What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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cherrypicking no life spammers like you weren't stabbed in the head with a metal hanger.

>When I was a kid I used to draw cowboys and indians.
>Actually, it's Native Americans.

>When I say "Penis", you say "Parker".

>MJ: Excuse me, can we go already? 'Cause I was hoping to get in some light protesting in front of one of the embassies before dinner, so...
>Nu-male white teacher: Protesting is patriotic. Let's get on the bus.

>I don't really wanna celebrate something that was built by slaves.

>I'm looking at... porn.

>[shoots a web at Shocker]
>Honestly, I'm shocked.

There was no web-swinging through NYC. Peter had no spider-sense. There were no scenes of Peter with a camera. No Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn; what familiar names remain have all been blackwashed. No Aunt May that any comic fan would recognize. No hint of an origin story, not even a nod, so we have no appreciation for what makes Peter do what he does.

>What went wrong?

Jews and niggers

as always.

>in b4 some denialist faggot tells me to go back to Sup Forums

Suck my dick, you willingly deaf, dumb, and blind fuck. Go numb your head with some more Star Wars or Avengers garbage.

>What went wrong?
Your whole life, I suspect.


>This movie isn't the exact same thing i've seen in the last 5 movies
There is just no pleasing you faggots.

Top is the better movie but the CGI honestly looks so much worse than HC. Looks like a fucking pre-rendered cutscene from a 2001 PC game

Look at all those butthurt MCUcks. Gonna cry?

>it's been speculated . . .
Ya don't say!

>the CGI honestly looks so much worse than HC

No, it doesn't. The only objectively worse CGI in the original Spider-Man are the up-close shots of Peter in his Human Spider suit.


We gave women the vote and it was all down hill from there

this looks like a fan film

TOP: superior artist working with inferior technology

BOTTOM: inferior artist working with superior technology

Never looked at it that way, but that does make sense.

Lol, Penis Parker

You're cherry picking the pre-disney Marvel movies. Blade I and II were great but Blade Trinity was worse than any MCU movie, Not to mention all the Fox made movies

Sorry for wanting a Spider-man movie to be about Spider-man.

Which one is this from?

Spider-Man 2002

Thanks. It's been so long since I've seen the earlier movies, that a rewatch might be in due.

>When I was a kid I used to draw cowboys and indians.
>Actually, it's Native Americans.
That's been a thing for a while though. I remember it was a thing during the 90s. "Amerindian" was also another considered replacement for "Indian"

>Insist on making another spiderman reboot and then get upset when people aren't happy when it's the worst of the three versions, which is actually sort of impressive

I think the creation of marvel studios allowed for objectively better cape movies. With that said, if you think homecoming was better than Spiderman 2 your fucking retarded.

>from the guy who made CLOWN

Seriously what were you expecting?

A hard core SJW had to much power over spider man slow killing it at Sony. On her way out the door cut backroom deal with Disney. She put her POl shit into Homecoming, Which is a good movie even with her shit due to Disney.