Lets talk about Earl Norem, and other forgotten greats

Lets talk about Earl Norem, and other forgotten greats

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Why is Skeletor riding elephants?

why DOESN'T He-Man ride a Turbodactyl anymore?


For that matter, why does he never ride his Geddy-Up Buttercup anymore?


How much do you gusy think this wizard can bench?



Norem is one of the old masters, yup.


Nestor Redondo and Herb Trimpe were two more awesome artists that no one really talks about anymore, the former especially being almost totally forgotten.

post some of their stuff?
that image is just so amazing!


Pow, right in the kisser

good old fashioned propaganda


God I fucking love MOTU. You can put the craziest shit in that universe and it would somehow make sense.

dude, this was 33 years after the war was over. that no longer classifies as propaganda. also, are you trying to say bears didn't hate nazis?


That fucking game...

Will we ever see modern Starlord doing this?


>skeletor in the background
>I came here to NYAHAHAHA at you

Rafael Gallur

Here's Nestor Redondo. I tried to find a better quality scan of this page, but this was the best I could do.

nice, was this the cover of something?

>muscle wizard
grant morrison clearly plagiarized Flex Mentallo from this forgotten great, really sad

>Nestor Redondo and Herb Trimpe were two more awesome artists that no one really talks about anymore
I'll give you Redondo, but I see people mention Trimpe every now and then.