What's your favourite Sup Forums related video game?

What's your favourite Sup Forums related video game?

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Well, Mr Howard (peace be upon him, praised be his name), I have many fond memories of battle for bikini bottom on the original Xbox, so probably that since I don't own any Sup Forums related games right now. The gameboy games for spongebob were pretty fun too.
Funny enough I mostly play Bethesda games right now, laced with some destiny and red dead redemption to pad it out.

Fuck off Todd no one is buying Skyrim remastered


>not maximum carnage


But it's free.

Toss-up between X-Men Legends II and Spider-Man 2.

Really been into Marvel Heroes since I built my PC. Didn't there used to be a general for that here?

>rise of the imperfects
>ultimate alliance
>x men legends 2
>ultimate marvel vs capcom

I'm a marlelfag when it comes to vidya

Either this or Spider-Man 2. Spider-Man 2 had the perfect web swinging and a fun city to explore, but I enjoyed the ability to switch between suits and was more interested in the story in WoS... fuck it, Spider-Man 2 was better. Best soundtrack ever.


Arkham city

I never bought Dawnguard so it's not.

Battle for Bikini Bottom is a great Mario 64 clone. It's also fucking hilarious. My mother still says "I don't speak Italian" when someone mentions spatulas.

X-Men Legends 2

Goddamn that was a good game. Also basically every MvC game aside from vanilla 3.

In terms of just being a super hero Saints Row 4. Gat Outta Hell if in the mood to fly.

In terms of directly being related to Sup Forums DBZ/Naruto fighting games if counting Toonami or an old X-men game for the Genesis if not. Was something I grew up with my brother and pretty cool if you can coop. Though the character choices were limited they were spot on with the powers. Nightcrawler can teleport your coop bud if you are over him at the time and while extremely glitchy and unreliable it is possible to teleport through walls, take a shitton of energy for a single teleport so the risk is up to you. Wolverine also have his healing factor though it is extremely slow and can only heal up to an amount so bosses are still something to worry about. There was also another coop X-men game for the Genesis, X-men 2 which I assume is more popular but I honestly enjoy the first more personally.

Any answers that aren't Telltale's The Walking Dead are wrong. First season, anyway.

Arkham CIty.
The OST just makes that game.

What? No mention of Neversoft's Spider-Man?


Battle For Bikini Bottom is one of the best video games I've ever played. It's almost better than SM64. It's funny, and has near perfect platforming controls. It feels and breathes Spongebob. It's pretty perfect. The movie game is amazing as well.

This game gives me the warm fuzzies

and red riding hood is CUTE

>Funny enough I mostly play Bethesda games right now
Run into traffic.
Stupidly overrated.

overrated because of little girl lovers

Man, thats not fair.

The Arkham series, most Spiderman games, the High Moon Transformers duology, TF Devastation, Aladdin (Genesis version)...

Fallout 4 of course!

>TF Devastation

putting Devastator so early into the game and not having the generic Decepticon troops be Reflectors was just the beginning of how shit that was

You got a problem with basing the troops on the Battlechargers? You some kinda faggot, boy?

That shit was basically a downloadable game. Way too short for full Platinum release, I mean what the fuck

There's only one real answer.

I still play ultimate spider-man every 1-2 years, fucking loved it

But do you have any real reasons for why it was bad besides irrelevant stuff? Do you really think Megatron's army consisted of just the named Decepticon characters from the G1 cartoon?

What about gameplay reasons?

Battle for Bikini Bottom is the only correct answer


The Shrek 2 game was really good. That and Spider-Man 2 were my first license games, it really shocked me when I played other license games and they all sucked.

The controls in that game are tighter than the fist of a recently-bribed politician. Spongebob's upgrades were great, never felt like the others needed more than they had. The levels (besides a certain arboreal nightmare) were perfectly ambient, and everything just made sense.

Fuck Kelp Forest

g1 Megatron didn't have fucking drones, this isn't fucking Transformers Prime

he had reflectors and seekers to fill out his ranks


are you?

Reflector is the patrician's transformer

>tfw when they never made the promised retool of Perceptor

those lying cunts

Been meaning to find a copy of this. Looked fun.

The Arkham series.

I too like mashing attack and occasionally hitting counter.

Imaginators was a surprisingly fine mindless platformer/brawler game.
Kaos is best Sensei.
it has a cartoon so it's Sup Forums related

>no mention of pic related

Was that the Crazy Taxi clone? I loved that one.

GTA clone

No Hit and Run is the GTA clone. The one you're thinking about is Simpsons Road Rage.

Right. Man, that game was so fucking lit. Crazy Taxi gameplay but with the Simpsons. And to think SEGA tried to sue them instead of partnering for a sequel.

It certainly helps that DC's versions of said games are trash.

To me this is pretty much a perfect game, I never had XBL since poorfag so I don't know or care what the online vs stuff was like, but as a stand alone single player experience I've played through this game countless times and it's always a lot of fun, as a lifelong TF fan this shit is the closest I feel like I could get to being a TF....it's so fun to have the ability to switch between bot and vehicle modes on the fly and both always feel smooth and natural and have their advantages depending on the situation, and the story is great

Not even once.

The Punisher by Volition


>no mention of the Stick of Truth
It may not be all time best tier but it's certainly the best in the last few years. Yeah, yeah, we know it was too easy.

By that reasoning so do Mario or Megaman games. Don't be a faggot user.

Except for the fact that Skylanders Academy is produced by the company making the games, unlike the cartoons you just mentioned and their ilk

Who gives a shit.

It was the last good X-Men relaterd game that came out.

Fuck this game, the guys with the spears are literally impossible to get past if there are more than a few of them.

Not only my favorite Sup Forums favorite vidya series. But my favorite vidya of all time.

I love these games but I find the combat to be so repetitive, heck I think old beat em ups mostly have less button mashy shit, and especially with the boss battles which are usually a chore rather than exciting....if only they put in just a little more effort they would be all time greats

>Didn't there used to be a general for that here?

Yes, but hot pockets moved us to vg where we struggled to keep it alive and eventually gave up.

Sequel was better in every way

Don't forget the Riddler challenges.


Throwing Wolverine's bike through a window, then beating the shit out of him was mighty satisfying.

It was too short too. But still enjoyable.