Rate and recommend:


Amadeus (Milos Forman, 1984)
Ashes and Diamonds (Andrzej Wajda, 1958)
Caché (Michael Haneke, 2005)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (John Ford, 1962)
Seven Samurai (Akira Kurosawa, 1954)
The Seventh Seal (Ingmar Bergman, 1957)
Shame (2011, Steve McQueen)
Stalker (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1979)
Taxi Driver (Martin Scorsese, 1976)
Unforgiven (Clint Eastwood, 1992)


The Leftovers (2014-2017)
The Sopranos (1999-2007)
The Wire (2002-2008)
Six Feet Under (2001-2005)
The Twilight Zone (1959-1964)

How boring and Reddit can someone's taste be?

just watched Badlands and Days of Heaven for the first time, good list OP though I haven't seen many of the international ones
>The Shining
>The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>Eyes Wide Shut
>Nightmare on Elm Street
>Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)
>Mulholland Drive
>Frankenstein (1931)
>The Thing
>Barry Lyndon
>Sunset Boulevard

>Twilight Zone
>the news


Good man.

Love the horror taste. Have yet to see Barry Lyndon but need to some time soon, preferably baked.

>Caché (Michael Haneke, 2005)

been meaning to watch this for a long time desu


Tombstone > Unforgiven

Fight me

1. Մեր դարը (Peleshian, 1983)
2. Obrazy Starého Sveta (Hanák, 1972)
3. Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (Schrader, 1985)
4. American Dreams (Lost And Found) (Benning, 1984)
5. گاو (Mehrjui, 1969)

>no robocop, predator, road warrior, starship troopers, terminator, aliens, or the thing

good list but i feel like its lacking soul

>six feet under

robocop 2
mad max
road warrior
starship troopers

In no order

Apocalypse Now
McCabe and Mrs Miller
Chimes at Midnight
Straw Dogs

Don't watch much tv but
Twin Peaks
How it's Made

What is this comment supposed to mean, Six Feet Under is pure telekino

>essential boy pretending to be a man core

>Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (Schrader, 1985)

Definitely need to check this one out

>Blue Velvet
>The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
>The Shining
>Young Frankenstein
>Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
>American Pop
>The Thing
>Last of the Mohicans
>The Green Mile
>2001: A Space Odyssey

>Twin Peaks
>Black Books
>Star Trek TNG
>The Prisoner

sneed formally snide

>not a single mention of the greatest animated picture of all time

muh nigga


>The Straight Story
>Jeremiah Johnson
>Django Unchained
>Speed Racer
>Rolling Thunder
>O Brother Where Art Thou
>The Road to Wellville
>The Life Aquatic

>Twin Peaks
>Freaks and Geeks
>The Simpsons (2-8)
>True Detective
>The Prisoner

>six feet under was good
The first 2 seasons were fantastic, no doubt about it.
But then it morphed into a strong arm for the progressive movement. The way the characters acted in the later seasons, completely contradicted how they were built up in the first two seasons. The show was painful to watch, from every angle since the beginning of season 3.

Return of the Living Dead
Kung-fu Hustle
Terminator 2
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Silence of the Lambs
Carnival of Souls
Blood Feast
Corpse Grinders

The Twilight Zone
Star Trek
Night Court


Do you guys like comedies?

Batman Returns
Batman Forever
Batman and Robin
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman: The Animated Series
The New Batman Adventures
Batman Beyond
The Batman

no particular order


-Funny Games (the remake)
-Taxi Driver
-Boogie Nights
-Requiem for a Dream
-Lord of the Rings
-History of the World Part 1
-La grande bellezza
-The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus


-The Wire
-That 70's Show
-Cowboy Bebop (they used to air this on Cartoon Network so I'm counting it as a TV show)

Am I a good boy?

>But then it morphed into a strong arm for the progressive movement


Could stand to loosen up a bit but you've got taste kid

>Funny Games (the remake)

10 and 5 right? order:

Carpenter's The Thing
Apocalypse Now
The Godfather: Part II
The Empire Strikes Back
Raiders of the Lost Ark
There Will Be Blood
Boogie Nights
The Dark Knight
The Sting

Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Battlestar Galactica (New)

In no paticular order

>the Matrix
>DR strangelove
>24 hours
>Fight Club
>Starship Troopers
>In Brudges
>Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas
> A Scanner Darkly
>Falling Down

>Cowboy Bebop
>The Twilight Zone
>Breaking Bad
>Game Of Thrones

Am I autistic Sup Forums?

>I'm going to disregard this opinion because I can't deny this observable fact
Great argument bro

You are for caring about what random anonymous people think of you, dumb pleb

Fucking LOL leave this site


Big Hero 6
Batman v Superman
Mulholland Drive
Nocturnal Animals
The French Connection
Let the Right One In
Blue Velvet
The Bridge on the River Kwai

The Sopranos
Golden Age Simpsons

k thx

Its shit except for the music and the visuals

Don't care enough to compile a full list but Mulholland Drive is the greatest film of all time, Mad Men is the greatest television drama of all time and 30 Rock is the greatest television comedy of all time


>30 Rock is the greatest television comedy of all time

Mulholland Drive is the greatest film of the 21st century, you meant, right?


The only people who give a shit about old movies are fucking filmmakers and autistic retards masturbating over their "superior" tastes like fucking hipsters.

>30 Rock is the greatest television comedy of all time

In no particular order
- The Dark Knight
- Snatch
- Casino
- Goodfellas
- Godfather Part 2

I legitimately haven't watched a movie in about 4 or 5 years, I used to like watching movies but I can't be bothered with them anymore.

- Westworld
- True Detective S1
- Twin Peaks
- Breaking Bad
- Seinfeld

Noteworthy shows:
- Arrested Development
- Early Simpsons
- S1,2,3 Game of Thrones

The `1951 The Thing (From Another World) is a classic in it's own right and the prequel has it's fans so fuck off.

Oleanna 1994 Feature 8 6.7 2,495 06 Sep 2015
Julien Donkey-Boy 1999 Feature 8 6.7 5,674 14 Jun 2015
With Blood on My Hands: Pusher II 2004 Feature 8 7.4 14,977 18 Aug 2015
I Stand Alone 1998 Feature 8 7.5 15,460 20 Jan 2016
The Lookout 2007 Feature 8 7.1 52,673 14 Jun 2015
The Piano Teacher 2001 Feature 8 7.4 43,034 11 Jan 2016
Bully 2001 Feature 8 7.0 30,720 02 Feb 2016
Killer Joe 2011 Feature 8 6.7 63,140 14 Jun 2015
Gummo 1997 Feature 8 6.7 26,266 14 Jun 2015
Grizzly Man 2005 Documentary 8 7.8 44,551 08 Sep 2015
Bug 2006 Feature 8 6.1 29,245 14 Jun 2015
Buffalo '66 1998 Feature 8 7.5 39,135 03 Oct 2015
Blade Runner 1982 Feature 8 8.2 508,221 13 Jun 2015
Jaws 1975 Feature 8 8.0 453,008 24 Jul 2015
The Matrix 1999 Feature 8 8.7 1,334,679 7 months ago
Fight Club 1999 Feature 8 8.8 1,486,107 16 Feb 2016
The Wolf of Wall Street 2013 Feature 8 8.2 891,012 10 months ago
Alien 1979 Feature 8 8.5 630,288 13 Jun 2015
Zodiac 2007 Feature 8 7.7 341,187 13 Jun 2015
American Psycho 2000 Feature 8 7.6 389,481 14 Jun 2015
Taxi Driver 1976 Feature 8 8.3 560,683 03 Apr 2016
Heat 1995 Feature 8 8.2 468,154 31 Jan 2016
There Will Be Blood 2007 Feature 8 8.1 410,707 14 Jun 2015
Nightcrawler 2014 Feature 8 7.9 344,970 13 Jun 2015
Mud 2012 Feature 8 7.4 145,623 27 Jan 2016
Melancholia 2011 Feature 8 7.1 139,719 13 Jun 2015

the only decent post in the entire thread

>the prequel has it's fans

You and three other cunts.

>no refn

wrong, i have pusher 2

sorry i didnt see it

>making any top 10

Watching Barry Lyndon baked could lead to time stopping and frantic phone calls to Psych docs.

Greatest film I've ever seen, if you want to get semantic about it. Obviously I haven't seen every film ever made but I've seen most of the ones people rave about and that's my judgment.

Which one do you think is better? I've laughed harder at 30 Rock than any other comedy many times over.

Arrested, Curb, Frasier, Seinfeld

>The Road to Wellville
dosent get any recognition
some delicious boobage only makes it even more comfy

All great comedies, arrested is the only one that comes close to 30 in terms of sheer cry-laughing for me though

Refn is a pleb director for plebs that want to think they're into "arthouse"


The Thing.
Out Of The Blue (Dennis Hopper, 1980)
Trainspotting (Danny Boyle, 1996)
The Wanderers (Philip Kaufman, 1979)
Pulp Fiction.
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.
Full Metal Jacket.
Starship Troopers

Special Mention to Treasure Planet as the movie of my childhood.


Generation Kill.
Cowboy Bebop.
HBO Rome.
Band of Brothers.

I see that Days of Heaven picture. May Linda Manz be... Dare I say, /ourloli/?

This looks like a bizarre nazi porno


1. Sicario (2015)
2. Inland Empire (2006)
3. Stalag 17 (1953)
4. 28 Days Later (2002)
5. Take Shelter (2011)
6. Taxi Driver (1976)
7. The Fugitive (1993...Harrison's best)
8. KIDS (1995)
9. Trainspotting (1996)
10. The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999)

don't watch tv kek

Check out The Panic In Needle Park if you haven't already.


Don't wanna really want to ruin the joke but it ain't. It's a coming of age film about historical new york teen gangs and these are the Fordham Baldies.

They weren't actually bald and the film director knew this but they went with it even though actual members of the real life baldies in the 60s showed up and basically rioted on the set.

Good times.

i've seen all of these except Oleanna, which i'll seek out ( loved Edmond) and the lookout
>14,977 does not see to exist

>everyone in this thread pretending to not like game of thrones
Fuck off we all think it's great

Why is Pusher 2 so feking great


For a change I'm not going to play the contrarian. I just don't like the new season.


Das boot
Day of heaven
The assassination of Jesse James
Christiane F
La planete sauvage
Mais ne nous délivrez pas du mal
The handmaiden
Lawrence of Arabia


The x files
Six feet under
Star trek TOS

Got is shit, pleb.

No order:
Possession (Zulawski)
Paris, Texas (Wenders)
Blow Up (Antonioni)
The Exterminating Angel (Buñuel)
Au Hasard Balthazar (Bresson)
A Summer's Tale (Rohmer)
The Aviator's Wife (Rohmer)
Repulsion (Polanski)
Dead Man (Jarmusch)

I'm forgetting some. Also I don't care about shows, I liked Mad Men I guess

Simon from the Desert and Nostalghia are underrated

not worth recommending a show everyone has seen
now Star Wars....thats a good a movie aaaa

Shit now I feel stupid because I didn't put Das Boot in It's actually my favourite war film.

In my defence, it's 7 AM.

Now, may we talk about the Loli at hand?

>friends, six feet under
>got is shit
You're legitimately gay aren't you?

>planet of the apes
>the matrix
>the shining
>day the earth stood still

i guess that would be it

Zodiac fans tell me. Is it an accepted criticism of the movie, that it went for too long? When I first watched it I felt it dragged on a bit.

Ya know, the first time I saw it I would have agreed. On repeat viewings I find myself wanting more and more though. It grows, I rewatch it fairly often

nice taste user.
strangely no, although i watched friends since my childhood, and i cried like a bitch with six feet under final, and got is ultrashit, the books are way better

I just learned that about Out of the blue, looks like loli-kino

You have convinced me to give it another go

Knight of Cups
Inland Empire
Voices Through Time
Inherent Vice
The Tree of Life
Andrei Rublev
Upstream Color
Fire Walk With Me
Twin Peaks
True Detective

Nice, check out Woman in the Dunes
Comfy taste, watch F for Fake
Nice picks, have you seen Welles' Othello?
I like your list, not sure what to reccomend, maybe Solaris and The Master
Nice, thoughts on Kieslowski?

La Dolce Vita
Fallen Angels
At Home among Strangers
Andrei Rublev
Das Boot
End of Evangelion

The Sopranos
So Ra No Wo To
The Leftovers
I, Claudius

How art-housy is it? I need another movie to watch but I don't want something like Bresson right now.

Dennis had his fun. It's a pretty fucked up film overall. Look it up, I'm sorry it won't leave a good taste.

I liked it a lot though because Linda Manz is in her Salsa.

The Thing
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
The Hunt
The Raid
The Guest
O Brother Where Art Thou?
City of God
Seven Samurai

The Leftovers
Twin Peaks
Venture Bros
Utopia (Channel 4)


The Shining
La Haine
Pulp Fiction
Lost in translation
Terminator 1
American Beauty
Eyes Wide Shut
Forrest Gump

Dark Angel season 1 (dat prime Alba eye-candy)
Intervention (realest shit ever)

Adding Gummo to my list of Kinography. What does Sup Forums think of it?

It feels like an art collage.

Robocop (1987)
Oldboy (2003)
The Thing (1982)
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (1966)
Dario Argento's Deep Red (1975)
George A. Romero's Day of the Dead (1985)
The Chaser (2008)
Yojimbo (1961)
Gladiator (2000)
Seven (1995)

Band of Brothers
Arrested Development
Tales for the Crypt
The Walking Dead

I see a lot of people here have The Thing in their lists. Does someone else think that the effects are cheesy as fuck? I think the movie might not have turned into a classy without the effects that were supossedly very good for the time. But nowadays I really feel like they should have not done anything of that. I think the movie works so fucking well as psychologial terror, not knowing who The Thing is. The dog assassinating someone off-screen. And the incertainty at the end of who is The Thing, speculating because of the lack or not of the Breath Vapor in the final scene.

I didn't watch the film when it came out so the effects were straight fucking horrible to me but I really loved the film either way. I just really really wish they didn't attempt to do these things. Think what would have happened if Alien tried to show the Alien in every scene? How would have the effects aged?

not strictly a top 10

Mona Lisa (1986)
crimes and misdeamenors
broadway danny rose
1900 (1976)
tell no one (2006)
seconds (1966)
the last detail (1973)
The Substitute (2007)
The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi (2003)
the wrong guy (1997)

gomorrah the Italian series is excellent

never gets a mention here but it is prue Kino

The master is the only good film that Sup Forums has ever recommended me outside of /lbg/

not that much really, not like on the silver globe.
shit movie taste for someone who watched Dark Angel season 1 probably when it came out.

I think they look fantastic, I think showing the gore full-on made it more terrifying, I think it flips expectations since things like alien and jaws show their monster sparingly.

Yeah but the effects themselves are a bit cartoonish and almost parody-like. The dog at the start of the movie, splitting its own head and shooting blood was great. But I think The Thing in special is a movie that had so much more magic in their psychologial terror than its rather cheap gore. Showing your monster sparingly is the recipe for a well crafted real scary movie that doesn't resort to jumpscares. And The Thing concept would work so well with it because you can't tell the monster apart from someone who isn't the monster. If you keep having the Monster reveal itself every scene the magic kind of goes away, the movie is nonetheless excellent because they somehow managed to get away with it.

I see where you're coming from, but I gotta disagree with the effects looking cartoonish. But you're right about the psychological terror aspect that's the best part of the whole movie. If they ever remake the thing (inevitable) I think it'd be interesting to do it your way, de-emphasizing the monster effects but amping up the creeping terror.

the shining
no country for old men
the master
napoleon dynamite
there will be blood
fellowship of the ring
the elephant man
a nightmare on elm street

the simpsons (golden age)
the office (US)
peep show
xavier renegade angel
south park

They did a prequel but it was fucking awful supossedly in case you missed it. I didn't bother to see it. It's about the Norwegians that found The Thing originally. It has some shitty CGI. Either way, no one wants to make a decent psychological terror film anymore. It peaked in Alien either way.

And I mean, the effects don't look BAD they just look old. They have a LOT of work in them and I appreciate that very much and that's what I think the movie worked even though they abused the hell out of their monster.

I wouldn't want a remake for it because it's bound to fail, right now people only make remakes.
Give it 10-15 more years and a new era good director with an interest for psychological terror revival.

your list is like listening to avant garde classical music and looking at a coffee table book filled with arty photos of decaying buildings

t. potatoposter