Are there any shows like vikings but pro-Christian? Like instead of being fedora...

Are there any shows like vikings but pro-Christian? Like instead of being fedora, they have Catholics slaughtering pagans and stuff.

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The painting is a depiction you brain dead cunt. Of course you're a catholic.

Um vikings, its the battle bishop vs the great heathen army this season

And after they're done killing heathens, can they move onto killing other Christians (Arians vs Trinitarians)?

>muh old gods
>muh free men and womyn
Grow up kid

>winfrid was later skinned alive


yeah and what is a depiction? a reference to shit that happened

pagan larper btfo

I would watch a show about teutonic knights and the Holy Roman empire

>Magister Freidrech, are we the baddies?

>thou shault not kill
>just kidding its cool to kill

>I prefer to not think of it that way mein Freund, now fetch the ritterbrudder, I think I see some Lithuanians praying to a tree


Catholics are pagans you silly cuck

>the frisians were ultimately converted


>Christianity is a dying religion and Europe is now being invaded by Muslims


New history channel show called knightbound is about Templars cutting down disgusting heathens

First of all it was Saint Boniface not Saint Winfrid. Secondly it wasn't "Thor's Tree" it was called Irminsul and was probably used to worship Wotan the chief god of the Saxon pantheon. It has nothing to do with the Vikings.

The Last Kingdom but it kind of shows it from both sides
Christian Saxons slaughtering Pagans for their greedy church

Its actually a pretty good series and has the fatmans approval


>Northumbrian Saxon
>looks like he's from fucking Spain

why do I see a little Brendan Fraser in him?

Is it the upper half of his face? I can't quite put my finger on it.

>dragon ships
>cannot even breath the fire

I'd pay top money for a tv show depicting the teutonic crusades into pagan baltic and polish territory

>people have been saying christianity is dying for the past two thousand years


>its another rollo betrays his people episode

>I'd pay top money for a tv show depicting the teutonic crusades into pagan baltic and polish territory

well, not for a low-budget soviet propaganda movie of course

>his people
>Ragnar lives full SJW-life
>unhappy with both wifes
>his wifes are strong independent womynz
>the said wifes ruined all his childrens
>in the end turns junkie
>dies as a total failure

meanwhile Rollo
>became a christian
>forged hard, but strong love with brave christian princess
>outsmarts Ragnar
>managed to spark the hope into franks in naval battle against the vikings
>totally BTFO Ragnar
>named a Caesar
>his descendant will succeed where all Ragnar's sons failed

>the said wifes ruined all his childrens
btw it's wives

>>the said wifes ruined all his childrens
>Lagerta's childrens
>literally modern Swede who hates europeans, but loves muslims
the rest two died
>Aslaug's childrens
>probably not even Ragnar's sons
>the first two are just cowards
>the third is a gay
>the 4th is bitter impotent who kills his own brother just because he revealed truth about him

its dying in europe and growing in east asia, south america and africa.

It's Kraut's destiny to be Slavic cocksleeves.

>>Christianity is a dying religion and Europe is now being invaded by Muslims


Europe is the only continent that matters though

>pro xtian

a reminder that all abrahamic religions are a cancer that originated in the MIDDLE EAST

Will they show how they will convert and become the most zealous christian of their time?

>Last Empire of Europe

>Will they show how they will convert and become the most zealous christian of their time?
Nah, the Bjorn totally goes the muslim

You know both of those images were true, right? Winfrid did cut down Thor's tree but lots of Christians were martyred and mutilated by Vikings.

Shut up Ivan. Go treat your AIDS.

Christianity is boring though, I don't know how it ever caught on



>t. Boris

Why did they kill Sigurd if they hyped him up with this prophecy shit. Historically he founded the line of kings of Denmark. Should have killed off one of the literally who brothers who doesn't appear much in the sagas.

It was pretty edgy and hip back in the day

People back then didn't interpret Christianity the same way as we do today. It was way less cucked.

>>t. Boris
Wrong again, I'am not a russian

Judaism is not cancer. In fact you could even say its less cancerous than Buddhism because unlike the others, Judaism does not prolysetise and does not seek to be a (((universal))) religion. Stay assmad christcucks.