best season since 9?

Which episode is this again?

The From season 25+ The Simpsons have no longer been Horrible, but the episodes still trend from mediocre to good with a gem every season or so. No-where near as good as the olden days but better then the dark days.

Simpsons still needs to be taken out and shot, but now it's a sick dog instead of a disease filled maggot.

Episodes with Matt Selman as showrunner have always been high points in recent seasons. The animation WAS particularly exceptional in this episode, though.

>Which episode is this again?
"The Town." Very recent one where they went to Boston.

>When did the Simpsons become good again?
when Al Jean came back, in 2010
It's been bumpy, not exactly a METEORIC rise back to the top, but.. it's been a lot better than 2002-2009
one major difference is that even in that previous bad period, it still sort of 'felt like the simpsons'. now it doesn't, as much. shit like wiggum getting a jetpack was funny and amusing and entertaining, but it didn't feel like chief wiggum. it barely sounded like him

Don't bother, OP.

Admitting to liking current Simpsons is forbidden here on Sup Forums.

So is being a tripfag, but that didn't stop you, did it?

What? I watched the episode because AVclub said it was good.

It wasn't. It was basicly an add for Boston with some harmless

Memeber when they made fun of New York?
Or Tokio?
Or Australia?

do they look more orange here or is it just the autumn colors playing tricks on me?

wtf i just accidentally watched some 20 minute ad for boston

give me a list of boston companies other than dunkin donuts to boycott.

Do The Simpsons do election episodes? When can I see liberal election meltdown in it?

boston market

There were ads for an upcoming one but it got shelved I guess.
the 2012 one was teeth-gnashingly terrible and made me want to punch someone, but really in general the last 6 years of the show have been a lot better

When did he ever leave, and why couldn't he stay away permanently?

I haven't seen this one yet. Thanks for using spoiler tags assholes.

Piss poor bait attempt if you ask me man.

what? he was part of the good era in the old days. he left when everyone good left, and coming back was probably why it got a little better

>it's been a lot better than 2002-2009

I strongly disagree with including 2002-2005 as being worse than the current years.

really? the guantanamo bay episode didnt ruffle you a bit?
look at the funzo episode.. yeah it's okay, but it was aggressively nonsensical and half the scenes end abruptly unfinished. you can even see by the closed captioning how they were changed last-minute because at this point they had no idea how to do anything.

>when Al Jean came back, in 2010

Err what? He's been showrunner since 2001.

I never said they were perfect. But you are really fucking delusional to think there hasnt been any episodes that are worse in recent years.

nnno, he was there from the beginning but LEFT circa 2001 and came back around 2009

I didn't say haven't been any, just that overall it's significantly better since 2010, with occasional HUGE stinkers in between 'this is pretty okay' episodes.
just like family guy

Wrong. He left in 1993 to work on the critic, returned in 1998.

>He doesn't know Boco
Take it easy newfag, as long you don't open you mouth you're fine

>LEFT circa 2001 and came back around 2009
Except thats wrong.


You're a legit retard.

Happens at times, you just shouldn't count on it enough to bother.

>just that overall it's significantly better since 2010

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Because the amount of episodes I've enjoyed since 2010 can be counted on one hand. Where as I can count at least a dozen from 2002-2005.

>blown away by the animation

gonna need some webm proof user

Do you remember which episode it was? I found two episodes with Obama but doubt they're it.

No fuck off

2008 Simpsons > Anything post 2010