





















One of my guiltiest Gen X multiple faps was the Marvel version of this cover.

To be fair I swear it was more erotic than that I think it was the one where all the girls were in a single shot and Rogue was in there but that's just a cover of one I could find.

Like I said I am too old lol.

Actually my serious worst one was this panel from the old 90s Predator comic where one of the characters gets into a thong lingerie then goes topless.

Umm sorry maybe that was TMI lets keep the thread fun.

I just love this, I don't care! I wish Zenescope's interior art looked this good but their covers are beautiful.


W-W-what? When did this happen?

It didn't.

is that her tit or a shoulder


It's her tit. It's always her tits.

why did high cuts have to go out of style?


win-o link pls

those are her biceps and she's taking Synthol



Do they even do glow-in-the-dark covers anymore?


why is thread so dead. I thought Sup Forums likes Cheesecake

I wish that was me :(

another Lois Lane bondage cover

>when you see it


it's monday.
too talk about last week's comics. too early to talk about this week's.

anyways, here's a really dumb cover

I see what they were trying to do there, but yea it sucks

*too late to talk about last week's comics

fuck me


This shark is going to tuna town


I'm going to marry Ant!

I thought Wonder Woman was the one with bondage

fucking Ant

Who do you think Lois learned it from?

>Woman beaten and chained in a skimpy outfit.

Wow you can't get away with this anymore.

Slave Wondy is best costume


This is the greatest cover of all time.




Who is this seed-succubus?


Swamp Thang. It's a schlocky parody comic.


How can one League be so based, bros?


>Wolverine does not appear in this issue

reminds me of pic related

Such a good thread. So many sub-cagtegory tags to choose from.



Best League? Best League.

at first I read that as 'wonder woman in Canada'

Lol people who think they know body building. You don't take synthol, you use it. It doesn't do anything it's just plastic, just imagine putting some silly putty in under your shirt to look like you have boobs, same idea.

>Marvel version of this cover.
I'm going to need you to find that.

Why did all of her hair stay?


Planetary always had good covers


Add some more zeroes.




I remember always jerking it to a picture of Psylocke that came from one of the swimsuit issues