Power Rangers In Space

ITT we discuss arguably the best season of Power Rangers ever. MMPRfags need not apply.

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Uchuu Sentai: Kyuranger is better.

>YOSSHA RUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, it's not.

>those tight shirts
They knew

Galaxy was better


>a prequel fanfilm that leads into the first episode was screened at the last power morphicon
>christopher khayman lee voices his character (who's morphed throughout)


They knew

But that's not Lightspeed Rescue?

You're right, that's not Lightspeed Rescue.
Lightspeed's pretty good, but not as good as In Space.


I was there. Not a huge turnout cause it was at a weird time when nearly everyone had left for the night and it wasn't well promoted. I'd say less than 50 people showed up for it. Chris did come and even brought Justin Nimmo. It was very high quality and legit felt like a lost episode of the series.

but thats not denji sentai megarenja?

Of course it's not.
It's the superior 'murican remake!

So we're saying that the series taking place in space were the best of all the series?

Yes, every season that takes place in space and/or the future is automatically perfect.
Let's hope the kuuranger adaptation doesn't fuck this up.

But Zeo doesn't take place in space or the future and it's perfect

We get it, you jerked off to Kat. Zeo was a somewhat ok season.

What's the best, worst season?

I remember laughing my fucking ass off at the fucking Fursuits in Jungle Fury, also think it was the perfect level of bad CGI where it was good enough to get used like crazy, but it was still terrible.

God damn... that's a hotter suit than the Baywatch movie had. Thin, super tight, high cut at the hips, low cut on top.

I miss the high cut lads

What did she mean by this?

>somewhat OK
>has the best morphing sequence
>has the best zords
>has the best suits
>has the best sixth ranger
Kat's ass is just a bonus at that point mate

Yes it is.

Don't forget best theme song.

Turbo or Time Force has the best theme. Zeo comes close though

>best morphing sequence
>not 3-3-5
>best zords
>not the megaship
>best suits
>not the ones without weird-ass mouthpieces
>best sixth
>not zhane
Absolute STATE of zeofag over here.
Have some Karone.

>morphing sequence
Space had a terrible morph sequence. You didn't even see the actors, it was just spliced Sentai footage.

>The original cut was over three hours long; it included a fight with a crocodile, a longer trek through the volcano, a mermaid, a bungee-jumping stunt for Adam, and more character development for Justin. Perhaps most controversially, Johnny Yong Bosch has claimed that there was an extended fight scene between the Zeo Rangers and Divatox's forces that resulted in the Zeo powers and zords being destroyed. None of the footage from this version has ever been released and it remains unknown if it ever will be.
>yfw the Turbo movie was actually the most kino one of them all

>actors face looking at the camera then cut to the sentai footage
>Astro Megaship even coming close this
>the actually designed Zeo bodysuits while the Space ones are just a solid color with a band slapped across the chest

I grew watching this as a kid in the 90's. Are you newfags out of your minds? tHeres only ONE season:

>Johnny Yong Bosch has claimed that there was an extended fight scene between the Zeo Rangers and Divatox's forces that resulted in the Zeo powers and zords being destroyed
Fake news. It was gonna be "Aqua Power Suits", and no Zord involvement. The only mention of Zeo in any draft was Kat's failed morph.

>being a genwunner

>tHeres only ONE season
Leave this place and never come back you disgust genwunner piece of human garbage

>ITT newfags

Saban, what are you doing on Sup Forums? Don't you have more money to milk from the MMPR nostalgiawank?

You knew exactly what she meant

You think the bra was also yellow?

>implying she wore a bra


Wow what a slut

Of course he's morphed throughout. He can't physically act it because he's a fatty now.


Why did he let himself go, bros?

I would also argue for Time Force. I never really watched that one when I was a kid because I was too old by that point, but I caught a fair bit of it when Twitch was streaming it and I was surprised by how good it was.

That was over a year ago and I've never heard a peep about anything like that until this post. I doubt it.

>Power Rangers In Space
It's called "Voltron", kiddo

>th-this question is for the yellow ranger. How did you get cast for your part?

Now that we're bringing it up. As someone who has watched on and off I a m having a hard time pinning my favorite morphs. I prefer the ones where you can clearly see that it is armor they are wearing in the henshin and not just just something they just "morphed" into if it makes any sense. I like my transformations with a bit of assembly like armor pieces and the first time I had a sense of this was with Turbo when all the pieces of the helmet came together with the visor sliding down at the end.

Shit like that was the best to me.