What's the appeal of Steven Universe?

What's the appeal of Steven Universe?

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It's comfy. Which is a nice way of saying it's boring as fuck.

Its funny, has alot of nice self contained episodes, and the gems are hot.

>Its funny
Its not even a comedy

The humor is as bland and safe you can get. Not something you'd want to tune in for.

It's PROGRESSIVE or something like that that basically means Tryhard.

the art, specifically the colors and lighting, is great. The characters are great, and the plot is by far the best in a kids show. Soundtrack is GOAT. also lesbians to pull in the tumblr audience.

Damn, Steven is an ugly little cunt.

There's not really all the much else airing right now so might as well watch it.

it's objectively better than anything else on in terms of characterization and plot. also pushes the boundaries in terms of violence, sexual suggestiveness, etc.

He looks and acts less annoying as the series goes on.

>Soundtrack is GOAT
This isn't really saying much considering how low the bar is set. Although it did sound ok when I listened to it once.

I know. It's just refreshing to have a western show put some damn effort into it's OST.



It's just a fad.
The fandom will fall apart like Adventure Time before it. Do people even watch Adventure Time anymore? I mean i've never met a fan in-person so I doubt they even still exist.

Sure there may be shipping artwork of Bubblegum and the Tumblr Vampire but that's neither here no there.

Why do you hate cartoons so much yet you are at Sup Forums?

How did you get that he hates cartoons from that?

>boottleg anime pick
>hoping the cartoon dies just like previous cartoon
>both of them are properly cartoony

Lesbians, singing, dozens of episodes of filler.

It's basically what every faggot with shit taste wanted from adventure time, but this time they got it at full scale

autism and safe space, literally




Why do you care? You obviously don't like the show, so it's not as if explaining the show's appeal will change your mind.

Clearly fake. Only a man with no dick would use a comparison to XJ9 as an insult. Especially a black man. She was titanium white.

It used to be a cute comfy show and then proved itself as having some serious action in it. However since then it hasnt done much except progress the same plot that got set up at the end of the first season. Right now it's just kind of existing as that one somewhat popular show with an underwhelming current season and is known for sjw pandering. I think the pandering has recently gotten more heavy handed but out of writer's laziness rather than deliberately.

And Steven!