That one time Jimmy Savile appeared in the Beano

>That one time Jimmy Savile appeared in the Beano

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is this like if Mr. Rogers turned out to be a pedo for you brits? I can't even imagine.

Not just a pedo, but someone who raped hundreds of people.

Nah that would be Rolfe Harris.

Just about everyone found Savile to be a creepy fuck.

Jim'll fix it!

How many people knew?

This guy
Bill clinton

Who else?

Just about everyone at the BBC covered him up for years to save face. The man not only had friends in high places, but had dirt on all of them.


Cosby didn't rape anyone though

Neither did Bill right? He just got a blowie while in office, which apparently is grounds for impeachment somehow. America is weird.

He leaked American secrets all over her dress

I think it's one of mankind's greatest redeeming accomplishments that Rogers never experienced any kind of controversy. Even Mother Theresa was dirty, but him?

Fred Rogers was a goddamned saint.

Nah, Jimmy was always a bit creepy, he never really had a squeaky clean image like that. Still, no-one imagined the fucking molesting vulnerable kids in hospitals and shit.

I don't think Rolf's really a pedo. 14-15 is hardly pedo, and there was zero evidence for the younger kid. Anyone can make shit up and leap on the bandwagon - I imagine even a few of Jimmy's "victims" are doing the same, who's going to argue?

Less a question of who knew and who was in a position to do anything about it.

To take Cosby as an example, even after he'd been accused, settled cases - he still got work. Because names sell, and it takes a lot more than a little scandal to stop them selling. So the people that he worked with didn't give him up as a lost cause until it was unavoidable and the number of simultaneous accusations was snowballing, which meant his popularity dipped.

If that seems callous, it's because it is. These are tv producers, casting agents, co-stars, directors - what they've heard is not the same as the truth, and if half the things you heard on set were true you'd walk out and never look back. Fact is, a lot of them are just gossip, and there really are always people trying to get something out of a star. It's just that this also makes the perfect cover for men like Cosby or Savile.

With Savile in particular, because a lot of what he was doing was happening in the 60s, 70s and he was seen as a product of that "free love" era, people gave him a pass. Girls a little bit underage? So what? Boys? So what. That's how they thought. And there were plenty of just-slightly underage kids who were into that scene, or thought they were at the time, and nobody - the authorities included - felt it was necessary to protect them from predatory pedophiles like Savile.

Savile was also relatively close to Margaret Thatcher, who must have been warned by police and intelligence services that they had file complaints on Savile. Funnily enough, documents that may relate to that, which should have been released under the UK's 30-year rule, are being withheld.

Cosby admitted to giving sedatives to women to "gain their co-operation", ie, make them sexually available to him, in his 2005 deposition. That's one reason why he's facing criminal charges now. Has he been convicted yet? No. Has he pretty much fucked himself at this point? Oh, you better believe he has.

We should almost be glad he died before Twitter really hit its peak.

He sexually assaulted several women as governor of Arkansas.

I mean, to follow up on , yes, people knew about Savile, but that slightly-creepy thing worked in his favour. You'd hear these stories and see the charity work and the relentless energy and dismiss the stories as tall poppy bullshit, which is common enough in creative fields. But of course he really was doing those things, and much worse.

Rolf is really a pedo. Went to prison for it and everything. 14-15 is well into pedo territory. There was evidence for all the assaults - he was convicted of all twelve charges, relating to four individuals. One of them, remember, was 8 at the time of the offence. So yeah, pedo.

His next trial is set to start in January 2017, and there's a strong chance - since Yewtree is only proceeding with charges against individuals where there's a high chance of successful prosecution, which means the evidence will be strong - that he'll be dying in prison. Honestly, fuck that guy.

Did he actually? Or was that just Trump memeing for the election? Like the whole Hillary 4 prison thing?

>14-15 is well into pedo territory
By definition it isn't. Paedophila refers to pre-pubescent kids who haven't reached puberty, not teenagers.

Anybody who thinks there's something wrong with finding girls who've reached puberty attractive just because they're under a magical age of consent which suddenly makes everything OK is in denial. A lot of these self-righteous fucks who foam at the mouth about pedos wanting to fuck 13-15yos protest too much, methinks. The law doesn't change human biological instinct.

People in that age range tend to still have a lot of baby fat on them, so they do look like kids, particularly around the face. Personally, it is kind of gross and unattractive.

17-18, maybe even 16 if they're early bloomers, can be pretty much adult looking, but then the only grossness comes from the fact that you're fucking someone that is still mentally very young. I guess it's okay if you're just oogling their bodies, but actually fucking them is still in the skeevy territory.

Not that guy, but stop replying. Even the WHO defines pedophilia as an attraction to children BELOW 13.

The accusations on both predate obama. The amount of evidence is the same as the cosby allegations. Which is to say, pure he said, she said from multiple people.

Yes he did. He roofied women without them realising it in time so that he could have sex with them without their consent because they were too doped up to resist. That's rape.

No he was human.

Finding out Jimmy Savile was a pedo was like finding out that that nice PE teacher you once had was actually a pedo. Not all that surprising, but you never imagined it would happen.

Finding out that Rolf was a pedo was like finding out that Father Christmas was a pedo. It never occurred to anyone that this might be a thing. That being said, I still wonder if the sodomites sing "Tie Me Kangaroo Down" as they brutally rape him.

And had sex with dead bodies. A true member of the House of Lords he was indeed.

It's worth adding that the European left had an extremely positive outlook on child sex abuse during the 60s and 70s and attitudes only shifted away from that during the late 80s and 90s.