Is considered the intelligent princess of wisdom by the Dsiney fan base

>Is considered the intelligent princess of wisdom by the Dsiney fan base
>Exclusively reads children's fiction

Not much else to do in 1740.

She choosed money over an alpha male

Faggot she's a woman that knows how to read in the first place during a time when that shit was rare even for men.

It's really hard to think that few decades ago illiteracy was a big problem.

>Implying it's still not.

You've got to start somewhere, user.

Bitch Belle read Shakespeare; that shit's supposed to be performed!

>detached from the world around her
>rejects social conventions
>absorbed in fantasy
>possible furry

Truly she would be the Princess most at home on Sup Forums


well who the hell else could they pick for the title

>"What's your favorite book?"
>"Oh, it's (insert some series of children's books)."
Do people even read real novels anymore? I've noticed girls my age are especially bad about this.

Jane from Tarzan.
If Tarzan's king of the apes, that would make Jane queen of the apes and technically royalty.
A Victorian naturalist typically had to be very well educated.

>tfw I prefer theatrical literature and poetry
Neither the camp kiddie-book punks or enlightened novel hounds want me.

Wasn't she technically a kid? I'm sure most disney princesses were teens or pre teens in their original incarnation.

alright you are right

>Stockholm syndrome
Bitch has a weak will

ikr? Just look at who they voted for president.

Were you expecting her to quote Montaigne?

Verse is where it's at man.

Who is "they"? I don't think Belle is American

Well, she is like 15/16

The fuck you expected?

Also it's probably the disgust she felt around the townsfolk was exactly because she knew too much already

Probably read some social essays, or some heavy critics on monarchy or the church

Not much else to appreciate around there

>the Dsiney fan base
>children's fiction
Makes perfect sense if you think about it.

Jane's not a queen. At least not in the eyes of God.

She's in her late teens and reads for pleasure in a time period where being able to read at all was not super-common, especially not for peasants and especially especially not female peasants. The fact she enjoys rereading a book of fairy tales because it's the one most different from her day-to-day life doesn't detract from the fact her being literate at all bespeaks either being surprisingly well-educated or bright enough she learned on her own.