Are you a Greg? or an Andy?

Are you a Greg? or an Andy?

Most reasonable people are somewhere in the middle.

Neither cause I'm not some busted up old ass bitch.

>Gun loving conservative who doesn't really like non-whites all that much and would vote Trump if he was an American


Andy, so much Andy.

More of a lapis

I'm not as far to either extreme as either of them. I'm more like a Garnet but I'm not made of lesbian love.

I can relate more with greg because I would throw away what little of a life I had to have sex with alien waifus

Mostly Andy with a bit of Greg.

>tfw I just learned Carl's voice actor looks like pic related

I just looked up a brief clip of this episode after all the hooplah of Dave Willis being on it and it honestly surprised me. I don't really watch many current cartoons, but the humor was alright, though I don't know if that's just me excited to hear Carl again. Is the rest of the show just as funny?

Grandy. Little bit of Greg, but a whole lot of Andy.

It's a mixed bag, there's not as much humor if meme characters like early Season 1 Pearl and Season 2 Peridot aren't around.

It's still watchable and enjoyable though.

I dunno what you define as funny, but SU in terms of humor is pretty hit or miss. This one was hit, but mostly because I like the novelty of hearing Carl again.

More like Greg overall, but I relate hard to the feeling of family drifting apart because they moved on and you stayed the same.

Andy isn't exactly unreasonable. He's just a lonely guy who misses the way things used to be with his family.


A mix of both.

Personally I thought this was one of the weaker episodes. Mostly because this type of character doesn't appeal to me though.

I'm an Andy by far. A hispanic Andy though; so not what most people around me expect me to be, I guess.

but hispanics are conservative

I'm already living the Greg life. I'm just half his age.

You're blue Daria?

My gf says I'm basically Pearl, no need to cruxify me, Ill happily hang myself

both really

>tfw my beliefs are more like gregs but act like andy because the world ignores enviromentalism and thinks hippies are crazy

I'm not pure enough to be a Greg.

90% Andy, 10% Greg.



As kid you idolize Greg but as adult you realize that Andy makes more sense.

Dunno what to tell you. I've always entertained the idea of just moving far away and cutting contact from my family, not because I don't love them, but because I'm a loner who craves for that feeling of not being weigthed down to a place by bonds. That said, I don't think I'll ever be able to do such a thing because it would hurt them and I get this awful sene of guilt in my chest, exactly the kind of weight I'd like to escape from but find myself unable to.

Other than that particular aspect, Andy all the way. He's a man of tradition and proper rules, but still open to other cultures. Only reason he was so mad at the Gems was because they were on familly property given to them by someone without the right to do it and because they dismantled a precious family relic, and even them he didn't hold a grudge and tried his best to get along with them.

Wait until you're cucked and your gf dies in labor, THEN you can hang yourself.

definitely an andy

I doubt anyone in this thread who professes to be Andy is as well traveled as Andy is.

I would say I am an Andy and I have been to over thirty different countries.
I am Andy for society, my family has stayed the same so no sadness there on my part.

I'm a pretty chill guy, so my greg-ness runs deep

What do you do?

Not even joking, my GF cosplays as Rose. This shit is getting too real

>Gun loving conservative

Too bad he didn't pull a gun on the crystal gems to defend his property

Confirmed for not being An-Cap?

Is she into boys

He was to represent Native Americans
Not gun loving conservative.

He actually looks like a nice guy who could actually pick up a chick.

Idk why I always assume a voice actor will in some small way resemble the character.

He's probably got uncles like Carl. Like how Peter Cullen based his VAing off his Marine brother.

they may be both girls

Yes, user, that is why I asked if she was into boys

Definitely a Greg, right down to having the same taste in women.

Come to Europe. We have high recycling rarest and bike lanes everywhere!
Also tiny cars and high pollution standards.
And we really let in any last asshole.

>Is the rest of the show just as funny?
Not really, but the show gets a slight pass because it's mostly a drama anyway.

A drama with horrible pacing.

I am greg as fuck, except i'm too poor to afford a van

An Andy trying to be a Greg.

>muh refugees, the episode
Very classy, Sugar.

It's not laugh out loud funny like some shows and some of its humor is cheesy or puns or it just flat out misses. But when it hits, it hits.

Im a lad
t. Pearl man

>and high pollution standards.
Not particularly, no.

Andy, now get off my lawn, hippie.

I'm a Grandy

>Too bad he didn't pull a gun on the crystal gems to defend his property

We already got that though

I voted for Trump and I'm pretty darn lonely, so I guess I'm an Andy.

I love this.

Well, then you must have assumed he also looked like a meatball, an igloo, or a hotdog.

If Andy stays a recurring character, they really need to hook him up with Vidalia.

>Having to separate plastic and metal from my regular rubbish in the middle of the rain before bin day

rrrreeeeeeeeeeeee FUCKING HIPPIES

>shipping Andy with a happily married woman
>trying to cuck Yellowtail
tumblr begone


It's Steven Universe, every character is polyamorous and in an open relationship

Isn't Vidalia the only middle-aged human chick in the show that lives in Beachville?

Only one shown because crewniverse are lazy an like to blue all the fans
I'm fine with gems being like that but with humans it's just weird. If everyone in a town was polyamourus you'd find them peculiar... unless you're Mormon in which case that explains everything.

>beach city is based mostly on Ocean City, Maryland and to a lesser extent on Dewey, Rehobeth and Bethany Beach, Delaware
>there are gun-toting middle aged women running around

These are not the Atlantic tourist towns and retirement area I know of

I completely forgot Yellowtail was a character. My bad.

It's also possible he wasn't meant to represent any racial or political movement

Carl's VA is also Meatwad's VA

my dad's a greg.

and so am I.

>lad (female)

If your beliefs are what you seem to be hinting at you are crazy

theres Barb (Sadies' mom, might be single) and Lars' mom, who is married.

I didn't catch the reaction to this episode. Was tumblr assmad at the illegal aliens joke?

Tumblr was devastated that the moral of the episode was "Be nice to your racist relatives who voted for Trump," that "a racist" was redeemed before Jasper was, and that a violent heretic was bubbled instead of him.

I agree with Andy on immigration need to get these illegals outta here

Andy wasn't even that conservative
He got mad at a bunch of hippies
Strangers he didn't know made a bunch of stuff he didn't know about out of stuff he really liked
Just because he got mad at tumblrs 1-6, doesn't mean that he's automatically some right-wing nut who wants things to go back to the good old days

Like usual, both tumblr and Sup Forums are making this into a bigger deal than it has to be

We need to build a wall.
Homeworld will pay for this wall.

>episode moral is "dont be a cunt all your life"
>tumblr hates it

It's like poetry, you know, it

>who voted for Trump.

Where was Trump mentioned at all in this episode?

Race literally never comes up. And the only sexism is "Hobo is a man's job".

Would Vidalia vote for Trump?

The whole episode was an allegory for having to deal with conservative family members at holiday gatherings

>mods don't care at all

Is any other show allowed to have multiple threads up at once?


I dunno. Which one is intelligent, nihilistic and has a wicked sense of humour?

Easy to test. Cum on a pebble and see if it dies.

The one who isn't you.

he's a conservative because he opposes change, and wants to keep tradition, and would rather everything stay the same

the classic definition of a conservative is one who wants change to happen slowly, and to keep tradition

i think the more assmad were people here desu

Steven Junior?


Sup Forums isn't conservative and conservatism isn't Sup Forums

Sugar couldn't draw a fucking gun to save her life.

Gotta be ready for your characters to hold anything mlady, even if it's a giant purple dildo

I saw a bunch of them crying over shit like this and saying how "they shouldn't need to be nice to their racist relatives who are so obviously wrong and why can't they just understand why they're wrong?" and I kinda realized that these kids and their thought process is the perfect example as to why Liberals keep losing. The first step to changing someone's opinion is being willing to listen to their opinion and why they have it. If you just hurl insults at someone without caring to listen to them you aren't going to get anywhere.

It's a shame some of them still haven't learnt that simply being offended doesn't work anymore.

I'm a Grundy.

A Solomon Grundy?