Rewatching Avatar with my girlfriend. We're trucking through season two, and I'm reminded about how awful Mai is

Rewatching Avatar with my girlfriend. We're trucking through season two, and I'm reminded about how awful Mai is.

She is easily the flattest secondary character in the entire series.

There are a lot of flat girls in Avatar.

back to ribbit with you

Funny, my girlfriend and I rewatched Avatar last year and we decided we hated Mai too.

We came up with a story where she and Jet get together, but because they're such massive whores they have every combination of STDs under the sun between the two of them. Their union produces a super STD which manifests itself as an eldritch horror.

>She is easily the flattest secondary character

The fact that she's a qt saves her.

Flat is justice

Don't you talk shit about Mai

Well user, I have only one thing to say:

Bitch, you best believe it's hammertime. WANANANANANA

He wasn't a secondary character.

Why Zuko didn't pick attention whore instead is something I will never understand

But flat chested girls are great though. Would nibble Mai's in a heartbeat.

The circus contortionist has some tits.

I love Mai's grumpy cuteness
She's just my type.

I think the character itself was really nice, but the haircut totally fucked the design.

With hime cut or raven haircut would be 10/10

I really like her hair. The strands, bangs, and buns.
The only change I would make is have the sides not bulge out
looks too much like a helmet.

Yet she's still easily better than only tip top of characters from LoK (i.e. Kuvira).

I liked Mai's reserved nature.

But I like Mai...

hay guise wats goin on

How much?

You and your girlfriend sound like autists.

They might just be underaged user

One of each, I suspect.

Remember that time Mai was willing to let her infant brother just straight up fucking die, because she didn't care about anything other than not being bored?

She was a good friend.

I don't understand how Zuko fell for her. There isn't much to fall for outside of looks.

Was it their brooding nature that drew them together? At least Zuko had a reason to brood. Mai was just kind of moody for no discernible reason other than being a foil to Ty Lee.

Negatives become positives, I guess.