Ally and Ivy are a married lesbian couple who have a son named Oz. Ally suffers from several phobias...

>Ally and Ivy are a married lesbian couple who have a son named Oz. Ally suffers from several phobias, which reappear after learning that Donald Trump won the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Her fear of clowns becomes more remarkable and begins to ruin her life. Ally goes to her psychologist, Dr. Rudy Vincent, where she discovers another of her phobias, trypophobia. Rudy recommends a medicine to calm her phobia-induced anxiety. Meanwhile, Kai and Winter are two siblings that make a mysterious pact after Trump becomes President. Kai proposes that citizens be allowed to suffer from fear, but his proposal is rejected. Winter becomes the nanny of Oz, having talked to her brother and coming to a "covenant" to join a cult.

HAHA they just can't let go of Donald Trump, can they?

I know, talk about obsessed! Why can't they be normal like us?

So comedy, SF and now horror are covered, I think we really need a Western with an anti-Trump message.

It doesn't have to make sense, just make one!

Trump nukes the country to bits somehow and we get sent back to a wedtern civilization.

So now he's a fugitive everyone wants to kill, and we follow him as he wanders the country concealing his identity and helping his people against the now more powerful mexicans

The Passion of the Donald

Doesn't this kind of shit horribly date movies and shows? You just ruined this season for anyone who watches it ten years from now

or it becomes a snapshot of America in 2017

And hopefully future americans go "wow, these people were hysterical crybabies"

remember a few days before this premeired someone was on Sup Forums asking about horror about the obscure fear of holes?

Hopefully current Americans are too. I know I am.

HAHA you just can't stop being triggered by stupid shit, can you?

Why can't they be real men like we are user?

It's not as horrible as you'd think. The point of the show seems to be that fear is America's real enemy. It's pretty impartial, although so far no Trump supporters have been shown to be rational.

Although my guess is that Allison Pill is going to turn out to be bad, so maybe none of the Hillary supporters are any good either.

Yes, when someone puts in hundreds of hours of work and millions of dollars into a production that becomes political propaganda, they're far less triggered than someone pointing out how petty and stupid that is.

So now you're not even allowed to call the propaganda out or you're triggered i guess

I'm sorry but what rich person decides to marry someone with so many phobias and mental problems?

Exactly, why can't they portray our online social movement accurately? We're so normal and well-adjusted!

so maybe none of the Hillary supporters are any good either.

I think you're giving murphy too much credit

I actually thought the Trump hysteria would die down when no storm stroopers came to kick out all the minorities, but it just keeps going, it's kind of weird. Like instead of taking just a step back they're doubling down.

And this all just feeds into the whole "liberal bias in media" and confirms what people already think

there's literally nothing more normie tier than a fidget spinner, im surprised gookmoot doesnt sell Sup Forums versions

Just by giving the show a chance I know I'm giving him too much credit

Truly disgraceful

Kekism was a mistake, Sup Forums took it too far. Now the reddit manchildren feel validated when they are autistic in public.

Lesbian kino!


I support Trump and I actually agree

>off social media for a year
>get back on instagram because I want to talk to someone and it's the only way I can, phones broke
>discover fidget spinners

This season is honestly SO bad and predictable that I do wonder if this is an exploration of the B-horror genre. I have laughed through both episodes so far.


I really wish they would do more period stuff. Something set in the 30s reminiscent of old universal horror movies like The Wolf man

Or even some things something set in the1920s involved in a small coastal town with a dark secret.

Good luck. This show can barely keep to any theme.

This was the second of two lesbian scenes just starting, both of which were immediately interrupted.

but wouldn't they at least make it a little more obvious?

If they deliver on an actual trypophobia-based horror story then all is forgiven.

Seriously, it's surprising that there hasn't been a monster/entity with a core design on trypophobia, it's such a primal and common fear you'd think someone would have done it by now.