Time to choose Sup Forums. Left or right? You can only have one

Time to choose Sup Forums. Left or right? You can only have one.

i choose run

Judy is just the fucking cutest little button. I could never choose anyone else.

Right obviously

The one on the left always, always, gets me diamonds.
I bet she's a freak in the sack.

i choose Illyria.

I want to stick my peepee in Judy!

I need to sample the scent of their feet at the peak of their smelliness first. Whoever's feet is stinkiest is the one I choose.

Judy by far


Marry Judy, Fuck Amy, Kill Bryce Dallas Howard.

fuck is ur problem?

but Bryce is a mommy


Judy and it's not even close.

The non-Whedon'd one.

Left. She's not that hot, but I love her voice and attitude, and she's cute. I'm a bit concerned about not getting the image of her with a beard out of my head when I'm about to have sex with her though.


amy acker

I wanted to fuck the shit out of illyria

The one that got fucked by Whedon.

So both.



Winifred Burkle/Illyria who also guest starred in Supernatural, obviously

Man, Duchovny really hit the jackpot when he got offered to do Californication didn't he?


Can I make them put on the potara earrings and fuse them together?


If you picked Judy Greer you're a Judy Queer.

>has the hots for a male character
>call someone else queer

Left, it's not even close

>This thread again
It's not an Amy thread
It's not even a thread for the other girl who is also cute but not as perfect as Amy
Waifu battles are stupid. There will always be different kinds of perfect for diffeent folk

right you fucking piece of shit, the fact that you had to ask confirms that OP will forever be a faggot


Also, faggots talking shit about Amy should noose themselves.
Let the masses choose left, she's probably "hotter" to most.
And OP is a fag as usual, what a surprise...

Why are Acker fags so angry?

Dunno about the other guy, but me, I'm usually peaceful, I like it when people have other waifus as well, it's a big world with room for everyone. But these threads generate conflict and people start talking shit about Amy and I don't like that.

Right burns coal, so left

please stop posting my waifu so often
polite sage

Right, no contest.

left easily

Amy. I imagine she's an awesome fuck. I also have a suspicion that she can give ball draining footjobs.


left of course
>picking shit eyes

I don't even really like Amy Acker, but she's clearly the better choice.

feet will decide

oh the irony...

Greer all the way.


And footfags claim they're not degenerate

Right in her prime. That means when she was 16

Can I just kill Bryce 3 times

Judy's been my dream lover since jawbreaker. i fucking love her so much.
