ITT: Alfred shade

ITT: Alfred shade

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Is shade some stupid new slang for a word that already exists? Are all the kids saying it, or just all the black kids?

That's what all slang is, you're just not a fellow youth anymore but don't start yelling at clouds.

Throwing shade has been slang for years, user. It's not our fault you don't talk to people and absorb culture through internet message boards.

>Is shade some stupid new slang for a word that already exists

literally not knowing the meaning of slang aka short language also shade has been around for years everyone says it its common also also if the black kids say it everyone say it





here's your 3 (you)'s

>being so embarrassed about not knowing slang that you call it bait when you're called out

top lel







>actually using the "I know you are but what am I!" defense.

Why is Alfred so great?