Random Futurama comic storytime

Random Futurama comic storytime





nah you're just into gigantess


wrong...i'm into Amy.



>wrong...i'm into Amy.
That's batter

Also is that Shrinking violet on the last panel?

i has no idea, there is some superheroine with the same powers of Atom and Ant-Man?

yeah, she's on the lagion of super heroes

Fry on the cover needs to be a reaction image.


>Characters are naked on the TV show
>Clothed in the comics

Fucking prudes. This is just a fetish parade like that PPG comic where Bubbles stops wearing clothes.










Ugh that second panel


It's giantess, you fucking oaf.








Fry gets it.

The levels of irony are going postal.
Thanks for storytiming, OP. I had a blast.

thanks, i will search other issues to post next time.

>Fry realizing he's into it
My sides

...like this

thanks op
tfw no giantess gf


any catfights in the comic?

courtesy bump

I saw Amys tits and came to check this out