How would you rank the Batman: Reborn titles at launch? (ignoring the quality dip a few of them took later on)

How would you rank the Batman: Reborn titles at launch? (ignoring the quality dip a few of them took later on)

>Batman and Robin
>Gotham City Sirens
>Detective Comics/Batwoman
>Streets of Gotham
>Red Robin

What a good era.

Sirens should have started and ended with Dini

>1 god tier run
>2-3 amazing runs
>1-2 really good runs
>3 ok runs

We need to go back.

Yes, Sadly 2009/2011 DC was a little bad, except for Batbooks and Supergirl.

Will Morrison ever work on an ongoing again?

I really miss that Batgirl run

Will Dini?

I don't think he'd ever do Batman again. I have to imagine he did everything he could have wanted to do there; 7 years is a long time.

Probably not. He's probably going to do OGNs, minis, and one-shots from now on.

It's the best the Bat Universe has ever been and probably ever will be.

>Batman and Robin
>Detective Comics/Batwoman
>Streets of Gotham
>Red Robin
>Gotham City Sirens

Red Robin is making a Tim fan out of me.

Red Robin was ok, but I definitely wouldn't put it above GCS under Dini.

>Sirens that low

C'mon m8. Dini's Sirens is one of the best Female team-up books to ever exist, like top 5 female team-up book

The series was incredibly strong but I hated the ending and it left a sour taste in my mouth. Loved Batgirl though.

Me too, that why I consider Calloway & Bedard Sirens as not canon and simply a "What If". Dini created something great with Sirens and I dunno why DC had to destroy it

But itself Dini Sirens is 10/10, after that it goes to a 6/10 to a 1/10

I have started reading comics around DCYou and I have tried to get into this era, but I couldn't. It's just kind of unreachable and weird.

Funny enough, 80s, and some of the 90s and early 00s was much easier to get into.

I hope Dini & Nguyen eventually do more Batman stuff together

I think the problem is that the 2009-2011 era was an amazing culmination of years of bat character histories, so if you were privy to that, it felt like a perfect payoff. If you jump right in, however, you'd feel a little disconnected

1. Batman and Robin
2. Detective Comics
3. Batgirl
4. Red Robin
5. Gotham City Sirens
6. Batman
7. Streets of Gotham
8. Outsiders

>like top 5 female team-up book

What would you put above it?

Honestly I don't know. I just know that I can't say that it's #1 because I sense there's are better books than Sirens out there, but Dini's Sirens can be say that it's a Top 5 female team-up book

The only one I see people state as comparable is BoP, and I feel like that's really overrated.

Batman and Robin, Detective, Red Robin, Batgirl were all great. Streets was ok.

I feel bad for ignoring Sirens and Batgirl, but storytimes were harder to come by back then...

Sup Forums HATED Steph as Batgirl, it was insane. gotta love dat woman hating

Talking about Storytimes, I wonder how Sup Forums reacted to this page back then

That was just Cassfags pissed that she wasn't batgirl anymore. Completely ignoring the fact that her book hadn't been good in years.

Are we ever gonna have a bat lineup like this again?

This is bait.

I bought Stephanie's series just as much as Cassandra's. Only difference was it took by #4 for Stephanie to find her footing and her own costume.

> Batman & Robin
> Detective Comics
> Gotham City Sirens
> Streets of Gotham
> Outsiders
> Batgirl
> Red Robin
> Batman

Red Robin had the same issues. Though the moment when Marcus To came on the book and it suited Yost more than whomever the hell drew those first few issues.

At the end, Streets and Gotham City Sirens lost their footing when Dini left. Detective kept the pace when Snyder came on.

Batman & Robin was just tredding water. It was alright. Just a prelude to the later run by Tomasi and Gleason.

Still, the best comic of the second year was Batman Inc.

>This is bait.

>I disagree so it's bait

I want this to end.

>Batman & Robin was just tredding water. It was alright. Just a prelude to the later run by Tomasi and Gleason.

Man, truly one of the best times to read batbooks

But Sup Forums, which book got the best and the worst ending?

>Batman inc. cliffhanger
>B&R filler issue by David Hine
>Det.Co. Black Mirror finale
>Batman filler issue by Fabian Nicieza
>Red Robin trying to murder Captain Boomerang only to end in bad terms with Bruce
>Batgirl having a meta-hallucination of possible stories that never came to be
>Azrael vanishing into nowhere
>Streets of Gotham Hush/Bruce Wayne saga finale (until Gates of Gotham)
>Outsiders being merged into Batman Inc.
>Gotham City Sirens ending with Pam, Harley and Selina arguing with each other

>Batman inc. cliffhanger
>B&R filler issue by David Hine

I don't really consider these endings considering that Morrison's arcs were all part of one big mega story.

Batgirl's ending was goddamn beautiful

Sirens for sure, since not only it came out destroying everything in its path but also it destroyed one big beautiful friendship that endured for years and years and withstanded all just to end in "lol jk we hate each other now"

But we still had to wait a while for Inc. Vol 2.

If you don't count the filler isuues then:
>B&R ending with Red Hood riding into the sunset with Scarlet, who was never seen again
>Batman Two-Face/Duela Dent quasi-Long Halloween sequel but not really finale

Oh yeah, I forgot Owlman was an Outsider.

Also, that was the run with Freight Train, right?

Why would they? The Batfamily in it's best status right now.

I agree with you, but Dini didn't write it long

Wood's X-Men

Batgirl at the very, very top.
Red Robin, Streets of Gotham, Gotham City Sirens, and Detective Comics are very close. All excellent comics.
I didn't much care for Batman or Batman and Robin, or the Outsiders at the time.

Yup. Though it was getting a bit out of control at the end, with Death of Oracle and Nicieza writing his fantasies for Tim Drake. But on the whole, just a great era.

Yup. I really loved the look at Gotham from a different perspective, but the last half was just not very good at all. Destroyed all the fun of the book.

Exactly. On both points! Batgirl was so excellent.

I feel like you'd have to have at least some reading in the start of Morrison's era (basically from One Year Later onwards) instead of trying to start with the Reborn line.

That's so sad. Cass's series was very good, but it wasn't Steph's fault that her series got canned, or that the editors made her evil.

Steph's series was setting her up as a hero again, and not just as a crummy supporting character that they could get rid of after Dixon retconned her back into existence. Cass's series started out after she'd been established as Batgirl as part of a major popular event. Completely agree that Marcus To was way, way better than Ramon Bachs.

Yes. Yes it was. Sniff.

B&R's finale was a one-shot featuring the French Batman (the muslim one in Paris) and it was AMAZING. Really well done one-shot with an incredible, nasty story that shook me to the core.