When did you grow out of South Park?

When did you grow out of South Park?

When did you lose your spine?
Was it after Trump became a candidate or after you became "red-pilled"?

When it became one large story over the season instead of one episode things.

Also is a whiny faggot

Looks like you still have some growing up to do.

I haven't, i still kind of like it.
Member berries are fucking hilarious.
fight me.

Last week.

South Park is older than me, so that's a hard question to answer.

>Growing out of a show aimed towards adults.

I work there

Around ~2006, but that's because I had other things going on and I was too busy to sitdown and watch TV.

Got back on it a few years ago, though.

When I canceled my cable. It was never the kind of show I went out of my way to watch.

It feels like the show still has this almost extinct 90's atitude and way of thinking.

Family Guy is also aimed towards 'adults'.
So is Sausage Party.

Shouldn't that make nostalgiafags happy?

I didn't

when they disagreed with me

It started to suck around the tenth season, but now I dont even enjoy the old episodes anymore. So a while ago

Maybe, but to me it feels like the show is pratically a relic from a time long gone and their attempts at being edgy and clever is just old and outdated.

Your point? Not liking a style of comedy isn't the same as growing out of something.

My point is it may seem like it's aimed at adults, but it is in fact aimed at children.

I started and grew out of SP this year.

Member Yesterday's South Park Thread?

So you just grew out of it a year ago?

that would be 2 years ago

I was never a huge fan, it always seemed very juvenile to me. Kenny Dies was one of the first episodes I watched, so I've ever had high expectations for it.

wait, nevermind, I was thinking continuity not season long arcs my bad

Around season 3-5, so I was 15-17. But then it grew back on me when I reached my mid-20s and stopped trying to pretend I couldn't enjoy juvenile stuff.

Except you're wrong. Kids might enjoy them, but the subject matter and content, is intended for an adult audience.

I didn't grow out of it, I grew into it when they shitcanned the wall to wall scat humor and started doing current affairs.

Does Trey prefer tea or coffee?

The vast majority of the audiences are adult. Something being juvenile doesn't mean it's aimed at children.

They started doing current affairs in season 1.

Just not a mature audience

Season 6 I guess, being the last one of any interest to me.