Real sets, practical effects

Real sets, practical effects

a REAL desert! :)

Best movie of the decade, I have no doubt that episode 8 will top this one. Can't wait to see Rey kick some serious ass after she's fully trained.

how would you shot this exact scene?

fun fact there were many miniatures in the prequels but not a single one in TFA

You've been here, but you don't know this story

Go on

But she kills Luke senpei, then the last movie is called Rebellions Last, giving you a dual meaning again.

You just know Luke killed her parents

>not-tatooine lol
>Millenium Falcon, X-Wings, and TIEs only
>one-shot the Republic so we can have "The Rebels" again
>not -Death Star lol
>not-Darth Vader
>literally no Luke Skywalker
what the FUCK

This is how it should have gone down

>BB8 contains the coordinates and means of destruction for a new Death Star
>Rey tries to get this info back to the Resistance, except it's called something less retarded
>at some point Rey gets lost in the woods
>finds a makeshift crossroads
>one path leads back out of the woods
>the other leads deeper inside
>a strange feeling causes her to go deeper
>she comes across a spooky grove
>a strange vine entangled hut sits in the middle
>a witch covered in undergrowth walks out
>it's Leia
>they have something like the Luke/Obi-Wan relationship in ANH, with Leia beginning to train Rey
>eventually Rey gets the coordinates back to the Resistance, led by General Solo
>he sends almost his entire fleet to destroy the new Death Star
>they reach the coordinates expecting heavy resistance
>but there's nothing there
>it was a ruse and the First Order launch a devastating strike on their now less-manned base
>Rey confronts Kylo
>she taps into the dark side and her anger to try and defeat him
>suddenly a green blade deflects her killing blow
>it's Luke dressed in black
>Rey goes to confront Luke, who holds her off easily
>Leia tries to appeal to Luke
>while Rey's distracted, Kylo confronts his father and kills him
>Luke screams NOOO
>the resistance fleet returns and Kylo and Luke flee while Leia mourns Han

What think?

The visuals of TFA will age much better than prequels.
Even the practical effects and sets of the prequels somehow look fake and computer generated, while you have to admit that you were surprised just how much of TFA ended up being CGI.

I wouldn't have used that meme zoom, for one. Felt totally out of place in a Star Wars movie

It feels totally out of place in everything.Who the fuck still use that?

It only works in comedies or certain documentaries and even then it's easily overdone

Go back

No it was pretty fucking obvious cgi. Butthole eyes and Snoke looked terrible and the dogfights look like some shit from Star Trek.

>What think?
Stop talking like a babies and niggers.

Those are just a few select scenes of a 2 hour 15 minute long movie, while pretty much the entirety of the prequel look pretty bad.


I will the moment you stop typing like a virgin

Yup, he was a knight of Ren or some shit and Luke killed him.

You'll definitely hear the line, "No, I killed your father."