Avengers vs x-men will never happen because fox and Disney are too much of pricks to make an sort of agreements

>avengers vs x-men will never happen because fox and Disney are too much of pricks to make an sort of agreements

Why must I suffer like so?

Why would you want one of the worst Marvel stories to ever be produced to become a major motion picture? Are you stupid or something?

With the success of all the marvel movies, I honestly wouldn't mind

They might do something good with it

See civil War. Now kill yourself you fucking faggot retard


From what rumors I've heard, Fox and Marvel managed to make a deal regarding Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Ego, the Living Planet.

Marvel let the crew behind Deadpool heavily alter NTW (re: the only thing in common with the comics version is the name and sex), and in exchange, Fox gave back the rights to Ego (as he fell into the Fantastic Four rights) for Marvel to use in GotG Vol. 2.

Shut the fuck up, Bendis.

Best post of the month. Thread closed.

civil war was an average as fuck movie

I don't really think either studio thought Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Ego the Living Planet were worth fighting over.

Good, hero vs hero drama has never been good.

horseshit, ego was a Thor villain

Marvel's successfully run down the X-men franchise to the point where few fans care about it anymore. What they've been unsuccessful with is replacing it with a body of heroes that sold as well.

Honest, I'm done with X-men and all of it as a result, and if I have to watch Heroes fight each other over stupid shit one more time, I simply won't.

That movie sucks ass. Fuck off, mousekid.

Hero vs Hero stories are stupid as shit and that one is among the worst pieces of shit ever written, you deserve your suffering.

fake "angry" responses, familia

And for taking inspiration from an utterly shit comic storyline, that's pretty impressive. AvX as a mediocre movie would be nice.

>MCUcks wanting more hero vs hero shitfests


>Inhumans aren't going to get dragged into this shitheap of a sinking ship that is Marvel Studios
>Blackagar gets to fight with his evil brother on the moon

Defenders and Inhumans will blow the fuck out of Spider-man and Thor 3, mark my words.

Civil War was shit but at the very least had some cool moments, AvX was just shit all the way trough. It merged Hero vs Hero, The Phoenix and New Character is SUPER IMPORTANT AND SPECIAL into one neatly packages turd sandwich. It somehow managed to shove the trifecta of shitty overused plots into one story and no part of it is salvageable.

Why would anyone want it so much is fucking beyond me, there are other storylines involving both franchise and none of them is near as much of a fucking shitfest.


>Hope was such the anti-waifu that gillen's run only redeemed her by having her own team plot to kill her because no one liked her

The shittiest part about Hope is that we had to put of with her bullshit under the promise of at satisfying ending to the Messiah Trilogy and then the last part was hijacked by hero vs hero bullshit were her entourage of shitty OCs wasn't even fucking relevant.


There is no such thing as a Marvel Character named Hope!

Messiah Complex was a prank bro! It wasn't canon!

Don't forget the massive retcons and deliberately ignoring character history for the sake of telling a terrible story.

Because you touch yourself at night.

>too much of pricks

They cut a pretty generous deal with Sony who were batshit insane and already the ungrateful fucks have started to renege.

Am I the only one that dislikes having the X-men and other Marvel superheroes in the same universe? It just never feels right.

You're not (a lot of older comicfags say that the X-Men only work in their own little bubble) but Marvel will never listen to that plea

Because you have shit taste is why

>and then the last part was hijacked by hero vs hero bullshit were her entourage of shitty OCs wasn't even fucking relevant
Wait what? I recall the huge war against Bastion and a motherfucking army of Nimrods. The end felt pretty satisfying

Or are you talking about AvX?

But OP, AvX was absolute trash...

Probably because Marvel still insists on making X-Men stand-ins for racism and doesn't realize that racism for "being different" doesn't work when your difference is "You have superpowers" in a world thats FLOODED WITH MOTHERFUCKERS WHO HAVE SUPERPOWERS.

And then try to tell people that somehow everyone can tell at a glance someone is a filthy mutie and knows to discriminate against them despite there being no possible fucking way to tell if Fucko the Human Goo Pile is that way because of a nuclear accident, or because of a gene in his body implanted by motherfucking alien space gods.

Yeah I meant AvX, the three stories that were supposed to be a trilogy were Messiah Complex, Second Coming and whatever shitty jesus reference they were gonna use for a title of the third one, the third one of course being derailed by the Muties vs Avengers power hour.

AvX came well after Second Coming, which was the third part, man. Messiah War was the second one.
