OH SHIT Sup Forums

OH SHIT Sup Forums



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How can I vote if you didn't give us the link, you fucking idiot.

Not the OP, but here you go, you lazy nonce.


Like it is hard to got to fucking Twitter and see it for yourself


>everyone in Sup Forums has a Twitter account

>hurr I'm lazy

Yes, too lazy to join a retarded social network.



In all honesty I don't think this could work.
Moveset wise, they don't have much that could stand out.
Manhattan's also too powerful

night owl is basically batman with all the gadgets.

Yeah but youtu.be/dZqo4OZ0Pqs

Comedian could work, but he'd probably just play like Slade. And who are we kidding, we all know it's just gonna be Rorschach.

>people vote and a Watchmen character gets in
>it's just a skin with matching voice, think Green Lantern's costumes in the first game, for another DC character
>Night Owl being a voiced skin for Batman for example
>"What are you complaining about? They're in the game like you said you wanted."

That's actually a very good option.

You don't need a twitter to see the poll. And if you can't vote, there's no point in asking for the link.

Fuck, you're stupid.

>63% Yes
Fuck this gay fucking Earth

What's the problem?

Watchmen characters in Injustice 2.
That's the problem.


Kill yourself


I don't agree with Alan Moore on almost anything, but if there's one thing I do agree with, it's that DC and Warner Bros need to leave Watchmen alone and stop perverting it. Before Watchmen was bad enough. I can't imagine how awful it would be to include any of them in Injustice.

can be a good compromise at least.

Rorschach isn't even that good as a fighter.
All he has is a grappling hook.
He's not even that strong as a physical fighter.
99% of his diet is canned beans

He kicked plenty of ass in prison.

I know, but he's the most popular character especially with the kinda of demographic Netherrealm has.

Call me stupid but I feel like none of the Watchmen characters would really fit in in a fighting game or any game really

As much as I don't want them in the game, shit like this just makes me want them included.

Dr. Manhattan so I can see his limp dick flop around.

>Netherthals vote for Spawn in droves
>Netherthals vote for Watchmen in droves
>Netherthals fap to trannies in droves

>wasting slots on watchmen characters

W H Y ?

just put Owlman, Blue Beetle or Captain Atom instead

A good compromise would be just to have Watchman skins on these characters.

I will never understand the appeal of Spawn.
There are other characters that do everything he tries to do aesthetically and in story, but better.

Doctor Manhatten plz

Alan Moore?

Fuck it, I want Alan Moore to be playable more than any Watchmen character

Rorschach as a Question costume or Nite-Owl as a Batman costume would be alright,

Considering how Injustice 2 has banter before fights, that could be interesting

Meant for

Not with the shitastic writing that goes on in Injustice. Watchmen was one and done, man. ONE AND DONE.

Would hotglue

How about now?

Fuck yeah

is this the final blow that kills Alan Moore ?

and impotence

Eh, we've already gotten Before Watchmen, a video game, and Manhattan introduced into the DC universe

I don't even care anymore

No, this will be the last straw before Alan Moore activates his wrath.

i'd really like peacemaker, question, or beetle before we get into watchmen, but that'll NEVER happen.
he pre-jac'd he wasnt impotent.

>one of Rorschach's specials is throwing a can of beans

just shitting all over Moore, amazing. Throw V in there too while we're at it

will the prophecy of him fighting Morrison finally happen ?

V would be a more interesting fighter then anyone watchmen.

It's going to be Rorschach and Comedian, those are the ones every fag wants.

>Before Manhatten or Ozy

kek no.

>not being on social media
Are you a NEET or an autist or just a loser?

The really shouldn't.

At least Spawn fits in with Injustice. I don't get why people think Watchmen characters should be included.

No, they need to put Alan Moore and Grant Morrison in Injustice 2 for that

I'm too tired to care anymore

"Tried to get rid of me, huh?"

He deserves it. He deserves WAY more than what he gets.

I would prefer if Alan Moor himself was playable.

I don't give a shit either way.

100%. Punching him over and over with Superman and Batman would feel so good.

You asked for a link, asshole.

Know what?
Let's just throw everyone from everywhere in there.

Dio Brando, Spider-Man, Rick Grimes, Legolas, Bayonetta, the kitchen sink, and so on.

>kitchen sink
>not the bathroom sink from BvS

You had an opportunity and you wasted it.

First casuals want Spawn over Hellboy, and now theres this shit. You know what? Fine. Do it. Have it be Dr Manhattan in all his bare ass naked glory. Have his big blue floppy dick spinning right round baby right round during combos. Have his super move be willing Alan Moore into existence having an autistic fit, foaming at the mouth as he beats the shit out of the opponent. And finally have his win pose be turning the other player into a red stain on the floor while looking at the camera like he gives absolutely zero fucks, ending with a slow pan to his blue dick. Fucking do it Boon.

Fuck no. Too bad the public has spoken and they said yes.

I never saw BvS.

>First casuals want Spawn over Hellboy,

But that was the one thing they did right! Do you really fucking want Hellboy tainted by Injustice? DO YOU REALLY FUCKING WANT THAT?

Yeah, it's just a fucking video game. I'd love to play as Hellboy. Screw it, I hope they add Manhattan, Sub-zero, Rorschach and V just to piss people off.

You should. Despite what the shills say, it was a great film.

>Muh sacred Watchmen!

It's just a guest spot for a video game

Oh fuck off, let's not do this here.

You dont want to hear Ron Perlman's sweet ass voice?

No thank you.
I'm just really burned out on cape films. I haven't seen Doctor Strange or Deadpool either.

Spawn fit the 90s trend, but I agree his time is over.

Not until Rebirth reaches its finale

Spawn is like Lobo, only Lobo managed to remain relevant thanks to his satire on 90s idea of badass

This is sad.

I guess we need a Maus fighting game next.

Only if Morrison is included too.

"You couldn't be taken seriously alive or dead."-Moore

As a Dr. Fate costume let's fucking go

Lego when?

Found a leaked screenshot

Morrison is a Dr Fate skin

Moore is a Green Lantern but replace the ring with Glycon

They should stick with horror character DLCs.
>you will never solo the entire Justice League while playing as Jason

They could fit in their own fighting game, except Jon.

That reminds me, Watchmen already had a couple of beat-em-up games, which were both fun to play only for the first 20-30 minutes then became boring because of how repetitive they are.

Robert Crumb fighting game when

Fritz vs Mr Natural

Just bring in the Predator and Alien. They've both been in DC crossovers.

Ozy could

I'm voting yes because of the rare chance that Alan Moore's grandchildren play Injustice 2, and their granddad looks as his precious characters are beaten by Batman.

>being on social media
Global rule 2.

Yeah. I've read interview where guy said WB asked them to publish the game on movie premiere date. Naturally, they had little time to develop game and all that jazz. Team went bankrupt after they Watchmen vidya was published. It's not Moore's curse, they didn't have publishers.
Rip Faith & .45.

>they had little time to develop game and all that jazz
Explains why those games felt so rushed.

I feel like that works better with the mortal kombat unvierse because of its style. Guest superheroes and action heroes would fit better in the injustice unvierse

Yep. Further proof that movie tie-in games will suck dicks. I have no idea what blood magic they used for Wolverine: Origins.
Probably because it was done by "better"/famous team?

>They were literally called Deadline Games