Serious question

I have these spouts of what I'm now understanding as depression. In the past I would ignore it, put on that everything is alright face and wait it out until I snap out of it. Wasn't until I saw this show that I felt it fed these periodic feelings. Idk why the fuck this show satisfies it. I just know I feel better after I binge watch it. Anyone else feel the same or can explain why? I have some ideas as to why but I'd like to here others opinions.

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Depression doesn't exist

>I would ignore it, put on that everything is alright face
literally me, but i watched the show and i'm still the same

I get what you mean. But it's like after I digest an episode or the whole seasons, it's almost as if it gets me or o get it and satisfies a feeling or notion that bugs me up until a few months later when I feel it again.

Watching sad shows that resonate with you gives you a sense of belonging and reflection.

I used to think so. Say what you want but I can't think that way anymore. Ignoring it just doesn't work anymore.

What do you mean by that? I get what you're saying, I mean at least I think I do. But can you expand on that? I'd really like to know in depth what you mean if you can.

I've had depression four about 6 years now. There is no 'snap out of it' for me just a day or two max when I don't feel the suicidal thoughts and lack of motivation etc. This show really did something when I was watching it. It's hard to separate escapism from whatever the other feeling was from this show. It was a cathartic feeling while watching the show.

As for the depression, ignoring it doesn't really work (at least for me) for any kind of length. Trying to 'fake it till you make it' doesn't really work. I've tried reading, watching, and listening to information about depression and tried to help myself. I think after this much time I've finally come to the conclusion that you can't help yourself without having an impartial 3rd party to help you navigate your problems. I've been trying to build up the courage to go see a doctor for a long time, but for some reason the thought of doing that terrifies me.

Here is a good lecture about depression.

Honestly, I don't find the show depressing. I get a weird satisfying answer sense rather than feel sad or depressed about it. Even though it doesn't really explain or give any answers to anything

I'm realizing it now that there's no shaping out of it. And that the fake it till you make it thing is not a good way of dealing with it. For me it is a kind of let it run its course kind of thing. My goal is to not have it run for more than a week. I try to do everything an anything to feed it. I've learned that thought provoking things related to it helps me get over that hump. This show for some reason does it. Among other things. Still don't know why though.

God damn relatable for me. Just have no clue what home is.

>i'm a deep 17-22 year *posts inspirational deep-kids only quote on facebook* old and I want to explore the world. Waah I'm so*posts a deep image with 5 words deep descreption on instagram* depressed, waah I think about suicide *gets haircut and thinks s/he's edgy and different* all the time, waah I don't complain *hangs out with friends, has a good time, goes home and makes it all shit somehow* about anything because I'm a beacon of happiness *watches Amelie* but nobody understands me *rewatches 13RW* and I don't want to reflect that I spread happiness even because I'm so humble and unique.

I don't like you, not because of you, but because I know a lot of people like you, and you are all scumbags and human shites that should actually get over with your drama and theatricals. I wished one of you lot would actually grow the balls and kill themselves.

I just want to say: this is not depression. You fuckers don't know what depression is. The faster you grow out of this phase you put yourself in the better for everyone around you, now fuck off kindly.
- Everyone you know and isn't a total fucking retard trying to comfort you

Watching sad shows like 'The Leftovers' where characters are depressed gives you the feeling of not being the only person who feels that way. When they experience moments of catharsis, you're able to feel that same sense of relief because you identify with them.

Jesus christ... This post wasn't ment to be that serious enough to trigger you Faggots. It was a simple question for some simple bullshit that doesn't border on the "I wanna kill myself" line. I'm not suicidal and my depression isn't crippling. Not to take away from those who are but yalls comments are unnecessarily gay and way overboard and has an obvious sense of projection. I'm sorry you feel that way. Suicide isn't the answer and just because you're you're contemplating it and too chicken shit to do it doesn't mean you can satisfy your craving for it by encouraging others to do it. Get a life. Or a fake one. Which ever. Just get one.

You're way off base. Not only do I have zero clue about any of your references, I am 31, don't have a Facebook account nor instagram, this is the only thing I've ever mentioned anything about depression on the Internet, and although I have a handful of friends they don't hear about anything of this sort from me, and get regular haircut that to the majority of any upstanding citizens are conformitable. Nice try though.

>although I have a handful of friends they don't hear about anything of this sort from me
Yes, because you keep all that sadness to yourself and you're so special and powerful, you show your strong skin but you're weak inside.. ooh so tragic and tear-worthy my friend. All you need is a hug from someone you love, oh how lovely that would be, you know? People can be really bad some times and you need those good people around you. :')

Yeah right. Keep telling that to yourself. Of course I have nothing to say, because you're so innocent and you just wrote a simple question, you didn't do anything wrong of course. But that way of having a conversation like you're so unique and special even asking such a minimal and simple question is so annoying, if you were my kid, I'd have a discussion with you on why you did such a thing and then work on solving all the problems you have in your life that cause you to reach such a low-point. I wish you good luck, I really do, I wish telling you grow up would actually move something in you. Sorry, I just dealt with so many people like you it's just frustrating.

Again, you're seriously projecting here. You're reading way too much into this. I really do hope you have someone you can talk to. Idk if you're trying to come off as pathetically as possible but it is what it is. Relax. I'm not trying to corner your monopoly on depression and woes is me's.

I'm just a bit bored and I dislike people like you, that's all.

Same here. The difference is i've been diagnosed for the last three years. I think watching the show allowed me to think about feelings i live with all the time (emotional pain and suicidal tendencies). I allowed myself to see how much in fucking pain i am every day. Great fucking show.

I get you, but your misplaced boredom / self hatred isn't with me. You've jumped the gun on who and what this post is about.

I feel like the show hints to me how much worse it could be. Like, how deep my mind could empathize with the plight of others.

I've never had depression and still find it hard to understand honestly but I did find this video useful.

I think the show was very cathartic, at least. There aren't many shows where conversations play such a strong part in expressing emotions so strongly and believably.

That it was able to take such a fantastical setting and make if not the situation but the character's senses of loss, grief and pain were incredible.

I loved Season 2 so much how it slowly peeled back and showed that that family who didn't have anyone depart was just as fucked up as the town that had them all depart. The acting was incredible too. I often hate the way music is used in television shows too but I found The Leftovers score perfect.

YES! On all counts. I BELIEVED the characters. Especially Nora. And the musical score! Max Richter did a perfect job with it all.

Carrie Coon Is fucking fantastic

>that nora and erika conversation
the peak of season 2 for me. so good.
2 > 1 >>> 3

I think the most important part of the show is how it dismantles everyone's facade of normality. That how everyone's "brave face" is bullshit. No one is immune.

I've been pontificating about this for a bit. Been thinking a lot about survivors guilt. Makes sense to me as a combat vet.

What about Nora? She's pretty much the most important character equal to Kevin.

I think most fans feel Nora was a much more important character than Kevin, but that's from the strength of Carrie Coon's acting compared to Theroux who was

Season 1 episode 6. "you lost someone?" I fuckin did. Everyone. Everyone God damn person that ment anything. I skipped years and fought for nothing. I lost my humanity for revenge. I came back and pretended to be a normal person. I don't know how to be a normal person. I can pretend but that's not the fuckin answer, is it? I don't nor will ever chastise myself for war, I do regret it.

the matt scene is incredible
wonderful episode

this is my favorite show for the same reason as OP. Everytime I watch videos of it I cry because i don't want it to be over. Is there anything else that comes close to this show?