Supergirl Season 2 Episode 7 Talkback Thread

>The Darkest Place

>Supergirl comes face-to-face with Cyborg Superman when she attempts to save Mon-El from Cadmus.

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First for J'onn could solo the CW Justice League with his eyes closed.

>Supergirl comes face-to-face with Cyborg Superman

My body is ready.

Please be dean cain

what if it's ben affleck?

Is this part of the crossover? If not I'm going to bed because I'm angry.

where's the gay shit?

Its next week.

>There's a Supergirl episode today
Oh thank god. I thought Flash was all I had this week

Are Legends and Arrow not on this week?

>Ad on ShowCase about Supergirl
>Jon fighting Kara
Wait, WHAT?

Crossover is next week due to holiday.


Nope. The next Arrow episode is the crossover. Same with Legends
So to have a crossover week, they're next week

>Episode starts with Kara fighting Jon
Wait, WHAT?

*record scratch*

Yeah, that's me, Kara Danvers. You might be wondering how I got here.

It all started in a bar....

Good because I'm not watching this shit and I just want to see if it's Manu back or not otherwise I couldn't give a fuck for crossover.

you *literally* know that Barry Allen wears a mask

Batman confirmed.

>But JJ, Spiderman's a hero! He helped those people!
I think Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne is the only one who was smart. All of these other guys make it painfully obvious that they're the secret vigilante.

>My cousin worked with a vigilante once
True Worlds Finest confirmed.

>My cousin worked with a vigilante, tons of gadgets.

god, will that cameraman just fucking STOP FOR A GOD DAMN SECOND?!?
That shit is vomit inducing

Just let Alex fuck Lena Luthor to get over Maggie already

>My cousin worked with a vigilante once. Lots of gadgets...

>Still friends
>... Y-Yeah. Of course

Mon-El with the bantz

>no Grace Randolph review since Episode 4

>all these flashbacks in flashbacks

From a writing standpoint, I love this episode already.

grace is the best

>White Martian blood makes you see PHANTOMS

That or have Sarah sleep with her, that crossover is next week after all.

nice CG, dorks



I actually want that now
Fuck, what if Sara teaches Alex how to be a top and not a bottom. Maybe then she'll get Maggie by force

I'm pretty sure she dropped the show because
1) Her shit wasn't getting enough views
2) She was angry about Alex being turned gay (apparently strong females are stereotyped as being gay? (except for all the straight ones?))

>I've seen every season on OZ

not gonna lie, I actually like the Jimmy+Winn adventures in vigilitantism.

>guy with gun powers
>chooses to melee

Same, it feels like what I used to like about Arrow without all the bullshit the show's been bogged down in now

Why is there a 360 degree shot?


Also second episode and he already has an "Red Hood" character.

Cyborg Superman time, yay

The real Hank Henshaw, holy shit.

>Arrow could've been fun episodes with Ollie, Diggle, amd a pot of chilly

>it's another "you don't kill the bad guys, so you are a shitty hero compared to me" episode

yeesh, its getting monotonous since Arrow is also doing the same thing.

Will the real Hank Henshaw please stand up?

Anyone interested in seeing Polynesian Disney Princess?

I thought this was implied by the preview.

You mean Moana? Yeah

Even though it was a dream to have Dean be Cyborg supes I'm interested to see how he looks when he reveals himself.

>the cyborg eye and name drop
this pleases me

Well, they could go for both...

why is he called cyborg superman?

he said it!

Ahhhhh he said it

Why not call yourself "Cyborg Hank"?

yea...if he looked like Clark or at least had an S crest it might work but man that was bad


since arrow literally did it last week it's kinda meh

Because he's a cyborg with the power of Superman.

I tell you hwat.

>Nth metal
>Thanagar name drop

>using my index finger


>nth metal
bringing in all the lore this ep

>Nth metal from Thanagar


Winn thinking he can lie in fount of Alex.

True, so far I dig the eye and name drop, all that's left is the suit.

Does that mean the Barista exists in this universe too?

>Confession mixed with BTFO

Go in, Alex

>mfw relationshit drama returns to Supergirl

Maybe in this universe, instead of ancient Egyptians getting Immortality from Thanagar, maybe the hawks are actualy FROM Thanagar

MUH lesbian

>Superman and Lex backstory
whoa there

Literally fucking metaphor for Islam. hahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

Well like mother like son, now I want Lex to show up down the line to team up with his mom.

>Cadmus found out about the Lead weakness
It's only a matter of time until they find out about the red sun weakness

So, at some point they're gonna have to bring Lex onscreen. Any ideas?


If she hit an artery then all of her hostage plans would've gone up in smoke.

with a propane heart

>Lex shows up in drag

final fantasy 15

Prison changes a man.

That looked like a VR headset. Do VR headsets actually do that?

man, I can't WAIT for Sup Forums to fucking implode when it finally releases and turns out to be shit


I'm considering getting a PS4 for this game. What's wrong with it?

was that Deathstroke in the crossover teaser there?

>Melissa Benoist heavy breathing
Okay, I guess I'm jacking off.

shit like this

Well here we go, the truth is out!

it's never going to be good.
not in a million years.
when a game takes 13 years to make, that's a fucking red flag.
also, Nomura hasn't done anything remotely good for the past decade

Apparently Ollie is being Black Mercy'd by the aliens, so this is probably just a boss rush sequence through all his villains. I don't think Manu came back

why doesn't superman just fly into cadmus and save them

It's already happening user. It got leaked.

And it's shit