Will Sup Forums ever stop getting BTFO?

Will Sup Forums ever stop getting BTFO?


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I liked it

Heck yeah. CBS can suck a dong!

I haven't watched it, but I probably should. I don't mind Seth's humor but it can be hit or miss. The real charm this show will have is Seth's huge boner for Star Trek. That guy is a huge fan, and I would really enjoy to essentially see his version of the show. I think he respects the source material too much to make a cheap shitty "funny" version of Star Trek.

Actually not as bad as I expected and I fucking hate seth macfarlane. Will probably watch a couple more episodes

I did too man. I'll admit the first episode was average with stupid jokes but you could see glimpses of a potentially good show.

Basically the reason why I tuned into the show. The fate of the show relies on the ability of Seth to write. I'm not sure if he can do it or not.

The show is really much more like TOS/TNG Star Trek than it is like Family Guy or Ted

Same here. It was pretty fun, and the jokes didn't get too obnoxious or feel out of place.
I'm looking forward to seeing how racist they'll let the robot get.
It was pretty respectable to Trek stuff, though I like how they're making it feel more casual and not taking themselves too seroiusly, like the black dude drinking a coke while flying the ship. It was a small thing, and not really 'that' funny, but it worked, also the thing with the hot glue.
I'm wondering how much fun they'll end up poking at Trek as it goes along, like mentioning the one bathroom thing or something.
Good start so far.

I think the show's biggest problem is that Seth is the lead character. If he cast someone else I don't think the ratings would be as bad.

Those are some pretty mediocre ratings.

This show will get canceled soon.

"Seth is a bad actor" is a new CBS talking point btw. Expect to see variations on this posted endlessly by CBS in the days leading to the launch of STD.

>NBC won the night with a 6.5 and 17.7 million viewers.

Dayum! NBC completely annihilated FOX

Y'know what this show legitimately needs?

The writers that saved American Dad; The writers that left Futurama.

Why don't you discuss the show instead of discussing conspiracy theories?

I liked it too.

Reviewers are literally worth nothing.

>Saved American Dad
>Show that got exiled to a network that nobody watches
>Ratings lower than a late night informercial

>amerifats love handegg


Seth is a legitimately bad actor. This has been cited in everything he has done, from Ted to a Million Ways to Die. The guy just can't act. He's painful to watch on screen. Every moment is cringe worthy.

>FOX damage control

This show did just a bit better than the latest season of Big Brother, a shit reality show that nobody cares about.

American Dad was saved before it moved to TBS, you realize? The writers left Futurama when that was still cancelled, too.

It was never saved.

The ratings were 2nd behind Sunday Night Football retard.

Way, way, way, way behind football.

And just a bit above a shitty reality show. The damage control in this thread is hilarious.

But what if he is a bad actor? or are you determined to shut down all criticism of the show?

You must be a Emma Roberts fan

don't really know of her tbqh
Was there a point you were making?

Emma Roberts sucks at acting but still has many fans

It's goofball scifi, who can't love that? You have to be a human asshole not to.

Why do you hate fun man?

Dunno why I would be a fan then

I liked the use of practical effects

The quips were mediocre though

Me either

except a few fags /tv./ liked it. You have to ignore half the jokes but its fine.

It wasn't sharp, but it wasn't dull either. Give them time. Did you watch the first Star Trek TNG?

Well then that must not be what I was talking about. I'm obviously talking about critical ratings you stupid fuck
>17% positive
Rub your two brain cells together before posting

Who cares.

You didn't get the notice? If a show isn't pushing some kind of political agenda or satirizing modern culture it's baaaad.

im glad im not as bored as you

Just tried to watch this.
Is it supposed to be a comedy?
It looks like a parody of ST but it's boring, unfunny and played straight, with an awful divorce drama. Looks like a bootleg Star Trek.

>It looks like a parody of ST
can you elaborate on that

>expect Family Guy but in space
>or Red Dwarf with Seth's humor
>get an actually good space sci-fi show
Color me pleasantly surprised, really looking forward what this show will do in the future.

Look, it's ok to like a trek fan series, but shilling it constantly will only cause it to eventually receive backlash here. Unless that's your plan you CBS fucks

i actually thought the voice actor for the alien robot thing was data for a second

was it intentional

it stinks they need to make it different

where can I watch this online?


oh I didn't know fox would just show their shows for free, thanks, user.

Hoping it's like Galaxy Quest, to a degree.
Looks super expensive for a fox tv show.
how the fuck did Seth get the ok for this.

Its not






I watched it to support Steve's voice actor. He's given me so many laffs while watching American Dad. Having Seth as the main character is fine as long as he stops making those ebin """"jokes""""

It was pretty decent and has potential. For a pilot it was good.

Once the universe is expanded and the characters are allowed to flanderize it could be amazing.

i enjoyed it, too.

>Reviewers are literally worth nothing.

i never read reviewers and critics. they're just people who may or may not have the same taste in shows as you. you might as well ask random people on the street their opinion on the show.

Wait so which Sup Forums got BTFO? The guys saying 'It'll probably be better than Discovery' or the ones saying 'HURFA DURF FUCK SEFFARLINE XDD'


Hell even with TOS it was considered shit until the movies.

It was very weird experience to watch a supposed comedy/spoof and only enjoy serious parts.

you. are. weird.

>implying he isn't

>also the thing with the hot glue.
I like how they future-ed it all up, yet it was still recognizable as just a plain old glue gun.

Good, it shows promise. hopefully people will return. Also there are some qts

I really think the whole plot with the XO being his ex-wife is pointless and cringy. However either than that it was a solid pilot episode.

I will watch this just for No 1

>7.3 million total viewers

In a country of 315 million people this is considered a success? Some shows have half the population of my country watching them

Since there is 400 channels to watch, and the show doesn't cost that much, it is a success.

About 7.32 million people watched the show. It going up vs. Sunday night football which is a huge rating monster so that a great result.

These are the ratings of every other show on the network for comparison

The Simpsons did once get a whopping 33 million viewers. 27 years ago.

>Scream queens that low
That waifuist must be sad.

If you want to see really depressing stuff, look as Syfy viewership numbers.


Beside the scene where they asked evil alien about marital issues, none were funny. Strangely, even orge didn't make me laugh, even though if you described me this scene, I'd think it's the funniest shit.

The odd thing is I found stuff like this much more funny then some of the intended humor.

Also It was enjoyable show, I liked it.

Sup Forums was right we clearly recognized it as the kino it is

Now watch as ratings drop to a half of that by the fourth episode.

That's because futuristic props are a trope, and this subverts it. Remember how McCoy's medical instruments were originally artsy-fartsy salt shakers? They actually got plain old salt shakers out of the cafeteria to be salt shakers in that salt monster episode.

This is something that was spray-painted to pimp it up to look like a futuristic prop, while still being clearly recognizable as a glue gun with a CO2 cartridge up its ass, and a few coats of Krylon on top. Subverting tropes is high comedy, and the pilot episode is hinting that that's exactly what we're going to get..

doesn't syfy earn via cable subscriptions instead of advertising revenue like the networks? networks look at ratings because advertisers look at ratings to decided whether to buy ad space in a show or not.

I feel like this is gonna need a season to hit it's stride, but I doubt Fox will give it a chance.

Maybe they get a big chunk from cable tier money, but they still run commercials.

Halston Sage is a goddess why do they have her made up like that?

>He takes RT seriously

They've been so off the mark so many times it's a wonder they are used as a metric.

How long do we have to wait for a comfy holodeck episode? They're my favorite in Star Trek.

I like that they are making the holodeck cool in this.

she's going to form a relationship with the black guy and there's going to be sex jokes about her being too rough in bed mark my words

Well she is a Jew so it is to be expected, not that I'd watch this trash but I'd like to look at more pictures of her.

Yes and no, they do get money from subscriptions, but they also need ad money.

One reason why only the expanse gets a ton of funding

I didn't particularly like the show but a 2.3 in the demo is pretty fucking good these days.

Please tell is what country that is so we can laugh
let me guess, random balkan shithole, and the show you all watch is eurovision

Most shows would kill for a 2.3 vs. football

After which gears will shift to apologizing for STD.

It was okay, nice surprise.

Can't he get sued by Star Trek for infringing on their IP?

I noticed that in the past two days, someone removed the RT link from The Orville wikipedia page. I was amused.

I kinda can't stand his face. Like literally his actual face. Even so, the pilot was pretty strong. Some of the jokes were a little forced, but the actual plot was shockingly like something from a real Trek episode. It didn't feel like a parody plot.

Super interested in seeing more of the big alien dude who took control of the bridge. In the trailers I thought he'd just be a lame Klingon ripoff to bounce jokes off of, but he came off more thoughtful and closer to a Vulcan. That robot design is neat to, its riding that razor edgy between corny and fitting to the setting.

I thought this was fucking great. The jokes were a little stiff but it was damn fun. Don't really get the horrible reviews.

Believe me, we're looking into it. Enjoy your show while it lasts, nerds.

You can trademark a futuristic sci-if action adventure show. They don't use anything that's trademarked.

Well, let's do a little test. When STD comes out and is shit (because we know it's going to be shit) let's see if the reviewers that praise it are the same ones who are giving Orville poor reviews.

If that happens, then you have the answer to the mystery.

tfw her pussy can crush anything

For those of you who haven't seen it, yet, that's a sleek space pew pew fucking glue gun.

>she will never molest you in a turbolift

>moved to a different timeslot by week 6
>officially cancelled before the last episodes air
Cap it

The first half was comfy as fuck TNG tier then the action started and the show went to shit.

If the show stays like the first half I'll watch it but if it stays like the second half then I'll drop it.