An entire episode of Connie salivating over Steven's new body

>An entire episode of Connie salivating over Steven's new body

What did Rebecca mean by this?

But user, she loves ALL the Stevens...


>vaginal salivation of a girl from an Indian nation.
>nether soak of the lady with color brown oak
>panty melee of the daughter from Bombay

she wants the Steven

That deep down no girls like manlets.

It's meant to imply that the only reason she hasn't jumped his bones yet is because he looks like an 8 year old.

Hey, when Steven starts popping inappropriate teen boners, is he also going to morph into an adult man or shoot lasers, or some kind of other horrible magic shit?

Rebecca Sugar likes prepubescent boys. This is nothing unusual given what we know of her.

fat shaming

Its means stop being a fact fuck and maybe chick would be more into you.

Connie likes big guys.
Steven likes femdom from a brown girl in a wedding dress.

>fat teen becomes skinny and now a girl wants to fuck him
Christ, I really dodged a bullet by not watching the garbage

He's still husky.

This episode hit way too close to fucking home. My teenage years were a continuous nightmare of fearing that I would never reach a normal size that only ended when it became obvious that I never would.


That Connie has a transformation fetish and that combined with her being generally enamored with Steven turns her into a turboslut, but only for him.

I prefer fridge torso future Steven.
By that artist that draws him and adult connie with a matching scar like they got hurt while being fused.

She wants the Universe

he didn't become skinny, he got taller. Steven is baby fat more than anything else.

Women like tall men


She wants DEMAYO

"racemix as soon as you can"

>an entire thread about SU despite there being a general
What did the mods mean by this?


>complaining about one single extra thread
it's like you don't remember Korra or ponies

Better to kill it now before it gets out of hand.

When are they going to actually age Steven up? I mean, he transforms based on how old he feels, yet the majority of this past season has had him taking on more responsibility but he hasn't grown at all except for a single pube like beard hair which doesn't even matter.

He would demolish her.

depends on whether CN's marketing department will let them



>Steven likes femdom from a brown girl in a wedding dress.
This is far harder to find than I would think.

Lucky for him he's got a magical cloud world where he can automatically generate waifus.

What the fuck is going in this?

That last step Steven must take in purifying the galaxy and creating a Universe of peace, free from hatred and hostility. A Steven Universe if you will.

But the universe is bigger than a galaxy!

but hold de mayo

It sort of fucking sucks that they didn't let him grow and stay grown.
>what is character development
I mean adventure time has done it. Atleast on a small scale without really acknowledging it

>tfw no magical cloud world where I can automatically generate waifus.

Finn is still short even though he's gotta be 18 by now. I think it'd be pretty funny if he were just a manlet. Steven should be huge though.


>Would rather school shop then hang out with him

She only wants to be part of his magical adventure bed.

Even goes far as dressing as one. What an absolute madman.

He'll initially have adolescent feelings of shame and turn into some kind of weird monster. Then he'll learn that sexuality is natural, and start secreting pheromones instead.

>Then he'll learn that sexuality is natural

Enough with this heathen talk. Teenage boys should be secreting scripture, not Satan's demon juice.

Since Finn looks the exact same still after 6 years it looks like it can only happen in the finale episode or one shots that don't last. That's the way that the main character's design works.

whats his name again?

Mike "If you're a kike, take a hike" Pence?

he just got taller.

She meant that Steven being freakishly strong, kind, and has a magical destiny makes Connie sploosh.

Mike "Suck a cock, get a shock" Pence

Mike "Put that dyke's head on a pike" Pence