When did this ship get popular? Was anyone around to see the shippers get BTFO in the end?

When did this ship get popular? Was anyone around to see the shippers get BTFO in the end?

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This one chick made an insane comic to retcon her own ending. Zutarans didn't really exist here but on other parts of the net.

How I became yours?

>Was anyone around to see the shippers get BTFO in the end?

To be fair they got BTFO when Season 3 premiered.

Based Mai triggered them

I made this exact same thread yesterday out of the same confusion.

The best answer I got was that fangirls self-insert as Katara and they'd rather be with the more mature Zuko than Aang. It makes sense to me, considering taking the series into account it makes no sense.

Mai should trigger anyone who cares about characterization, interesting developments and even basic chemistry between two characters´.

>When did this ship get popular?
Book 1 Episode 9

Thats all it took? Lmao

>Based Mai triggered them
Not even caring about shipping, Mai was such an odd development. Like, she was one of Azula's cronies and there was a throwaway line about her being with Zuko briefly that one time.
Then they are together at the start of book three and if anyone questions it the answer is "didn't you pay attention when they threw away the line that said they were briefly together that one time?"

I was completely fine with how they handled it, considering it's kind of hard to show someone's relationship to someone when he was banished outside the nation and she was far too focused on helping Azula.

Plus, there's no reason to focus on a single relationship between two characters when there was a million other more important things to spend screen time on.

You must not be very familiar with shipping fanbases. If two characters have their faces within a foot of one another, regardless of circumstance, hell if two characters share a screen together, there will be people who think the two of them need to get naked and start fucking.

It doesn't matter if they even have any interaction at all, if two characters look cute together, people will ship them.

Yeah, later when it was clear that Zuko was going to become a good guy it skyrocketed because of fangirls' obsession with pairing up heroines in forbidden loves with tragic villains.

To be fair, Zuko was ugly as shit before he grew back his hair.

If you can't set up a relationship between two characters organically, just don't set it up. If you're not going to bother putting the moments the characters are going to reference as the basis of their relationship, also don't set it up.
I'm guessing the creators wanted to shut down any Zuko-Katara shipping by the beginning of season 3, but there really was no need to stick Mai with him for it; kid was 15, he could've found love at a later period of his life.

Honestly it feels badly written compared to how god-tier everything is in Zuko's arc.

Mai's relationship with Zuko was a key factor in her decision to turn against Azula, and it also allowed the audience to see a different side of Zuko when he was with her.

Maiko has two purposes, none of which is setting up the characters because it feels right:

One of them is for Zuko to have something to leave behind once he betrays the Fire Nation and the other one is to kickstart Azula's insanity when Mai chooses Zuko over doing what Azula commands.

Unfortunately the whole time Zuko and Mai spend together is either fighting over stupid shit, Zuko being more concerned about the important stuff going on in his life or sprouting terrible lines like "I don't hate you too"

There's no reason they cannot have their relationship begin throughout the season. It's not like they had no time to do it; there was an entire episode dedicated to them fucking around on the beach.

>allowed the audience to see a different side of Zuko when he was with her.

Honestly, that was terribly done compared to Zuko's interactions with the gaang or his date with Jin where he was completely taken out of his comfort zone.

Most of the time he spent with Mai he reverted back to angry jerk or whiny faggot.

Speaking of, why wasn't Azula and Sokka more popular?

I get tha people who are alike become attracted IRL, but in stories characters need to be balanced out. Zuko + Ty Lee would've played better, especially looking at all the scenes with Zuko and Iroh, in which the latter one goofs off like hell to counter his moodiness.
But I guess she needed to remain available for the waifufags.

He already had two canon girlfriends and a pretty popular pairing with Toph.

Because GIRLS control fanbases, and they prefered to self insert as Katara with Zuko.

All this shipping talk reminded me when I shipped Tatsuki and Ichigo from Bleach

Also, it happened way too late in the show and the mid-book 3 finale mostly got fangirls excited about Zuko joining the gaang and about their own delusions of how the Zuko/Katara reunion would be.

>Zuko and Ty Lee
I wonder how he'd have reacted to her hitting on Sokka when they were hunting them?

I wasn't in the fandom back then yet, but from what I've heard, those were interesting times. The latter half of book 3 was first broadcast inside a single week. During the time-span of only a couple of days, people would go from "yay, Zuko and Katara got some cool bonding moments, it's totally canon" to "omg how could they do this, Bryke don't understand these characters as well as we do".

They established the relationship in a comic that was released in Nick Mag short time before Book 3 premiered. I think it was a poor choice, not everyone watching the series would even see that comic.

I thought for a second or two during Sozin's Comet that Zutara was actually going to happen.

Who drew this? It looks like ass. I thought Gurihiru did the Avatar comics?

Gurihiru only draws the post-Sozin's Comet ATLA comics

The Mai/Zuko one is from a collection of short story comics that were released back when ATLA was airing.


Gurihiru's done the big graphic novel trilogies they've been printing. Shorter comics have been drawn by miscellaneous artists, and their quality varies.

Would Sup Forums have liked this pairing more if Katara and Zuko were gender bended?

I can see Sup Forums self inserting into (male) Katara to get into (female) Zuko.

>Mai/Jin don't immediately start making out.


IIRC, aside from the Beach Episode, where he seemed kind of out of character, he was rather pleasant when he was with her.

As someone said before in one of the recent ATLA genderbend threads, Zuko's story is filled with too much shit about traditional male values that it would probably never take place if he were written as a girl.

Also, Sup Forums would self insert as Aang if he is still a guy in that scenario.

And would've gone for femZuko over Katara, for sure.


> Was anyone around to see the shippers get BTFO in the end?

I was pretty involved with AvatarSpiritNet forums at the time, and Zutarans were pretty convinced all the way through the finale that Zutara was literally, actually going to happen in the show. For a lot of them, it wasn't just a fun ship that they supported in their fan works, it was something that they genuinely believed was the foreshadowed trajectory of the plot.

I remember the day after the finale aired, there were a LOT of butthurt posts in the forum. Frothing at the mouth furious, red-in-the-face, on the verge of tears butthurt. What the kids on Tumblr today would call "#SCREAMING". People saying that they felt "betrayed" by Bryke, people claiming they were going to organize boycotts against the Season 3 DVDs, people ranting about how "done" they were with the franchise, etc.

For all that drama, within about a year, the Zutara fanbase all but disappeared.

The only episode where Zutara seems like it has a chance is in Sozin's Comet which ironically ends with Katara and Zuko exchanging saliva with their endgame pairings, and you also have to ignore everything that happened before between Kataang and Maiko.

those reactions are perfect

I never got into any forum while Avatar was airing but still felt the pairing could've happened until the finale of book 2. Zuko was clearly an antagonist but not a villain even in book one, and gave that kind of Han Solo-Princess Leia vibe with her.
Plus, Aang seemed like too much of a child and the hints at him ending with Katara seemed way too obvious (Like "You'll marry a powerful bender/Wow, that Aang sure is a powerful bender!"). It was so on the nose that made me think it was a red herring. But it was simply on the nose writing after all.
Anyway, Crossroads is, as the name implies, the episode where characters take different paths for me.


The thing about Crossroads is that it also has Aaang choosing Katara as the most important person in his life, putting her above the fate of the world and comparing her to the love he used to have for the air nomads (apparently Appa, Toph and Sokka don't compare).

It was the episode that pushed Kataang from the "crushing on the babysitter" thing that Zutarans loved to sprout to actual "I can't be without you love".

Sure something could have happened between Zuko and Katara if he had made another choice but by the end it was clear that nothing was going to happen between them.

Avatar was exactly the kind of show to attract fangirl shippers. But the only major ship it had involved a little bald kid pretty much nobody could bring themselves to think about romantically. So instead, they dumped him and replaced him with the only other major male character in the show who wasn't an idiot. Who, as a bonus, was also really hot.

>was also really hot.
Firebending aside, he wasn't hot in the slightest in Book 1

Are you 18 or something? I'm 20 and I vividly remember the ATLA finale. I didn't use Sup Forums though. I didn't even know it existed. I used Deviantart, Youtube, and a Naruto forum to talk to ATLA fans back then.

In all honesty, rewatching the series Zutara DOES make sense. At least until Maiko happened. Then it became obvious that they were never gonna happen and were probably never intended to happen. However watching the series early on, it makes sense. Aang and Katara didn't really seem like they were a couple. Aang was this scrawny little kid who seemed more like a little brother than a love interest. It wasn't until later that they became obvious. Katara, despite only being 13 or 14, seems too old for Aang (or in reality, he seems too young for her). So, it seemed obvious that s1 shippers would lean on Zutara. They looked more of similar age. There's also the extremely common trope of shipping villains with heroes.

It could have happened later, but that would have required Katara to deal with Aang's explicit romantic feelings and probably be a bit too heavy for a kid's show.

Probably. Older male on younger female is kind of squicky in American culture, so M!KataraxToph of F!Aang would both be weird. M!KataraxF!Zuko would be one of the only real options.

Is that canon? Never heard of it.

It's canon according to the book that has all those comics.


But none of the events were ever mentioned in the cartoon, it's sequel comics or LoK, so who really cares?

He was dark and damaged, which is as good if not better.

And then he becomes hot too

Azula wasn't insane.

Because it's fucking stupid and people who like it should be shot in the head.

hello Scrapper, it's nice to see you, so who do you think Azula should be paired with?

I'm not Scrapper but I think Azula should be with only the most elite of firebender's who is high in skill, status, and good breeding.

user, you don't even know how real it got.

The ship wars of Avatar were a blood bath. None were spared.

>the most elite of firebender's who is high in skill, status, and good breeding.
So, Iroh?

Oddly, her newest ploy comes across like a roundabout attempt to get her brother's dick attention.

No incest.

So Jeong Jeong?

combustion man does have those rare bending powers, and I imagine Azula likes a guy who doesn't talk to much, although he did get blown up so there's that

That would have been better if Toph had been holding up her sign sideways or upside-down. Missed opportunity.

previous page

Because Aang is annoying and Katara is a huge bitch to him for all of season 1.

Aang never has a proper moment where he sufficiently bitchslaps her. I'm like 75% serious. There really needed to be a moment where she got completely told which results in her being less of a bitch across the entire series. She calms down but it never feels like she has a moment where she realizes what a shit she was.

Zuko on the other hand never really put up with her shit, and when they do interact it was more during S2, after she had stopped being a huge bitch.

>Zuko on the other hand never really put up with her shit
He did the whole time he was on the gaang.

This is purely my opinion, but Katara, who actively hates Zuko for essentially all of S3, still feels like reprehensible and bitchy toward him than she did toward Aang in S1. Maybe its because this time she actually has a reason. But I felt like in S1 everyone's traits were disproportionately exaggerated and they decided Katara's job was to be the group nag.

>let me show you how we do things down south
why does this sound like a come-on?

Maybe it is

I can imagine them being sword-bros (not in a gay way)totally in a gay way

There has to be a prodigy her age that is the perfect specimen,

so to clarify
>a firebending genius
>not a royal
>the perfect man
>is willing to date a woman who lives in a straight jacket in a dungeon
you may run into some issues there

There aren't any good male benders in ATLA aside from Aang and Ozai under the age of 60.

in the ATLA verse everyone between the ages of 19 and 50 is pretty much useless

>That image


>is willing to date a woman who lives in a straight jacket in a dungeon

She's okay now.

Azula can't be the only prodigy.


>Azula can't be the only prodigy.
Well, there is Mako but he won't be born until she is in her late 60s.

But as said before there isn't a single decent firebender under the age of 60 in ATLA aside from Ozai

>implying Azula would ever lower herself to a street rat
I think she's a crazy bitch and I think she's too good for Mako

>Azula would ever lower herself to a street rat
that's what she keeps telling herself and yet...

Zutaras moved on to shitting up Voltron fandom with their gay space Zutara

Two brief throwaway moments. One was the only time Mai actually smiled in Book 2, the other was a fucking childhood friend event flag moment. And that's two more moments then Zutaranas ever had.

Sokzula is the greatest and the fact that Scapper hates it is only further proof of it's magnificence.

Wouldn't that be more of a Zukka?

technically yes, but they treat it exactly like zutara and accuse everyone else who likes other pairs of being pedophiles

I love it when they make fun of the little girl's disability.


>two swords against one

Isn't that unfair?

Shipping was such a huge thing in the ATLA fandom, it was really ridiculous. I remember one girl made tons of videos showing "proof/foreshadowing" in what felt like for every episode to prove that Zutara was going to happen. It was like some weird propaganda, she pointed out so many details that I started to believe that Zutara might actually happen. All the videos were deleted after the last episode came out.

When it came to shipping I just really didn't like Zuko/Mai and would've rather seen Zuko end up with anyone else. I can't completely remember why I didn't like Mai but I think maybe I thought she was drab/boring and unpleasant, and I felt the same the relationship too.

That Azula is Cute. CUTE!

At this moment the ship really skyrocketed, but Sokka was already hooked up with Suki, still felt emotional over Yue and was shipped heavily with Toph by the fandom, who he had a lot of moments with. But yes it was too late in the show and Sokka and Azula barely interacted so the ship didn't sail far until after the show was done.

Sokka's sword is bigger and heavier. Zuko would need both to parry an attack from it.

I just feel like they are a little bit too similar to have an entertaining relationship and that Zuko is always at his best when he is out of his comfort zone, hence why his interactions with Iroh, Aang, Jin and Sokka are so great.

It also doesn't help all the retarded forced drama that we've seen in Mai and Zuko's relationship like in The Beach and in Smoke and Shadow.

No it's awful because Sokka is a piece of shit with impure genes.

He is pretty much a prince

Of a fucking tribe. Which that and a buck 30 will get you a cup of coffee.

At least he could become the ruler of his country

>Sokka is a piece of shit with impure genes.

Just like you huh Scrapper? I don't know why you try and self-insert as him. Oh yeah, he's drowning in pussy and has an IQ higher than 50. I see why you can't relate to that.

At least you stopped saying you weren't Scrapper in every single post you stupid fucking aspie. I've no idea why but so many mongoloids think replying to every single post naming them with "No I am not that guy but I share all his opinions" is a valid tactic. Learning how to properly falesflag is like the first thing this place teaches you, and you and your retarded ilk can't even manage that.

On the pther side, as a guy who liked Katara, I would rather much self-insert as the cool menacing prince than the goofy dumbass monk.

For me that ship sailed hard all the way to the penultimate episode of season two, where Katara offers to heal his scar, and sunk hard in the last episode when he sides with Azula. To me you could see the exact moment they bonded and the exact moment her heart broke.

The sourthern tribe is nothing to be proud of.

He's a comic relief character with plot armor that dipshits like you worship because you worship him. I can tell he is nothing more than a chump who in real life wouldn't contribute and is lower than Azula. I would cringe if I saw any worthwhile bender be with him. Also I'm not Scrapper and I don't know how often I have to repeat that.