Rick n' Morty

So did you all stop shitting on the show because the last episode was amazing?

Apologize for over-hyping something for 2 years and then turn around and hate it because it had a dip in quality.

Ep 6 was good, last episode was a "deep" meme

turns out the episodes written by women were complete garbage, who knew

pic related reddit ever since that cringe show started airing

>tfw you will never have 89IQ
>tfw you will never appreciate Rick n' Morty

wow. just looked it up. you're not wrong.

if I wanted to watch a reddit sci-fi cartoon, I'd just watch Futurama, at least it has good jokes.

>watch this show, it's dumb comedy that gets to use a fairly filled out universe and do whatever it wants and it's pretty fun

>fans are either LOOOOOOOL PICKLE/TINY RICK shit retards or fucking full autist spectrum idiots who think there is something meaningful and deep about the show and make fucking video essays about that stupid fucking sauce episode

>people who don't like the show are also absolutely raving and rabid faggots who can't stop shouting REDDIT or making over the top posts about the anti-religion shit rick does

why can't people just enjoy it for the dumb off the cuff ish cartoon it is or just ignore it christ

>why can't people just enjoy it for the dumb off the cuff ish cartoon it is or just ignore it christ
Sup Forums is a place for shitposting, the rules notwithstanding

you can enjoy it if you want, nobody is stopping you

reddit: the show


I like the show too but yeah there are like 3 or 4 episodes this season that were fucking garbage

very ((deep))


It can be deep, but it depends on the episode really. Ive found Pickle Rick a bit underwhelming, same with the Mad Max episode.

This user gets it

The sad thing about this image is that you're telling everyone you hate it when people come to television discussion boards and discuss television they like.

The problem is, it's rarely actually funny. The joke is that the guy is an omniscient dimension-travelling scientist sociopath, but it rarely does anything comedic with its setting. There are a few funny jokes and moments in there scattered around, but it's mostly just bland shit with a verbal joke and punchlines delivered with a machinegun.

I've been watching the first season of Arrested Development today, and it's sad to see that a live-action show does much, much more with the form itself to achieve jokes (lines starting and ending in different scenes with different context, the Buster zoom-outs, so many fucking jokes).

Comedy nowadays is just lazy, and hence, not very funny.

Season opener would have been fine if not for that ending with the stupid fucking sauce
I hate how they handle Rick its so fucking inconsistent when really he just exists for other characters to respond to. He himself is not the focus and his deeper motives do not matter

>mostly just verbal jokes
that's the entire issue here
we live in an age of shit writers who think pop culture references and rapid-fire quips are what comedy is about
there is no care put into visual humor, editing and actual set up jokes
fuck modern "comedy"

The first half of the season is still shit.

>Best episodes are Se1 ep 2, 4, and 5
Bring back season 1 :(

It's almost like the show runners don't take it half as seriously as the autists who crow about it

Comedy in general used to be somewhat informative (in general, there are always exceptions). Now it's programming you to be dismissive.

I think it's caused by the older, more skilled and hardworking generation of writers are being replaced by college-aged BuzzFeed snarkfaggots with the depth of a diarrhea puddle.

Its the fact they do take it seriously or at least some writers do
Why else write an unfunny monologue trying to explain Rick's character

I hope they do absolutely nothing with the citadel.

>episode features no or very little beth/summer
>show turns out to be pretty enjoyable

Beth was in the episode though

Latest episode was pretty unremarkable. At least that's better than the trash before it.

She didn't speak though

No divorce "humour" either.

nah last episode was a bit too racist for my liking. like they didnt even try to hide it

Have you ever been in any other Sup Forums threads before?

If you were a Morty, what would your thing be?

I'd be BO Morty.

Because it's better than giving him serious motivation for doing all the shit he does.

I don't watch Rick and Morty for the jokes. I find entertainment from the story and the adventures they go on. Occasionally I'll laugh, but that's not why I'm watching the show. Your experience may vary.

I just watched this and I spent the entire episode repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 3 minutes it was so painful.

>Ayy quirky burping scientist lmao
If you liked it you're in the wrong place

did anyone actually even laugh at ep 7? it was actually depressing and not funny at all I thought

>episode didn't hide racist theme
Gee, I wonder why? It's almost like there was some sort of point they were making, or some kind of parallel to reality was being drawn.

How do people get so emotionally invested in a tv show?

Arrested development is garbage

What? What on earth did either of you find racist about this? These aren't two races, they're two variations on two individuals.

no fuck u last episode was shit i didnt laugh once gtfo shill

pickle rick is just a rip off of mr hankey

What I don't understand about the fan base is how they latch on to the unfunny shit and not the funny stuff. I like the show bet get shwifty isn't funny, little Rick is the worst episode of the show, and Pickle Rick was the worst episode this season.

You should do one better and just kill yourself you huge faggot.

Yeah, get shwifty and little Rick are really really bad. Pickle Rick is gimmicky but the whole sewer escape was ridiculously hilarious. The rest of the pickle Rick episode did kind of suck (the therapy side plot, the dragged out embassy violence (though using another pickle to heal his wound was pretty good))

It was kino

Things I remember that were funny:
Simple Rick commercials
Morty town
The creepy Morty

The general concept of everyday life at the citadel was pretty novel and entertaining. Though the episode kind of took itself a bit too seriously at some points toward the end.
I like that there was no Beth/Summer bs. That shit just isn't funny, period

Literal autism

Long sleeve shirt morty

If anybody I know said this I'd knew it's said in a sarcastic way. Sadly, this is Sup Forums and I can't tell if it's a joke or autism...

It does feel that Get Shwifty was made around the Ice-T gag

ok, i'll bite.
He is making a joke about the graffiti on the wall. It says "Morty Wuz Here". "Wuz" is something that black people say.

Dude, EVERYTHING Morty was black gangsta themed. Have you ever seen a movie/show/the world?

>why can't people just enjoy it for the dumb off the cuff ish cartoon it is or just ignore it christ
If the people are ignoring it how do you know that they are? You only come into contact with people who complain loudly.

I live in australia. we don't have them here

Don't worry, the next episode will be shit.

yes, but "wuz" is used to make fun of niggers and only to make fun of niggers.

racists on Sup Forums are not the first people to write "was" as 'WUZ"

We need more race-reality in our entertainment. I'm really sick of only ever seeing it on the news.

Sorry about the thumbnail...

fuck you

>we live in an age of shit writers who think pop culture references and rapid-fire quips are what comedy is about
pretty much this. few people seem to realize how much of comedy is visual (that does not mean slapstick) and how you need contrast and "negative space" to make the jokes work. endless rapid speech with as many references per minute as possible just feels bland and get boring fast.

It's really about time you brainwashed idiots stop worrying about what's "raysiss" and what isn't. There are far more important issues in the world to focus your energy on than trying to force people to like people they never will FOR GOOD REASONS. Morons.

>last episode
Ohh! I know that one. That's that guy! I know that guy!

Lizard morty

fucking this thread again, what is it with normies who just dont get the subtleties of R&M?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

lol i think you got this from my grandma's facebook

lol maybe you should read some of it sometime
it might do you some good, you retarded little shit

Everyone here just dislikes it ironically because of reddit.

Its a good show.

>you all

When did Sup Forums become one person? The only weak episode this entire season was R&R one, but even that had its moments.


It's almost like it was some sort of overall theme for the episode...

> retarded

Didn't you just post a poorly made stormcuck meme?

>reddit and memey

I thought shitposting was bannable.

The show is at its best when they focus on fun sci-fi adventures over family drama spearheaded by Beth and Summer

It's entertaining but people think R&M is deeper than it actually is

Yeah she did

The "family drama" is what sets this show apart from random wackiness that shows like Family Guy are all about. It grounds the characters and gives them some depth. You basically dislike character development.

It wasn't enjoyable though
The only scene that was funny at all was the opening, the rest was "deep" drama

What was the last comedy that made you legit laugh out loud?

>tfw to inteligent

Did anyone else notice how Cool Rick looked exactly like the Postal Dude?

Oh look... yet another useful idiot.

I just watched the latest Bojack season and it makes this show look like it was written by some HS teens that think they know shit about science. For a show that has characters that can travel to any dimension, this show is very unimaginative. I mean, one of the episodes is set inside a therapists office. What a fucking waste. It would be like going to a candy shop and picking a rotten apple that someone dropped 2 years ago.

It was alright compared to the rest of the season but it wasn't really funny. It was also basically contemporary plot with zero sci fi besides the window dressing. Blitz and chips was funny and satirical without feeling so on the nose because it maintained the absurdity of the fantasy sci-fi setting.

The thick of it.

Can't wait for the Stalinist version.

Why would any of the ricks have shit jobs? The could just automate everything with robots or some other science bullshit.

I just hope they go full wincest

The latent power structure maaaaaan

>which shouldnt exist because real rick destroyed the entire civilization and killed everyone in power

its reminds me of futurama

tons of potential (can travel anywhere in the universe)

but in the end its mediocre

>making fun of heroes who braved hurricane irma to rescue trapped shoes and get them to safety

this website i swear....

i just enjoy the show
it's entertaining
isn't that enough?

I compare the show to Futurama. I understand that Rick & Morty wont make you upset like Fry's dog or his relationship with Leela will make you, but in comparison with the show, its great for filling the void I've felt after its cancellation. Futurama had a combination of simpsons humor, combined with a bit of science(fiction).
Most things I've noticed about the series is that it portrays capitalism and society in an ironic and depressing (but amusing) way. In more than one episode societies like ours have been either ridiculed or destroyed.
This show is pretty good in my opinion. Good show and I'd recommend it to Futurama fans.

Just saw this episode what the fuck were they thinking?

Also what was the point of the good cop bad cop story?

Oy vey

I wish incest porn had a more mainstream appeal... for a friend.