Snyder Bat Epic Pt.4

Previous Snyder threads found here

First up is the first annual which serves as a reboot for Mr. Freeze, which in my humble opinion blows ass.

Posting this from campus so I humbly request a bump or two until I get home.

>It's a villian is retconed into being one of the many Batman villains who happen to be mentally deranged episode

Snyder agrees with that and he said that this change will be ignored in the future anyway

Now if only he's regret Duke and Harper and stop forcing them on other writers...

Not to be a douche, but can you guys please refrain from posting images. Shit talk Snyder all you want but use words, not pics. Please and thank you.

Don't think we're that lucky, although I do like where your head is at.


















The Best Duo returns



















Starting one of Snyder's more polarizing arcs, Death of the Family. Hold onto your butts.


This is by far my favorite cover for this issue.





Does that mean that people actually liked it?

What's with Snyder shipping batsXSnyder

Read reviews online. A lot of people love this. I enjoy it. Not the greatest, but certainly not the worst.


Ya know they really didn't need to shit ALL over his character. For fucks sake.

>Barbara's sure to find it soon, the way she hounds me.
I'm strangely disappointed by this. I want him to end up with Essen.

It begins...

They need to let him finish the goddamn joke.
Also I know this arc is very edgy in some aspects, the idea that Joker is moving through the dark snapping the necks of these officers is "otherworldly" for the character. He's ascended to true Michael Myers territory.

>Sometimes I lie under there at night and lisiten to you sleep. The sad things you I want to just reach my arms up and...

I don't think he told a joke.







I'm not sure anyone know's the point of Joker letting dollmaker cut hit face off.




I always though death Joker toxin would be one of the worst ways to go.


I love that Ace Chemicals is a location in the DCEU. Also love the Red Hood throwback outfit. More maitre d' than motorcycle fetish.


>Giant mallet out of nowhere
I love it

The three Jokers theory would provide a decent explanation for why this Joker is so much more edgy/obsessive compared to past incarnations.

Also can anyone tell me which versions of the Joker are included in the 3 Jokers Theory? I hypothesize them to be:
1. Golden Age Joker
2. Killing Joke Joker
3. Death of the Family/Endgame

Someone's been to the zoo.

To prove that his smile wasn't a mask. Wanted to prove underneath batman's mask was an actual batman. As if they were supernatural entities.

Say what you will, if I was in Alfred's shoes I'd probably piss myself right there on the spot.

Nice reference my man

Based Joker just wanted to remove the batfamily, how can people disagree

Backup story with Harley. I wonder if they're every going to adapt this story in some other type of media (animated feature, motion comic, basis for Batman movie).



>When did I ever say I found you beautiful?
That's not funny.

I think this is the closest the Joker has ever become to becoming a legitimate monster compared to the members of Batman's rogues gallery. His later appearance in Endgame really sells this point.



Love this variant it is both works in hiding the jokers face and the artist name is appropriate for the character

Yeah, which made sense too since this Joker was getting "serious" and not playing around anymore

Is that Araron Kuder?

Joker was an internet shit poster all along

Snyder has said during the Endgame interviews that he views the Joker as Gotham's version of the Devil

It's Gene Ha!


>You hurt me, Victor, they'll turn this room into a sauna so fast
>Victor snaps his neck
>Nothing happens and no one notices until he starts rewiring the cooling system

Fucking Arkham security.


I'd just off myself if I had to stay more than a week in Arkham.


I wonder if there's any actual science between Joker's pigmentation mutations and the calamitious concoction of chemicals
