What did you honestly think of "It"?

What did you honestly think of "It"?

Most importantly, did Beverly wind up dating my man Ben or did she cuck him with Bill?

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Good overall but great when compared to other horror films

The worst part of the whole thing were the shitty jumpscares, but otherwise it was kidkino with actually decent child actors and a good script.


Best scene

Solid 8.5/10

But this though?

This will give you nightmares.

7/10, pretty good for modern horror standards but would've functioned much better as a stand by me 2.0 where the losers fight Bowers' crew
also fuck the heavy metal rock throwing scene what a jarrinh tonal shift



I just realized that since IT came out, there's been no baneposting. So there's that

This could have been better. You linger too long on the pipe picture.

I got something better...


I just got back from seeing it. I say 3/5 (as opposed to the 1990 version being a 2/5). It was a pretty decent movie, but it really wasn't that scary. It almost did the fun kiddish atmosphere thing as well as Stranger Things did but not quite. Also it felt sort of disjointed, like nothing was particularly wrong with any scenes but they didn't flow together that well.

this thing was the scariest thing in the entire movie, fuck pennywise.

not a perfect loop, 2/10


does anyone know if this is a real painting, or just one created for the film?

movie was lead a little too hard by the soundtrack, but everything else was great


It was well acted, creepy, and funny. I just didn't find it to be very scary. I felt that Pennywise's alternate forms to be very goofy looking, and a lot of the special effects to be shoddy. It would have honestly had been a huge letdown if the actors weren't so good.

>the leper didn't offer to suck eddie's cock
missed opportunity there

>mfw now I have to kill this fucking clown

Disagree. The best scene is when Pennywise blew up to the size of the garage and rushed all the kids out. That was epic. Too bad there was no other scene that topped it later on in the film.

The best scenes were in the garage and the Haunted house the first time.
Everything else was good, but the movie wasn't in the least bit scary. Solidly made, could have been better

I really liked the garage scene but that CGI sucked.

Couldn't he have just grown huge in the final sewer fight? Or was that a one time thing because his image was projected and enlarged?

based off Amedeo Modigliani's work I'm sure

It was a solid adaption. Wish they had made Derry seem more like a haunted/cursed town. Don't think they did enough with that.

The childhood theme was translated really well.

Loved that they focused far more on the actual story and characters instead of making it endless jumpscares.
Wasn't particularly scary but that could have been because I know the book

If give it a 7/10.

Not sure why but the scene that had the biggest impact on me was the library book scene but not what was in the book, the fucking librarian in the background looking at the camera terrified me.

>implying the best part isn't when Mike is getting his ass kicked and Pennywise is waving at him with a severed arm

Surprisingly the best scene honestly.

I fucking hated this thing jesus fuck only thing in the movie that scared me


A lot of the movie felt like it was a lot better in theory than in practice, which is how I feel about the book and the miniseries. It lacked a lot in atmosphere and a lot of the scares happened a little too quickly to be appreciated in the first watch. But it was still a massive improvement, I really thought new Pennywise would be awful from the promo material. The Japanese twitchy run shit needed to go, that effect always sucks but they only did it twice. The performances were all very good, which is really rare with a mostly child cast. I'm almost definitely going to see it again. I had a lot of fun.

I hate horror movies but my friends made me go.

the only "scary" part of the movie was the beginning scene with the little brother. Everything else after was kinda silly fun, like the effects like
were fun, not scary lol

Kinda happy it was more of an adventure film than horror movie

That library scene with the librarian staring at the camera with the smile on her face getting closer with each shot was kino as fuck

Fuck this shit.

delete this

Glad someone else agrees, as Ben kept flicking through the pages I had a horrible chilling feeling that she was getting closer to the camera

I really liked it, tone was perfect for me. I could've watched it longer

Did anyone else notice how in some of the scenes, all the adults/extras in the background would stop what they were doing and just stare at the camera
I feel like I imagined it but the librarian thing makes me not so sure



No wonder Stan commits suicide, he was up close and personal with that freaky thing.
Not to give WB any ideas but that painting monster could lead its own horror movie.

So are we gonna have to wait 27 years for "Chapter Two" like with Twin Peaks's "See you in 25"?

fuckin Voldemort

even more proof IT is the story of a bunch of muggle kids fighting a boggart

Should have been hitler


I really want that woman to be a reference to the fashion model from Junji Ito.

Did you guys notice the tv in bevs house being the same show as later and talking about sewers and clowns? Also I was curious what the librarian was doing

it'll be out within 2 years most definitely

My favorite part is when Ben says Dairy used to be a Beaver Trapping camp, and Ritchie says, "It still is! Ain't that right, guys?" and raises his hand for a high five.
I laughed louder than I should have.

>not just any arm
>Georgie's arm

I read she was from mama

'nother pic

Yeah, that happened twice, when the woman on television was saying "come float with us" in the background

That definitely happened a few times. None as obvious as the librarian.

did he died?

Isnt this supposed to be randall flag from dark tower

I don't care how stupid his jokes were, I still thought they were fun. Especially that one.

Nope, it's based on the works of Amedeo Modigliani.
The director's family had a painting by the artist in their house that freaked him out as a kid.

Definitely looks like an inspiration.

>Ito references
I swear this is horror equivalent of Jojofags.

Watching horror films alone in the dark at home is better than watching them at the theater. For me at least. I just don't get creeped out watching horror in theatres.

>cucked generation that eats up shit and calls it gold

man must suck to be you guys, fucking dont even know what good movies are anymore, enjoy youre 19th remake of old classics

He's popular, so what? It'd make sense to see him referenced in something mainstream.

Man must suck to be a spurg

The tv movie was trash

>If you loved Chosen Jacobs in the role of Mike Hanlon, we’ve got some sad news for you. As the group member who chooses to stay in Derry and keep watch over the town, he becomes a tormented and possibly drug-addled librarian. “My idea of Mike in the second movie is quite darker from the book,” Muschietti told EW. “I want to make his character the one pivotal character who brings them all together, but staying in Derry took a toll with him. I want him to be a junkie actually. A librarian junkie. When the second movie starts, he’s a wreck.” But apparently the drugs will be necessary to expand his consciousness, making Mike the keystone to vanquish It. “He will bear the role of trying to figure out how to defeat him,” Muschietti added. “The only way he can do that is to take drugs and alter his mind.” All this calls back to the book version of It, in which the kids share visions of It’s origins after participating in a psychedelic ritual together (the Ritual of Chüd).

I like the idea of how Mike staying Derry has literally taken a mental and physical toll on him while the Losers left the town to become successful and well rounded adults.

No, there definitely has been over the weekend.

People discussing a movie just released that is popular

>time to remind everyone how patrician I think my tastes are
>life amounts to telling strangers you're too cool to discuss something

They should've just kept Mike as the researcher then. Why make Ben the researcher if they're gonna have Mike be the librarian?

Am I the only one who was annoyed by this? It reminded me of something shitty that Marilyn Manson would paint. Plus the painting looked so out of place and pretentious in that regard.

>druggie Mike
I should hate this but it makes sense.

Was King doing coke when he wrote some of what's in the book?


What do you guys think the 1990 It? I just watched it for the first time and I thought it was okay, but the scene when they gang up on the actual monster at the End left a terrible taste in my mouth.

Last fight is the easily the weakest part.

Haven't watched it in at least 10 years because I love it and don't want that to change. From what I remember the kids were the best part and had a really comfy vibe when they were together, similar to Stand By Me.

>book and original miniseries mike: middle aged well spoken black man researching at the library trying to put the pieces together and defeat IT once more
>2017 remake mike: "ey hol up this town is all fucked up and crazy n shieet so thats why I called all y'all mufuckas back to defeat that fuckin clown. I juss need y'all to chip in $5 each so I can go see my dude who sells me them magic rocks. I'll smoke them in my dingereeoo pipe like them indians used to and we'll be on our way to fight that evil spirit ghost clown (neck scratching intensifies)

The miniseries was good. The new version is a bunch of jump scares where none of them work. Plus I liked the idea of the miniseries going back in forth in time through flashbacks. Also, Tim Curry actually speaks a lot. It's a more psychological horror film which is always better. Skarsgard only talks in the beginning of the movie and mainly just goes "RAWWRR!" through the rest of it.

I like the new version honestly.
It fits the comedy the new one has.

>people are actually trying to say IT isn't a horror movie

It's as much of a horror movie as Nightmare on Elm Street for fuck's sake.

Mike keeps booze in the library to get shitfaced while researching the horrors of the town. Him self medicating is nothing new.

>middle aged adults punching and kicking a big stupid video game boss
The ending sucked

>Skarsgard only talks in the beginning of the movie and mainly just goes "RAWWRR!" through the rest of it.

this was honestly my biggest gripe of the new one. Skarsgard was actually very good in his speaking parts and he was cut short by the script. the georgie boat scene was fucking kino at the beginning and set me up to see some good scenes from him but instead we got mostly twitchy screaming scenes from him the rest of the movie instead.

This reminded me of the Other Mother from Coraline, but shittier. In fact most of the illusion monsters were pretty bad.

The final battle blows ass because they have Pennywise talk up being a spooky eldritch horror and then there's just a giant spider that gets stomped.

I mean yes, they stomp it as adults in the book too, but there's more to it.

Holy fuck I thought I was imagining that. I think the other adult that was sitting down was doing it too.

>the librarian staring at the camera with the smile on her face getting closer with each shot was kino as fuck

seriously? i had no clue.

Yeah, the few times he got to speak were really damn good, hope we get more bants with the adults
>"I was real enough for Georgie!"
>"Time to float!"

>It's a more psychological horror film which is always better.

Enough of this fucking "IT is a psychological horror" meme. ESPECIALLY the old miniseries which was cheesy as fuck even for the time.

Modigliani is one scary dude. Expressionism, man, it will fuck your life up.

I was literally sitting next to a black kid during the Henry Bowers beating up Mike Hanlon fight. I kept waiting for Henry to call him a "nigger" which was more likely to happen back in 1989.

Aaaaaand... it never happens. I was somewhat disappointed by such a PC ReddIT move.

I kinda felt like they were actually going to do the gangbang scene.

Maybe in the sequel? That'd be pretty edgy.

I was kind of shocked they didn't. you'd think the filmmakers would jump on a chance to have white people use that word in a movie.

Not looking forward to the sequel. The adult segments were the weakest part of the book and miniseries. This pretty much proved that IT works best when it's a single focused story about kids taking on the monster; if you take them out, it's pretty much your typical OOGA BOOGA monster mash.

The real thing you're missing out on is he probably won't call Mike a niggerjunglebunnyboogienightfighterjigdarkie or whatever it is when he attacks him in the library.

Oh my god, I can't unsee it now. It's even holding the flute like he holds his wand.

I'm in love with Beverly

Someone post the tampon buying scene

Shes gonna be a qt when shes older. Assuming she doesn't ruin herself lije so many female child celebs do.

Her ass shot at the tampon aisle really made me squirm since she's really 15 and all. I felt it was gratuitous and creepier than Pennywise. I mean they should have shot her from the waist up. I'm sure all the dads in here would agree.