/tpg/ - Twin Peaks

spooky windom edition



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I tried to include all the fan favorites.

>/tpg/ has run out of sand

Who played the character better, Windham or Margaret?

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder's Out of Sand proved Vedderposters right. (Pic is evil Cooper)
Listen youtu.be/pXth84G7dkM



1-3: Dress like Dougie
4-6: Act like Dougie
7-9: Eat like Dougie
0: Stick a fork into an electrical socket
Dubs: Do it for a week
Trips: Do it for a month
Quads: Do it until you die


>"Do you remember everything?"
>"Once we cross it could all be different."

What do you think he wondered if Diane remembered?

Where exactly did they cross to?

I never had a thing for huge asses, but ever since the pic of Coop in this outfit talking to Gordon was posted I can't stop thinking about the disgusting, humiliating things I wanna do to him and his big butt. I don't know, /tpg/, I just don't know.


Sheryl Lee is a sweet, lovely, wonderful, talented, amazing, CUTE, kind and intelligent woman with a heart-warming smile, beautiful eyes and a soothing voice!

ODIfego make triforce

Whos the best actor in twin peaks?

I feel like Leland and Ben were clearly on another level to everyone else

Don't come back to Twin Peaks, Sheryl.

Heather Graham, of course.


Michael Ontkean

Piper Laurie

What's up with the old car as well? I wish this part of Part 18 was the only one they made a little more clear.

I mean what happens when they drive into that portal, why does he wake up in a different motel? Who are Richard and Linda and what did the sex accomplish?

Who the heck ever heard of diet lasagna?

Whatever makes you sleep at night veddercuck

Was Ray an FBI informant from the start? If yes, why didn't tell them that their missing agent had grown his hair out, gotten a tan and driven around doing crime?

Sheryl Lee is the greatest one, but I would say the entire Palmer family is the best. Ray Wise and Grace Zabriskie.

Kyle Machlaclan has grown a lot as an actor since 1990, and I would put his performance from TR up there with the Palmers.

>Kyle Machlaclan has grown a lot as an actor since 1990,
Would you say he was good in the original series?

When Cooper asks Diane if she remembers everything after being broken out of the Naido body (???) he may simply be asking if she remembers who she is and how she got there. I think there is more to it than that, though, because seeing her is what starts off the superimposed Cooper face, which seems to signify the point at which the entire timeline (sorry, can't avoid that fucking word) becomes only a memory of Ascended Cooper ("we live inside a dream"). Cooper takes Diane (and Gordon Cole) out of that timeline into the darkness with him. I think that's implying he carries them both out of the original timeline, where Laura dies, into the new timeline he creates, where Laura doesn't die. Diane may have, or always have had, memories of both timelines, maybe also in on the Judy plan (???) which is why as soon as Cooper remembers stuff, he immediately asks her if she does too.

For sure, but a lot better in TR.


Ray was an informant but he was still perfectly happy to kill Evil Coop on the orders of Jeffries (or his impersonator?). I think Ray just looks out for Ray


It's been suggested that Diane and Cooper drive out to the nexus of power lines to find the portal to cross over into the dream / timeline / reality where Laura was taken by Judy (??). In that timeline, Cooper is Richard and Diane is Linda. The sex seems to be a tool to get deeper (???) into that world, because afterwards, Diane seems to have totally become Linda - hence the note left to "Richard" - and left Cooper; and when he leaves the motel, it's changed and so has his car.

Ray Wise was great at the range needed for Leland, from hilarious to terrifying.

Sheryl Lee is irreplaceable as Laura, and she manages to make such a complex character work so well

Grace Zabriskie is phenomenal as Sarah but I always wish she got more material

I always thought Kyle was good in the original, but S3 really cemented him as being top tier as well.

Black grandmas checking them dubs

e18 has got a really, really strong Edward Hopper vibe to it. Nothing overtly surreal but the "normal" locations are infused with a really powerful feeling of loneliness and isolation.

I would say from a narrative standpoint it is the only unsatisfying aspect of the finale for me, I don't need to be spoonfed, but it'd be nice if it made some sense on even an intuitive level. But it's really just confusing to me.

I guess it was effective in one sense, in that the first time i watched it I was sure I was seeing the story of other people, not Cooper and Diane and that gets confirmed with the note the "morning after"

But I wish it at least was made clear when read into, there are a few too many interpretations for it, little too open ended for being such a pivotal sequence in the finale, feels a little lazy on Lynch's behalf to be honest.

>...so then Ray calls me on the phone at 3am asking over and over, "How's Granny? How's Granny? How's Granny? How's Granny?

>whoop there it is

Theyre going into dream world shaped by 1989 Laura

After sex scene, world changes because its shaped by its inhabitants (stuff gets modernized bc coop/horse totem to show judy enters)

When they go to tp notice the r&r has no "r&r to go" sign as no real person has knowledge of it

Fuckmphoneposting and fuck me

Laura was taken by the giant, not judy. Notice that judy cant harm the photo of laura, only the frame. Judy enters the pocket dimension after coop and diane bone (the act of sex apparently attracts it as evidence of the couple killed near the glass case and the horse statue that appears in the hotel room)


So what was your favorite credits mood piece?


Meant for

From lynchnet.com/lumiere/
Policemen find the body of a boy, lying dead in a field. A woman waits at home. A garden tableau of three beautiful women stir. Strange men in overalls walk through a factory as a naked women is trapped in a water tank. The police arrive at a home with news for the woman waiting earlier.

"Premonitions Following an Evil Deed" is a part of the film Lumiere and Company. For the 100 year anniversary of the Lumiere camera, forty directors made one minute film segments using an original restored Lumiere camera. The ground rules were rigidly enforced: a continuous shot to be captured in a maximum of three attempts, no artificial light sources, no synch sound, and that this shot last a maximum of 55 seconds (the length of one reel of film for the camera). Lynch's short cost around $6000 to film and involved several different location changes. He skirted the rules by using his allowed three takes to close the shutter on the camera and move to a different set, thus creating the appearance of five different locations edited together..


Vedderchecking those black granny dubs

I did notice that Sarah couldn't damage the picture, only the frame. My reading of that is that she is super-pissed at Cooper saving Laura, but as she can't destroy/corrupt Laura's spirit (signified by the picture) she snatches Laura out of Cooper's grasp in 1989 and hides her deep inside some other alternate reality/dream. The weird scratching sounds played by the Fireman and heard in Sarah Palmer's house occur when 1989 Laura disappears, these sounds probably signify Judy at work. Cooper was definitely expecting to take 1989 Laura into the White Lodge portal, when she disappears he looks sad and perplexed - suggesting that this happening wasn't part of some plan to "trap" Judy, but something unexpected from Judy itself.


My reading of it was that Laura's past cannot be changed, that whatever it was Cooper "changed" actually changed nothing at all in the original timeline, she may or may not have been saved in an alternate one but not in our Twin Peaks.

That's why she can't damage it, it's as if she's so filled with grief, angry at this idea that it could ever be undone. Laura is dead and the pain left in her wake is still being felt.

Then again, I'm one of those faggots that refuses to believe in the Judy theory, I don't think Judy is anything at all, nothing tangible. Since Lynch and Frost were forced to make Bob into an actual being, this is them taking back the concept of a force, a "Evil" that just out there.

1. Dougie and the statue
2. Laura whispers
3. Audrey's Dance playing backwards
4. Gramophone
5. The Girl
6. Big Ed
7. Piano man
8. Motel
9. RR

Every credit sequence should have been a mood piece, stupid fucking roadhouse performance of the week shit. They were all so dry and void of emotion, considering how important musical performances have been in Lynch's filmography it is shocking to see them presented in this light.

Come on zero

until you die

I think that's what the fight scene of part 17 represents - the transition from a tangible evil (BOB) to a more subtle, omnipresent evil (Judy).

Definitely. If it weren't for that Judy's diner scene, the entire episode would just be Cooper with 2 women, and then the Palmer house owners.

lets talk

lets DANCE


[shoegaze rockabilly music plays]


how the fug did that fat fuck show up in this season?




>ywn tear up downtown Austin with Lynch and Jones

Just kill me right now please

what a joke of a fanbase and a general

Laura never died so there was never an investigation, so he never got caught

It's moonlight sonata but like 500% slowed down

So if Judy comes from Jowday or jiodai or whatever, does that mean Bob and Mike's names are just deformed versions of their real names?



Not a mood piece, but I straight up teared up when Chromatics played at the end of episode 2


RIP, user.

How am i supposed to go back tor regular television now?


yes, their real names are robert and michael

Chromatics definitely was the best roadhouse scene.

You don't. I'm having such a hard time watching anything -- it all just kind of pales by comparison.

Though I did watch the first two episodes of Mad Men and enjoyed it tremendously. But for the most part, I just went back to watching film.

they're all perfect, but big ed working at the station alone waiting for the time to pass hit the hardest.
the perfect sync-up of "starring kyle maclachlan" at the end of every episode also hit.

FYI this is on the Criterion Eraserhead Blu Ray

untill you die

Be right back

I want to pause to acknowledge that scene between the Coroner girl and Albert. They were talking and laughing and it really hit me. Throughout Miguel's career it seemed as though he was typecast as the dick, or the gruff guy, unlikable or noble but ultimately not aesthetically pleasing enough to place him in a romantic position. Lynch, however, gave him that with the revival.

Might be looking too much into that, but I thought it was extremely sweet and a nice addition.

I went and watched Evangelion and End of Evangelion for the first time. It sort of scratched the itch.

/tpg/ loves them


lynch is cult . llok up.

>what is Axolotl

:-) ALL

Watch the good episodes of early X Files, some remind me of classic Twin Peaks.

The majority of episodes are shit, though.


I wonder if Lynch thinks we also faked the moon landing.

just call it dream

please don't do this, you have no fucking eye for aesthetics or composition


definitely stick with Mad Men. Apart from Twin peaks it was my favourite show on tv. It even gets a bit abstract and Lynchian in the latter seasons.

Fuck it was hard to watch these scenes.

Shame Cooper changed the past meaning there was never a federal investigation of Laura Palmer's murder, so Cooper never disappears, and Albert probably never meets his waifu

The fact that these generals (read: reddit circle-jerks) are still going is evidence enough to suggest that the only people who have been shilling Season 3 are dumb fucking normies. Season 3 was mediocre at best, get over your fucking selves.

yuo die

you could just have said: "I didn't like season 3"