What will his sith name be?

What will his sith name be?

Darth Diversity

Darth Sohn


Darth Vader Jr

Darth Evilus

He's going to get killed off. The stupid cunt running Star Wars hates white men.

nah, it will be Darth Luuuke

Luke Starkiller

Luuke Skywaalker

Darth Darth Binks

Darth Joker


He's a Jedi, not a Sigh.

first post and last post. if only you had dubs to complete your move to the darkside

Darth Delirious

Darth Bigger Luke will take his place

Darth Yucky

Darth Brooks

Darth Insanius

Darth sequelius
Darth patriarchus
Darth cash-inus
Darth whietius
Darth trump
Darth mywifesson

Also, can you imagine Sup Forums if Disney decided to make a movie based on Darth Bane?
I hope it happens, both the movie and the memes would be golden.

Cast him

White Vader


Darth Rapus

Darth Lord Twinkus

darth bane

Darth Lukifer


>Darth Joker
Came in here to post this.

the only good ones ITT

Darth Luke Skywalker

Darth Drumpf

Darth Luukas

Darth Priviligar

darth kule

pronounced /kyool/

Darth Ite Ale

Darth Luke

Darth Bane

Darth White

Darth Vader the Second

Darth Minister

Darth I might be gay.

Darth Trumpus

Lmao well done.

Darth Supremacy


Darth Smock
for Small White Cock

Darth White

Darth Lucas

Darth Leed

formerly Luke


Dude Yoda never became a sith and Luke is full on Yoda. He is hiding on Not-Degobah and will train young Lu...ahem Rey while Han..err..Finn flies off on his own adventures.

Rey will leave and take off to fight Vade..I mean Kylo and lose against him before coming back to beat him and Palp..uhh..Snoke in ep 9

>can you imagine Sup Forums if Disney decided to make a movie based on Darth Bane?
No. The only female in it is a backstabbing cunt.

Darth Cool

haah this

Darth Pavel


But Bane always knew it would happen. If Disney spun it as some sort of 'patriarchy engineers its own destruction' angle it would rake in plenty of the usual suspects' shekels

Darth cest

Op will never feel the touch of a woman or have romantic love

Darth Oppressor


Darth Shekel

Daily reminder

>A similar situation arose with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed’s protagonist, Starkiller. “[That name] was only supposed to be a nickname or call sign, not a proper name from the beginning,” a former LucasArts employee says. The development team hoped that Lucas would give Vader’s apprentice a Darth moniker, which at the time, was something that didn’t happen often.

“The team threw a Hail Mary to George, saying the game would have more credibility if the apprentice had a ‘Darth’ title,” a Force Unleashed team member says. Lucas agreed that this situation made sense for Sith royalty, and offered up two Darth titles for the team to choose from. “He threw out ‘Darth Icky’ and ‘Darth Insanius.’ There was a pregnant pause in the room after that. People waiting for George to say ‘just kidding,’ but it never comes, and he just moved on to another point.”