Were her actions justified?

Were her actions justified?

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Is that a tranny?

>a tall girl will never ever abuse your manlet body

no its an Arcturian alien.

She's a tall broad

What is this technique called?

>mfw he starts raising the roof while thrusting

...Russ Hanneman? This guy fucks.

ryan madison is like 5'5 bro

That's why he said manlet.

girls name?

5 me

It looks like Alexa Grace.

why is this guy not banned? I was banned by posting lighter crap than this

because you're new

>being a little bitch
Fuck you, guy.

Check out this faggot over here.

>Were her actions justified?
Making love to Tay Tay is always justified.

>this is still up
wew lad

Tall women look awkward.

The same could be said about niggers.

Niggers look retarded

>I want her to shit in my mouth.

Why are tall actresses so sexy?



Not an argument.

Which one are you, user talking about ? I see faults & failure in both babes !!!

this fuckin guy

me on the right

I'm lost. What actions? Turning Taylor Swift gay?

I don't even know what her actions were op

Is that isn't the baseline for elbows too pointy I don't know what is.

No. Her actions were pretending to be a coder.


>mfw 6'2
>met up with 3 old pals as we've all moved on in life
>my horror when I was the shortest, one friend being like 6'7

So THIS is what manlets feel like.

Its horrible.

Social pressures of our time mean every girl gets pushed towards grrrl power/androgyny. If Karlie were born 60 years ago, she'd be demonstrating how to be a perfect housewife.

Don't blame her for not being an edgy anti-conformist.

>That video
Good shit, user



Nah that is what lanklets feel like, you put too much self worth in your height so you feel like shit when you meet someone taller, majority of manlets just are usually fine with height unless they are 5'6 or under

a rich persons actions are almost never justified.

looks hideous

4 inch SHOE

I liked her with her brown hair more desu.

She needs to make lots of babies.

that scene truly was something completely special.

60 years ago they wouldn't let that freak out in public.

t. angry manlet

man, love those old powell and peralta graphics