
>Johnny's shirt is a hazard in battle because it shows your enemy both the location of your heart and the identity of the woman you love

>Heads up, there won't be an update this Friday (I'm visiting family and taking time off for Thanksgiving)! The next page will go up on Tuesday the 29th! See you then and thanks for reading!


The true weapon of martial arts.

Hitting someone with a bat is a martial art?

Guys. I like this page.

What the fuck is this shit.

its Louisville style

poor johnny

the comic was starting to get good again, quick skip ANOTHER update

Zack is best at writing quirky situational comedy. In fact, it's the only thing he knows how to do, which is why plot heavy pages are either boring or have inappropriate attempts at humor in them.

>I'm visiting family and taking time off for Thanksgiving

I CALLED IT. Travelling wins!`

Although this time is understandable, it's still soured by tons of updates that were missed for no real reason. "Sorry guys, I shit so hard I popped a blood vessel in my eye. No comic on Friday."

Travelling fag got the gold. Good on him for guessing both the week and the excuse.

Shit didn't read the thread before I called it. Congratulations man. You knew it all along.

I've been liking every page for a while now. Zack's doing a good job at regaining the old charm, even if only a little.
This comic should have never focused on adults.

It's not focusing on adults that caused issue. It was shit writing. Even the kid focus up until now was awful. Never forget ghost train and hitball, never.


The issue is the pacing. In Zach's eyes, he's just making a story. He knows what's happened, what will happen, what might happen. He has no reason to feel impatient, and due to his many update skips- no reason to feel rushed. I don't feel that he needs to condense his pages, but for us the plot is slow and doesn't seem like it's going to let up. A fun hitball arc with a side of mystery ghost is great- but we've also got the agency, Isaac, Spender, Zarei, Day, Doorman, Doorman's "angel," Forge's possession-- plots that while reasonably long, we want to know now. So while smaller things (hitball) won't have us AS interested, it gets worse with stuff like this. The bullies and Ed, Max and the bar, Isaac's Max-problems, stormo's detection before the cut, Zarei and Day, Isabel and Spender, the current possession- it's just plot on plot on plot. And while each of the plots are interesting enough, we just don't want to wait. The gags and the curiosity keep me going, but it's slow going and I hate that.

Got a good chuckle from this page.

I would've liked for Johnny to take a real swing though. He wasn't even trying, and that expression in the first panel is kind of sad. I wonder what being a spectral will do to him. Will it reignite his violent flame?

Don't forget these guys

Shrink the story
Update more often and consistently
Two options, pick one. There are no other alternatives. He decided to do a seemingly massive story as a web comic.

Think of it this way. At the same release rate watchmen would aready be finished. How the fuck long is he going to take.

No one wants watchmen over two and a half years. Why would he think people want something considerably worse to take considerably longer?

That's amazing.

Oh hello there, person who is most likely Johnny's older sister.

Why? We know as a fact that the bat won't hit and we'll just see a funny anime face and a gag next page.
There is no opportunity for tension.

>RJ with the bat out of fucking nowhere
Everything here is pretty funny. What a great page overall.

>Johnny's arms in the bottom panels

>Forge's possession
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I personally think that it would be better if Johnny got possessed way later on.

1st argument: Adds more of the suspense that can be further built up for many chapters to come. (Same as Max keeping important Consortium info for now, same execution problems)

2nd argument: The early chapters were building up the anticipation of who Johnny really is and what are his best weapons. Seems to me that the only jobs that Johnny and his gang does so far is heckling people and spitting insults at them...there's no action that's intense or at-the-edge (but still PG) enough to make Johnny worthy of being possessed YET.

What is rj?

>2nd most likely

God damn, for a moment I forgot what Muse looked like and thought panel 3 was basically a stand battle.

It's a Johnny page. That makes it automatically better.

So, we all agree this is a good page?


Johnny is the best character

Not really, it's an Ed page with like a cutout prop labelled 'Johnny' in it. Ed is a perfect human being and thus makes this page good.

>I don't feel that he needs to condense his pages
He needs to at least condense his panels. He uses way more than he needs, which leads to boring layouts and a lack of detail.


Just as much of a martial art as throwing dynamite around.

Hitting people with stuff is the most fundamental of all martial arts!

One of Johnny's good friends.


>he knows what will happen
"Hey guys, need some time to think what to do with pnat. So i'll miss next two updates"

This already happened.

C'mon man, no need to remind everyone that he is a cuck, especially considering that Max is basically pussy magnet so he is not at fault here.

>he is not at fault here

The comic has honestly been getting better since Hitball has ended
and honestly if you go back and read it now hitball is pretty good

Well, it's not his fault that he is a Beta male

If any drawfag is willing, i need This, but with cuckED

>A month of lesbian date that doesn't seem to hold any relevance to the plot

Really though, I generally agree. I did enjoy today's update, which is more than I can say for the past few. And in hindsight, hitball was [Spoiler] not that bad [/Spoiler]

The comic is absolutely fine when read in bulk, bar the degrading art quality. The real issue is the pacing when reading the comic as pages come out.

The last few pages have been good.

I think you want the older my wife's son meme.

Me or my BFF's son?

Yeah, but the one i showed is a slightly better example for drawing... i think.

>Ed is a perfect human being
Ed is a slut.

>Ed is a perfect human being
Then why was he cucked?

are you proposing Isabel ever did something wrong?