A lot went wrong, but let's talk about what we feel went right for a change.

>Andrew Garfield was a good Peter Parker and a great Spider-Man.

>Emma Stone was a great Gwen Stacy and their romance was very well-done.

>Flash Thompson, Uncle Ben, Aunt May and Captain Stacy were all great.

>Harry Osborn was good up until he actually injects the spider venom.

>The mechanical webshooters, quips, webswinging and action scenrs were on point.

>Both scores were good.

>ASM2's suit was perfect.

>ASM2's cinematography and color palette were very comfy.

>The whole Times Square battle from ASM2..

Other urls found in this thread:

I actually liked Electro.

I heard it wasn't the bad ratings that killed ASM, since 2 actually made money, but Garfield got into a fight with Sony and they fired him.

>Both scores were good
What the fuck movie did you watch? The score for ASM2 was fucking awful. That fucking terrible dubsteb beat that's meant to represent electricity. Listen to this and tell me that the sountrack was good:

>The whole Times Square battle from ASM2
Awful. The writing is so shit that it makes the scene laughable.

>Andrew Garfield
I thought he was pretty entertaining in ASM1, but in 2 he was just the "super sarcastic dude who cracks jokes". Also he looked way too old; going for a Tom Holland or even a Tobey Maguire choice would've been better.

I agree that emma stone, flash, uncle ben and aunt may were also pretty good, although Dane DeHaan was shit as Harry even before the venom.

If you liked these things I guess that's your opinion, but I found almost all of the things you listed to be insufferable.

No one will hold a candle to Raimi but I liked Homecoming a lot more than either of these. ASM1 was alright but it was still too redundant with a shitty villian

Because he called in sick to an important meeting to discuss the 3rd movie.
So Sony dropped him.

Yeah I agree. If I were ranking from best to worst, I'd say

Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Spider-Man: 3
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Amazing Spider-Man 2

>hey guise check out how retarded i am

>No one will hold a candle to Raimi

Raimi's Spider-Man films are overrated garbage that retarded millenials on this board love because they saw those movies when they were 9 years old.

It underperformed, but not enough to dissuade Sony from the franchise. They pinned the blame on Marc Webb and booted him, but were ready to keep going until Garfield skipped on a meet and greet with Kaz Hirai where he'd be announced as the star of "The Amazing Spider-Man 3". That was enough for Hirai to fire him and greenlight a reboot.

SM2 > SM1 > TASM1 > TASM2 > Homecoming > SM3

Spider-Man 2 is actually fucking good though

Rhino was brilliant, Skrillexo could have been worse.

>Rhino was brilliant

Lizard was such a shit villain and with a shit design

Unironically the best part of the movie.

in ASM 1 and 2 peter parker was a chad so he literally had 0 depth as a character

pure movie magic; captured the spirit of the comic books perfectly

>Spider-Man 2
pure unadulterated kino

>Spider-Man 3





Raimi Spiderman
>Peter lets the robber go because the guy at the desk wouldn't give him the 3000 dollars that he believed he was entitled to for beating Bonesaw
Webb Spiderman
>Peter lets the robber go because he wouldn't let him have chocolate milk

Very, very little was good about these movies. I watched TASM 2 recently to refresh my memory of it and I was in tears from laughing at how fucking bad it was. At least it was the funny kind of bad.

>that voice
>that nitpicking
>waaaaah why didn't we see how spiderman destroy cameras in a shop, this movie shit reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Stop shilling your own garbage.

What a fucking dumbass.

Gwen was perfect.

She sure is.

Wait people still acknowledge these movies even happened? Remember when Peter threw a football and bent a fucking goal post? Yeah no red flags there.

That's not all that happened, though. He talked shit about Sony for interfering with the movie and turning it into shit, and fair play to him.

Me too he was great.

You mean bi-ology
back to highschool underage

Jamie Fox(x?) hasn't ddisappointed me yet. Him and Spacey were the best parts of Baby Driver.

It was all garbage except Lizard and Electro. I would have loved to seen them in a Raimi Spider Man movie.

Not even best Gwen

I'm not a huge fan of ASM, but there was no real reason this couldn't have taken place in the MCU. The hell with all these needless reboots.


Also, uncle Ben's killer in Webb's series got away with it and was never captured.

This. This is the objectively correct ranking.

Also, Peter puts his name on his camera so the lizard can figure out who he is in the laziest way possible. Villains have found out his identity before
Goblin in Spiderman sees the cut on his arm right after they fought
Doc Ock doesn't find out until the end when he takes his mask off
Venom finds out because he happened to be at the church Peter was at
But the lizard finds out because he saw "property of Peter Parker" on his fucking camera.
What a bunch of shit

>Uncle Ben was great
the issue was that he didn't have the same impact as in the Raimi trilogy. I think Sheen did a good job but the fight they have and then dying over chocolate milk was quite bad. It felt like they needed to have Uncle Ben die as an excuse for him to become Spiderman and then forgot about him as opposed to in the Raimi films were Uncle Ben and his absence is a constant throughout and is integral to the character.

m8 the cgi fest that was anything beyond raimii`s spiderman` looks like it was rendered by poos in bollywood
no, you know what... in fact most of poo`s cgi blockbusters looked ten times better

He did it on purpose. He was already pretty vocal about how Sony's meddling ruined both movies by that point. He wanted to get cut.

>Andrew Garfield was a good Peter Parker and a great Spider-Man.
Lol, nope, maybe a decent Spidey, but def the worst Peter.
>Emma Stone was a great Gwen Stacy and their romance was very well-done.
Surprised the guy that made 500 days of summer can make a romance work?
>Flash Thompson, Uncle Ben, Aunt May and Captain Stacy were all great.
Obvious bait is obvious
>Harry Osborn was good up until he actually injects the spider venom.
He wasnt. How would some random fuck assitant would know Oscorp's secrets more than the guy that owns it.
>The mechanical webshooters, quips, webswinging and action scenrs were on point.
Spider-Man's 2 fight with Dock Ock and Spider-Man's 3 fight with Sandman in the subway were better.
>Both scores were good.
>ASM2's suit was perfect.
Only thing that OP got right.
>ASM2's cinematography and color palette were very comfy.
Not even trying to hide the fact that this is bait.
>The whole Times Square battle from ASM2..
Is shit.

>That scene where he curls up on his bed listening to wimpy acoustic pop music
I swear to Christ that's gayer and more pathetic than anything Tobey's Peter ever did by a longshot.

>Surprised the guy that made 500 days of summer can make a romance work?

How is that a detriment.

>Obvious bait is obvious

Prove me wrong.

>He wasnt. How would some random fuck assitant would know Oscorp's secrets more than the guy that owns it.

Because Harry just inherited the company AND he gave Felicia full access to everything to screw over that bald guy.

>Spider-Man's 2 fight with Dock Ock and Spider-Man's 3 fight with Sandman in the subway were better.

Ock, yes. Sandman, no.


Score, not soundtrack.

>Not even trying to hide the fact that this is bait.

Prove me wrong, then.

2 was a considerable improvement over the first film.
Every high school scene in the first was awkward cringey shit, and it was like 70% of the film
The second one's flaws were mainly just a poor flow. Other than the retarded Green Goblin design and execution, it was a very standard capeshit film. And Gwen's death was done really well
>inb4 but muh comix!
I do admit the relationship shit was terrible though which took up too much of the film. Still

Shame they didn't really know where the story was going

Kill yourself.

Watch the deleted scene with him and his mother


>ywn lick her sweaty feet after theyve been in those boots all day

To be fair, Webb had a clear plan that Sony just scrapped halfway through to push the Sinister Six.

Tell me we don't have contrarians on Sup Forums that actually think either of these movies (especially the second one) are good.

>2 was a considerable improvement over the first film.

>the mom and spy plotline
>"gimme ur blood spidey, no u" plotline
>spider masa didn't remembers my name i must hates him
>spiderweb turns into a hand to try and save gwen
>that fucking kid at the end
>aunt may's nurse side plot
>super spy computers on the subway


Marc, your movie sucks. Get off this board.