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ssonic2 right?

>trailer came out 18th
that was fast


you weren't here when dragons crown trailer hit in 2011, were you?


I only started browsing Sup Forums last year

thats sad

anyway, when that trailer hit, we had art within the hour and the game didn't come out until 2013. though, most of it was JP art, still, it was a wondrous time

makes you wonder when thighs and asses will get the same outcry big tits got in cartoons

why is it that everything this artist does looks the exact fucking same every single time?

it's always bare, oversized asses and the same body figure to some extent and a couple of playful expressions to make up for it. it barely even feels like he's making an effort.

People have really gotten productive with her.

I sort of imagine those shorts would make a sound akin to that of a creaking rope as they desperately try to hold together and contain those hips and that ass.



>tfw have a hyper fetish


literal Dobson tier
kill yourselves please

anyone have that webm from Peter Pan of Tinkerbell checking out her butt in a mirror?

curly hair is garbage on women
not to mention the red head


Take that back, fucker.


>No picture
it's been a while since I've seen that








>tfw every single woman has the mother of all super donks in this short
>your perfect giga glute waifu is just waiting to be seen

Redhead is just the tip of the iceberg... and the iceberg is extremely pear shaped.


>it barely even feels like he's making an effort.
because he literally isn't

I don't even fucking draw and even I can tell he's so far in on his comfort zone it's astounding

>it barely even feels like he's making an effort
Just be glad he's making any effort at all.

What's the artist?

that won't sink this titanic of a short then, since its pear shaped

also, that is a good point, this should be filled to the brim with huge butt waifus EVERY FUCKING WHERE!


Stop shilling your shit.

ssonic2 is a lazy fuck of an artist. Literally all he does is add big tits and ass to everything, with no personality

Also posting shots of her from a different angle, seems her nose is much more pronounced than the initial image let on

got any proof of shilling?

Holy shit, the internet works fast

think sunibee

only more boring and blander

the only bad thing he does is adding dicks to anything

>first result in google is FurAffinity

Oh fuck off

you couldn't be more wrong

You could say that about Shad

Looks more like she sat in grave for awhile more than frecks.

or could he?

He doesn't even compare to Sunibee. Sunibee at least studies fundamentals and is constantly improving

I think you interpreted that as me saying sunibee is bad

it's just that his style is so painfully repetitive and it always manages to give off the vibe that he's after the same bubble asses suni does

Is this an inflation thread?

Because it is pretty obvious that you guys are Dobson-tier fags.

>Sunibee at least studies fundamentals and is constantly improving
whatever you say.
Was that not obvious already?

uhh le thicc mem

Her ass looks like it was blown up by an air bag. How the fuck do people find that hot? Are you so sexually deprived of real women that you find these cartoon proportions hot?

le thicc is no mem
le thicc is ver rel

>having actual debates on fap art
This is why blue boards suck

>le thicc mem

what the fuck are you talking about?

Why do people fap to NTR?

>How the fuck do people find that hot?
The same way people fine anthropomorphic animals hot.
It's their fetish.

We are inflation fetishists, I literally linked the thread on my DA page to attract people.

It HAS to look that it is full of air.

i wish i was that good
you can't just add tits to anything user, you need to CRAFT tits.

they require love and care


>no personality
It's a drawing

how big does your cock need to be to have anal with that?

what is she from?!?


>asking if the
>finds cartoon proportions hot

Inner Workings

at least horse sized

This is just scraping the surface of fetish shit, bruv.

Short playing in front of Moana

I'm sorry your salty, flat ass can't handle discussions.

not big enough


More like his salty, flat ass can't support discussions

Which is not what ssonic2 does, if you ask me. He sees a character and simply grafts tits and ass onto it without any extra consideration

I'm an artist myself so maybe I'm just overly critical

So it's basically Inside out with all the body organs...

>this fetish piece doesn't have enough of a personality for me to jerk to
Real good discussion, champ

I just want people to draw free fetish porn for me.

But the drawfags here look like cucks.

>man oh man look at all this terrible shitposting I totally cannot overlook and invest time tugging my peepee, which is why I'm totally not here to do
keep at it, one of those greentexts will hit.

Who cares if they drawfags look like cucks, so as long as the pump out the good stuff.

By the way, how do you know that they look like cucks anyway? You have all of their photos?


Too many autistic nerds for that, user.


They are cucks because we barely got anything done.

im not, also an artist here, but im shit tier so anyone better than me i don't see as "bad"

I guess

sure showed em

Okay what are artists calling her so I can look up more porn?

No no, it's not 'because we barely got anything done' it's should to be 'because THEY barely got anything done'.

If it's all their fault then don't blame yourself for it

Maybe people shouldn't have been so thirsty saying "huuuuur declare she flavour of the month, where is my art??"

I'd hardly call 15 pics in that initial Inner Worings thread "Barely getting anything done".

Unless you're talking about how the single requests in the Sup Forums and /aco/ drawthreads got a lot of "seconded" replies that set off some salty "SAMEFAG REE" guy.

Just look up the short's title, Inner Workings.

Here we go again you and you shit waifu... GTFO

>he says on a peruvian ratbreeding suburban joint

Take your pills and stop being angry on the internet

He thinks that 15 is enough for 4 hours bumping the thread

Fuck off


how does calling one person out on his meaningless posts automatically equate to being angry

Post more Momsied


methinks you're the one who should take the needle, user.