What do each of these flavors taste like?

What do each of these flavors taste like?

Most of them taste like cowardice of Commie scum.

Canada is clearly maple syrup flavored.

Canada tastes like Maple Syrup. Italy like Gelato. India like Curry. Japan like Wasabi.

Atlanta tastes like Olde English.

The fact there's random cities along with the countries pisses me off.

>maple syrup

That's clearly Canadian Cheddar

Chernobyl is a super sour flavour.
Japan is sushi flavoured.

Chernobyl has a sort of metallic taste.

Japan is green tea and curry sounds fucking disgusting.


No thank you

That's clearly closer to light brown.

Why are there cities among the countries?

Because whoever makes Jawbreakers in the Ed, Edd n Eddy universe is a money grubbing jew.

What the hell am I looking at?


England tastes flavourless, like all our food.

What does the Syrian one taste like.

Soviet nostalgia flavor
Curry flavor
Exploding phones flavor
Maple syrup flavor
Freedom, fireworks, and a hint of apple pie flavor
Spaghetti flavor
Potassium iodide flavor
Pollution and children's tears flavor
Fish flavor
Stripper's ass cheeks flavor
Gin flavor
Cheese flavor
>Hong Kong
Ramen flavor
Gunpowder and burned corpses flavor
Sushi flavor
Waffle flavor
Potato flavor
Beef Wellington flavor
Did you mean Libya? flavor
Okay that's not Algiers... flavor
Fancy cigar flavor

Hope that helps.

Canada taste like a mix of curry and wok noodles, with just the barest hint of maple syrup and sadness.


Kimchi flavor

Tastes like refugee.

USA tastes liberating

Also that flavor is free with $10 sales tax

Explosion of flavor

Canada taste like maple syrup and insincerity.

USA tastes like Coke cola with a hint of bubblegum.

Spiced meat or shawarma.

You must be 18+ to post here little guy

I see Kuwait, I think.

Must taste like Fish Murtabak.

Chernobyl is the sweetest of all,for it tastes of death.

Dog flavor

Japan is quite clearly ramune flavored, going by the color. Get your facts straight.

>le chernobyl is a radioactive wasteland with mutated zombies meme
fuck of western scum, its people like you that drive our tourism sector down
chernobyl is a nice comfy place with many spots tourist can enjoy, its like a home away from home

I wonder who is behind this post


>sales tax as a flat dollar amount
Not how it works, comrade.


It's pretty clear Chernobyl is super sour, just like Warhead candy.

fuck off cyka scum its also people like you with that cheeki breeki game that gives us bad name

>Colored like a sickly turd

They knew.

I don't think you understand tax user.

grass. fucking grass and hint of fags

t. best county

why is it in english? Is India that westernised? Having this in english implies that this is for the middle classes which seems stupid since the vast majority of public defecation is probably a working class thing

Nice try, mutant.

>yeovil flavored ice cream
Tastes like disappointment

It tastes of Vodka, mushrooms and leaves a slightly iron tasting after taste.

They were a former English colony for decades, it'd be surprising if they didn't understand English.

>Canada is yellow



Is there really that much Chinks in Canada or do people confuse Eskimos with Asians?


its obviously maple syrup flavored

>chernobyl is a nice comfy place with many spots tourist can enjoy,
And get cancer


If there was a Mexican one, it should taste like either tamarindo or chamoy

10/10 chart

Oh yeah. Mexico and their fucking Chamoy.


The sweat off the foot of a cute girl from each respective country

Like cucks, niggers, nu-males, sjws, kikes, spics and mudslimes

You're not even wrong.

Deez nutz

They're gumballs from a candy store episode of Don, Donald n Donny.

>Chernobyl is glowing green
>India is brown

Probably curry.