Was it kino?

Was it kino?

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high quality thread great job

You know it was you little faggot.

Dude cherry coke zero™

Thank you fellow redditor

>I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT starts playing
No it isn't

The most kino television will ever get.

It's the best show I ever watched. I don't watch much television because it's all pleb shit for the masses. But this was really good.

yes and thats the problem, all Kino, no story. Biggest waste of time in HBO history. what a burning garbage dumb. and im not even christian.

>complaining kino doesnt have a story and is just an audiovisual experience


that song has been irony-kino for a few shows, too bad ur a taste wasteland

>pope episode
>I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT starts playing

undoubtedly. New Pope when?

jesus christ I can't believe there are people who think this

It's shit, can't believe Cucktholics are trying to push their religion as COOL AND HIP now


this scene is kino

Did he die in the final scene?

Shut the fuck up you morons.



reddit reeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEE(leave now please)

accept board culture or GET OUT RREEEEEEE n0rMies reeeeeeeeeee

what the fuck is your problem

something about this scene makes me incredibly happy

can't put my finger on what makes it so perfect

One of the most kino shows of the decade. Perhaps century

He's probably a fag

I like the way it really humanizes everything

>he plays videogames for the story

That scene made me cry of happiness. You bet your ass it was kino.

I don't really think they can even achieve something close to this series but I'm really wishing they can.

Salam my brother very well said, remember the crusades.

yeah, combined with the previous scene of the nuns looking at photos of their families it really brings everything down to a personal level

>Conservatism is childish

Trash tier anti-Christian anti-conservative leftist tripe

>the piazza during the day is crowded
>at night the the pope is alone with his thoughts, a memory of his mom, and the record the prime minister gave to him
>he imagines her dancing to the song, a harmless fantasy
>when youtube comments are more insightful than Sup Forums

does he fuck that fake catholic whoooore?

You're a retard that didn't watch the show.
You didn't watch it because you're retarded. It all fits

You are the one who didn't see the show. By the end of it Pius it's already backtracking on most of his conservative ideals.

That being said the other poster is also wrong. The show is pro-Christian but anti-institutionalized religion. The Pope, the only enlighted character, a Saint, enjoys religion at a personal level with the church dragging him down. It shows all church men to be petty when dealing with church affairs.

Its boring. All they do is talk pointless or show how awesome that fuck is. And I like mad men so boring is not how I usually perceive series.

>muh story
the truest sign of the pleb in all forms of media
literature is about the prose
music is about the sounds
film is about the visuals
the story is a tool not an end goal.

It's the best pleb filter

beautiful show desu

>E tutto viene dal niente e niente rimane senza di te
>And everything comes from nothing and nothing remains without you

>Everything comes from your absense



>The discussions and threads before it was shown in america
i miss it bros
i miss TYP
i miss the comfiest experience in Sup Forums

we really got spoiled, two episodes per week instead of one really let us learn so much more about characters in a shorter period of time.
Voiello was amazing.

House Of Cards with priests


>House Of Cards
Go away pleb. Your post is "Skyrim with guns tier"

Nice refutation :^)

Go away pleb.

Go away pleb.

Really loved it

i cried too i didn't even know why, yeah it was happiness

Voiello was a very interesting character that I never expected to grow on me
I loved how him and Lenny became sort of friends in the end
The Christmas episode was perfect

Once the God Squad got assembled there was no stopping them.

>when you call your hommies to invade some fucker's crib cause he preaching heresy

>tfw sister mary leaves vioello for africa
I actually shed a tear

It's so weird because obviously no real romantic relationship could happen between them, but you figure these characters who devote themselves to God have at some point thought of what it'd be like if they had not followed the calling, also Voiello was trying to gain an advantage over Lenny through what is essentially his foster mother and comes to instead understand and respect both of them.


absolutely based character, his regret when confronted with the weight of his own sin and pride is genius

There is so much to say about this scene
The lighting, music, acting, and everything else is all so perfect
I also hate Sup Forums for making me chuckle when he name drops the young pope because of the meme
>After all these years I have finally become the young pope

I loved the scene where he bitches about the idea he cant love both Mary and God at the same time
The arcs are all great with each character returning to the original Christian values Lenny laments not representing

I don't think so, I think the show is confirmed for a second season. Show wouldn't be worth continuing without Jude law.

Unfortunately it seems they are doing just that
Its such bullshit that Jude Law isnt getting any award
His facial expressions alone deserve an emmy

That was the most kino moment in the whole show, dumbass. And one of the most kino moments on television in general.

Did the ever explain how Lenny knew all of vioello's trickery?

The main confessor broke the seal of confession and spilled the beans on everyone's sins.

Is this how short the attention span of the average American viewer is?

kurtwell is massively underrated


brilliant acting and brilliant arc

Definitely. Him plus love letters made episode 9 10/10

I'm not American

Guitierrez was also great, he went from a Chruch NEET to a badass Papal investigator, apparently the actor was known more for comedic roles in his home country but he nailed the dramatic acting perfectly

Yeah but it seemed to me that Lenny knew more than what even the confessor could
Voiello would never confess anything besides the Venus thing and the show made a point of gay priest making fake confessions
Also him refusing to tell Lenny things anymore did not really hinder Lenny
Lenny really seems to have some miraculous knowledge

He is also Pallomari, the HEAD accountant for the Cali cartel on Narcos season 3

My favorite show besides Rick and Morty.

And death of Spencer


Yes, you can disregard as brainlets anyone who says no

Watched it and loved it. Also watched a second time with the gf

Fuck yeah, dude deserves it

This is the best scene of TYP, prove me wrong fags.


>What is more beautiful, my love? Love lost or love found? Don't laugh at me, my love. I know it, I'm awkward and naive when it comes to love, and I ask questions straight out of a pop song. This doubt overwhelms me and undermines me, my love. To find... .or to lose? All around me, people don't stop yearning. Did they lose or did they find? I can't say. An orphan has no way of knowing. An orphan lacks a first love. The love for his mama and papa. That's the source of his awkwardness, his naiveté. You said to me, on that deserted beach in California, "you can touch my legs." But I didn't do it. There, my love, is love lost. That's why I've never stopped wondering, since that day: where have you been? Where you are now?
And you, shining gleam of my misspent youth, did you lose or did you find? I don't know. And I will never know. I can't even remember your name, my love. And I don't have the answer. But this is how I like to imagine it, the answer. In the end, my love, we have no choice. We have to find.


The joy of learning trivia abour groenland

Objectively one of the greatest works of art in Human history

this year we have had three kinos:

the young pope
the leftovers
twin peaks: the return

and they've all been unbelievably good. everything else has been disappointing and underwhelming

>the young pope
that show is from 2016

shit has it been that long already

this one comes pretty close

It actually is. I thought you guys were overrating it.

Everyone who criticizes this show doesn't get past the hurdle that it's "all about Vatican politics" and onto the true meat of the series, the internal conflicts and arc Lenny undergoes, his spiritual voyage from episode 1 to 10. Much like Lenny, they need to grow past the point of backroom bickering and look inwards for truth. But they dont, so they think this show is shit.

I cried at this scene

>Ketchikan, Alaska!

>Not him, me. Not him, me. Not him, me

There is one scene that I never understood.

>Gay prime minister of Italy visits the pope
>The pope says that he can prohibit catholics from voting
>This is supposed to intimidate the leftist prime minister
>Even though this would actually increase the percentage of people voting for his party, as all the non-catholics are his electorate

So am I retarded or was it the scene?

He's probably buffing. Anyway a good amount of "traditional" leftist parties in europe come from grannies. He may not lose against the right but he may lose against more gommie parties.

Now that I think about it that scene must have been confusing for foreigners. You need to know that the only reason our main leftist party is relevant is because after their continous debacles in the 90s they cowed and formed an alliance with catholics from the dissolved catholic centrist party and refuted marxism. On top of that, that PM was obviously meant to represent Renzi, the only one who managed to be a strong leader for our centre-left and he managed to be so because he's a neo-liberal who has set aside the old socialist guard and is an outspoken catholic. A new "non expedit" would be a shitshow for all parties but particularly for PD since it would be clear that Pius is doing it because of them( they're the party in government)

can't wait till he goes full antichrist/second coming

>the scene where he drops the fucking baby

>people hating on this show

The second hand embarrassment was palpable


fucking hell I almost had a heart attack