Has Sup Forums experienced the kino film making goodness that is Neil Breen

has Sup Forums experienced the kino film making goodness that is Neil Breen

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Yes. I think he might be too legit to become a meme.

many laptops died to this man could bring us his pure kino

>How could you have committed suicide. I can't believe how you could have committed suicide. How could you have committed suicide
Truly riveting
I know this thread is a joke and the guy is a meme, but when he watches his own movies doesn't he see that he is shit in everything (writing, directing, acting)?

can I get a quick rundown on this man? is he really that good of a hacker?

i dont actually like so bad its good films
i wanna punch that tommy from the room, i blame the internet and certain image boards for pushing "ironic" love for these pieces of shit films.

yes he is also a super spy and a bio terrorist.

then again if it wasnt for these films red letter media and YMSs wouldn't exist
i still trying to see the down side


really because they have whole videos just about terrible films


And the other 95% about normal films. You know that rlm isn't only botw


he's bald, right?


the heavens will truly open and we will be breenssed with another master piece


Anyone think Neil blew his mind into orbit on pcp or lsd in his younger years? I'm willing to bet massive psychedelic abuse back in the day, there's no way someone is so unaware at how ridiculous they look. Could it be autism? I mean if you gave Chris Chan like $5,000 and threatened him to spend the money on writing a script and filming a movie he'd create a similar masterpiece as Neil. So what do you guys think made Niel the way he is?

im really interested in that chris chan film now


existing of YMS is a downside
no furry fucks raping their dogs should live in this world

he discovered more information than any hacker ever has
why hasn't wiki leaks hired this man

My favourite was I am here....now

any one seen pass thru?

you and me both, but instead of Neil's ass we'll get Chris's mangina.

Im really really curious to his obsession about trying to send a message to the world and all of his protagonists having some kind of powers for no fucking reason

Neil Breen should have played Tommy Wiseu in disaster artist, shit would have been cash

Why does he like tuna so much?

think your right about the drugs thing
i dare a Hollywood studio to give this guy a multi billion dollar budget, it would still be better than half the shit they make now...

In prison people would pay upwards of 20 dollars a tin for tuna, it's banned and high in protein, so ppl loved it.

No. You are the first person to bring this to our attention! Thank you so much for this! You have truly made Sup Forums a better place by bringing this obscure, unknown actor/writer/director/producer to us!

Sadly no one has ripped & uploaded it as far as I can tell.

i feel this is sacasm

Easily the weakest of his films so far. The plot is incomprehensible, even for Breen.

Where did you watch it?

I bet you're fun at parties.

Never turn your back on a Breen

Someone did a little while ago. I found it on the Neil Breen reddit when googling for it, not sure if it's still there.

It's okay, but it's down there with his second. It's more of a vehicle for his political messages similar to how I Am Here... Now is so the plot is barely there.

My theory is that he works on a pattern so his next film should be back to the goofy stuff you want to see.

You were right, I googled
neil breen pass thru torrent
And first result had mega links

Why does this guy have such an aversion to putting his films up digitally? Does he not realize he'd actually make *some* money from doing that? Nobody is paying $30 for a DVD in a jewel case.

I'm thinking a "Breen Pass" $25 allowing people to watch all of his films would be a hit
Also he should have his stuff on Netflix, it would get views for sure

Let me guess.
You're a RLM fan.

its ok i cant watch it all the time, only like once every few weeks.
i like the star wars reviews

These trips don't lie

Fuck you, I liked it!


he showed those corporate bad guys specially the guy that ran the BANK

>his ho-hum reaction to seeing that dude's brain leaking out of his head on to the sidewalk
So fucking good

>I've received bioelectromedicocomputogeospacoeconotechnocheerio implants to assisst me in sex

Holy shit

>i dont actually like so bad its good films
What really grinds my gears is when people try to do it intentionally. These sharknado hacks trying to use "so bad it's good" as an excuse for laziness. No, guys... it's just regular "bad".

What does have a certain charm is when somebody sets out to make a Serious Movie, does everything in their power to make it great, pours their heart and soul in, HONESTLY believes that they succeeded... and somehow the end result is an accidental comedy. That's the happy place occupied by your Troll 2's and Plan 9's, and there is definitely something special about it.

How about mockbusters

Literally makes me laugh harder than any ""comedy"" ever. Fucking genius


I loved Fateful Findings. It was almost like if Tommy Wiseau made a film based on what he's read about Twin Peaks without ever having seen it.

I've only seen I Am Here, Now and half of Double Down but they were breddy gud.


actually post something you mong

his new movie confused me

I wasnt sure if it was about a robot powered by heroine or a junkie who overdoses and has delusions of grandeur

is his 5th movie coming soon? i saw him post about it on twitter

for those who haven't experienced Fateful Findings