Who let Zack Snyder direct Cars 3?

Who let Zack Snyder direct Cars 3?

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I wonder if they'll go into a third genre.

I mean, the first one was essentially Doc Hollywood. The second one was a James Bond spoof.

Looks like PixarKino to me.

more like Hack Snyder.

Will Lightning kill the other cars?

>Cars 3
For what purpose? For what fucking purpose?

From the sounds of the plot summary released months ago, it's basically a Rocky movie, specifically the 2006 one.

Lightning's getting older, one of the few cars from his class still actively racing and the movie's about getting back into shape to prove himself or perhaps go out into retirement with more dignity.

>mcqueen used to advertise for rust-eze
>now he's rusting

>For what purpose? For what fucking purpose?

Honestly, man, why do you even need to ask? It's one of their most profitable franchises from a toy perspective.

>basically a Rocky movie

Makes sense.

>Toy Story 4
For what purpose? For what fucking purpose?

I refuse to believe Cars makes money.

Because it sells a fucking ton of merchandise to boys who aren't interested in princess shit.

Toy sales

Billions of dollars in toy sales. It's one of Disney's biggest money spinners.

Plus, it's John Lasseter's pet franchise and Cars is the only Pixar franchise to have its own Pablo Hidalgo/Leland Chee equivalent whose job it is to make sure everything stays consistent across spinoffs and tie-ins and shit.

Cars box office, foreign and domestic: $462,216,280. Made sixty million opening weekend and was number one that weekend.

Cars 2 box office, foreign and domestic: $562,110,557. Actually made less domestic but made up for it outside the U.S. Sixty-six million its opening weekend and was also number 1.

Those stats are from Box Office Moko. Also, five years ago, at least, Disney reported that the Cars franchise brings in about two billion annually.



stop living in the nile.

Let's not forget it got its own multi-ride "land" at Disneyland. The only thing remotely close and Pixar related is a ride and 3D movie for A Bugs Life.

Believe it friend. 10 billion later

Why the heck they are making another sequel?

I wish. I'd like to see Zack direct everything.

Toy Story has lands in Hong Kong and Paris and soon Shanghai and Florida, though they're generally made up of off-the-shelf rides dressed up like giant playsets.

to apologize for cars 2

>implying any of the non-US Disney parks count

Tokyo DisneySea is GOAT though.

to make more billions.

I work at a pre-K facility and their after school program for grades K-3. You would not believe how many kids have Cars shirts/backpacks/etc. That shit sells wonders.

It may not necessarily be a kid's favorite movie, but parents like their boys to wear masculine things. When I was a kid, my room was decked out in NASCAR shit, and I had all these Hot Wheels and R/C cars. Guess what? I did not give a shit about cars. It's just a generic 'masculine' thing to buy for a boy, much like kids who wear baseball shit and then grow up to be their school's local Dungeon Master.

Cars is the same way, only there's a cute kid-friendly movie to go with it. Shit explodes into dollar signs when you pack the Wal-Mart aisles full.

Cars 3: Lightning McQueen Gets Fucking Crippled

>Blindsided by a new generation of blazing-fast racers, the legendary Lightning McQueen (voice of Owen Wilson) is suddenly pushed out of the sport he loves. To get back in the game, he will need the help of an eager young race technician, Cruz Ramirez, with her own plan to win, plus inspiration from the late Fabulous Hudson Hornet and a few unexpected turns. Proving that #95 isn’t through yet will test the heart of a champion on Piston Cup Racing’s biggest stage!

what the shit? i honestly can't believe this is real

it's always fucking PARENTS, they train their kids to like things THEIR PARENTS trained them to like things THEIR PARENTS trained them to..

it's as real as this is real.

Yeah, well, maybe that's the case, but it still rakes in billions of dollars for Disney.

Why are bad parents so retarded? Are they really that susceptible to the Jew?

What's with the heartbeat sound effect? Do cars have hearts in the Pixar universe? They're shown to have proper car engines under their hoods, so do they have human-esque biological organs behind their opaque windows, Shed 17 style?

it's called marketing.

people most of the time buy things they dont really need or want.

it's just advertisements brainwashes you since childhood "you need this! you want this!"

>Blindsided by a new generation of blazing-fast racers, the legendary Lightning McQueen (voice of Owen Wilson) is suddenly pushed out of the sport he loves. To get back in the game, he will need the help of an eager young race technician, Cruz Ramirez, with her own plan to win, plus inspiration from the late Fabulous Hudson Hornet and a few unexpected turns. Proving that #95 isn’t through yet will test the heart of a champion on Piston Cup Racing’s biggest stage!

It's fucking Rocky

did Pixar made anything truly original since UP?

>McQueen is fading! Fading fast!
What did he mean by this?

I kind of like that idea.
I did really enjoy Cars even though it was off-brand Doc Hollywood. "Rocky Balboa but with cars" could be fun.

>New love interest
Didn't McQueen already have a remarkably unremarkable girlfriend?

She won't be a love interest. Halfway through, he'll realize that he should be training her. She'll race the final.

When everyone is chanting for Rocky after losing the fight in Rocky 6 I always cry like a little bitch

It's all the fault of the capitalist western gender binary

Where does it imply that?

So is old grizzled man and spunky little girl a bonafide trend now?

What's weird is the visual style for this teaser, it almost seems hyper-realistic. I'm assuming it's something they only did for the teaser.

As it should be.

>the main guy falls out of his game, and needs help from this smart young girl to get back in it!
current year is vomit inducing

The animation is really fucking good not gonna lie.

You've obviously never been around kids

The amount of merch this franchise sells is stupid, the onl shit I see more of is Frozen

>plus inspiration from the late Fabulous Hudson Hornet

Holy shit, Hudson is fucking dead

Yeah, he's been dead since Cars 2.

It'll be better than Cars 2.


Kino as fuck

Oh shit
I just realized I never watched CArs 2

At the very least, the plot seems more focused than a damn spy movie.

It's a cute movie with some wacky deaths.

i thought this was a joke trailer for a second

If the focus is back on stock car racing, rather than internation spy antics, this might be kinda cool.

Same here. It just seemed so weird. Not "Zack Snyder"esque but still different from the usual tone.

Rocky 6


Same way that Hot Wheels and Thomas the Tank makes money. Kids like to play cars and things with faces and personalities

Same, looked like the trailer for the first one with a murky filter over it.

Rocky 6 was good, tho'

It would be Pixar move to flip the script and make it a more serious film since most of the kids who grew up watching Cars are teenagers now. Sort of like how Toy Story 3 was.

Holy shit, why

why not

Calling it now
When the girl car is revealed Sup Forums will say they want to fuck it.
Sup Forums's that horny

>Toy cars
>Not making money.

At first, I thought you were talking about one of those silly crossover trailers where they make a Pixar movie edgy. I was prepared to laugh.
I wasn't prepared to feel.
I was 8 when the first movie came out. I Bought all the cars toys I could back then. I loved lightning McQueen because we had similar surnames. But now my boy is gonna die of old age. Shit, all these cartoons are ending, my favorite characters as a kid are having bad shit happen to them, and I think I'll just do the age old advice on this site: drink bleach.

The only show I'm devastated is ending is Regular Show. It's not as good as it used to be no doubt, but I've watched since the beginning and I'm going to miss the new antics of the characters.

This teaser was fucking intense, I had to click the video and go to the channel it was on to see if it was fan made, because there's a lot of shit like that out there like you were saying.

I knew the plot since it was released but I didn't think he was going to get fucked up during a race, I thought it was just going to be a flash 20 years in the future or something.

get out you fucking young fag lmao

I never expected Cars to be the series to go all gritty on us

Is this Rocky Balboa or Creed? Or both?

Every time I see the logo for the movie I get an uneasy feeling. Didn't fucking help with this.

Man, the animation keeps getting better.

Hey now I notice that the poster is gritty as well

>the thought of a fun red car with a goofy face pulling a Dale Earnhardt

>tires screech
>slow motion wind effect as lightning mcqueen flips over the screen
>he crashes and gets crippled
Cars 3 everyone

>Lightning McQueen becomes edgy and does child-friendly drugs to become the best
>"What have I become?"
>loses everything
>has to start over from scratch
>works really hard to regain what he lost
>loses again at the end, gains nothing, in massive debt forever
>"Was it all for nothing?"


What the hell. I thought this was just really edited footage from Final Destination 4

I'm going to be so pissed if this happens because he's showboating. I swear I hate that shit.

I have a hold up for embarrassing things happening in shows and shit, like it might not be a focal point in the movie but it still gives me weird feelings. Like when a kid falls in public and starts crying, it's not about him being embarrassed but it fucks with me.

This would be that completely amplified.

gotta admit, it looks pretty

>people who were 8 when CArs came out can now post on Sup Forums

Shit, don't do this to me, man

So they're profiting off of the fragile masculinity of the previous generation? Why didn't I think of that?

When merchandise is factored in, Cars is literally the most profitable franchise Pixar ever created. Yes, even more than Toy Story.

>Robot Chicken gets the biggest budget in history

>Cars 3

You mean
"Cars 5: Planes 3: Fire and Rescue 2: Cars Again"?

More like who stole his filters.

Sup Forumsmblr strikes fucking again

and for what? a fucking cars 3.

>Million Dollar Car

>literally Cars 3: Out of Commission

>all these cartoons are ending, all my favorite characters as a kid are having bad shit happen to them

This is honestly killing me inside. Can't we just let a cartoon end a funny cartoon and not jack it up with deep feelings and lore? Holy shit. I watch cartoons to escape reality, not stay in it.

Bruh why'd they make that so dramatic lol

It's a movie within the movie that makes fun of DC's gritty nitty with fags in spandex.
It's a "Matter and McQueen go to Hollywood!" movie and the end joke is that they were barely used, doubles doing most of the acting. Both see this scene, the camera zooms in, and McQueens yells "What!?" While Matter is crying about his friend dying.

Reminds me of the "Tron: Legacy" teaser.


For some reason it scared the jellybeans outta' me.

Grown a fucking spine, cartoon creators love the opportunitty of actually being able to tell a story like the other mediuns do.

Craig Mackcrein from PPG, Foster's Home and WOY is THIRSTY to do a cartoon focused on lore has been years. He said that his next one will be, and I can't wait.

It all started with Alan Moore trying to edge up Superman in Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow. If anyone's to blame for this, blame the man who started it all.

Soon more people will join me in the light. Moore's tricks will be revealed.

People like it, stupid