ITT: Oh yeah, that happened

ITT: Oh yeah, that happened

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itt: fever dreams that you thought you had fully suppressed by now

You called?

Squirrel toons just can't catch a break

It ain't bad.

I liked the episode with the clown heads

This was so ugly I couldnt watch it, fuck all the designs in this show

I only saw this on TV like twice, but it seemed good

no one likes squirrels though

There is this entire period in the mid to late 2000s that is just a gigantic blank to me when it comes to cartoons.

My ones that I liked watching were ending while shows that I had absolutely no interest in were replacing them. I just lost interest in cartoons for a long while. I can vaguely remember names like "Camp Lazzlo", "Monkey Gym Partner", and "Chowder", but I know there were more that I can't be bothered to remember.

What was the problem with this show?

>tfw this was created by the same person who made Duckman

I actually really liked My Gym Partner is a Monkey

Was it called Squirrel Boy because the boy owned a squirrel or because the squirrel acted like a boy?

I hear people insist that the show actually got good and self-aware later on, though I wouldn't know myself.

I was younger back then so I didn't watch religiously enough to really gauge any kind of transition, but I usually liked whatever episode was on. Funny animal jokes and puns, and some occasionally clever ideas. One episode had the whole school hypnotized by shiny crystal doorknobs. I laffed. I dunno.

The doorknob episode was unironically the best episode, and usually the one one people remember.

Man there was a lot I tried to forget.

Flapjack is really good though

Pretty pretty shiny shiny

I also cracked up when the toucan pronounced "yesterday" as "jesterday" and the flashback card just rolled with it

That show was great, fuck off

Class of 3000 is great though?

I didn't know there were people who didn't like Co3K

Anyone remember this? Pardon me if it was actually good, I just don't remember anything about it and was wondering if it was decent.

Just a man with a fetish living his dream

What went wrong?

> being on this many drugs

I remember liking this show a lot.


>shit tastes

you hate Duckman too, retard


I wanted to like this show, because I liked Duckman.

I'm into fat guys, and even I thought it was unwatchable garbage.


Not a bad show [aside from moral preachiness] but man I think literally everyone forgot it existed.

Restricted to Cartoon Network

At least Duckman was on late night on USA

The only thing I remember about this show is when they played it non stop for a day straight during a holiday (don't even remember the episode itself) and then I never saw it aired again.


Naked animals. Half of nick toons. Total drama island. I hated growing up in the 2000s
That was actually fun. One of the few good things in the late 2000s

>made by the same guy who did SwatKats


iirc it was doomed to that Limbo period of CN's noontime television. It was before shit like Almost Naked Animals, but was basically it for 2007ish? Don't forget this was also the dark ages of CN.
Speaking of which, pic related was a fucking atrocity I open few people have seen. Tat and the CGI Garfield show. Like I said, dark times man.

It was sort of like a guilty pleasure, but I felt like it was too good to be something embarrassed to like over. Kind of felt like a modern Dexter style humor, with little less wit involved.
It's due for a rewatch though.
Do you know why it was cancelled?

What is this, a sequel of An American Tale a few generations after the movie?
Rule of thumb- anything with babies as the MC is shit. Can anyone contest this?

God that show was terrible. I had almost managed to forget about it.

Holy shit I'd completely forgotten about Nacho Bear.

I gotchu senpai

Anyone know the name of that show that was about hoodrat children? It took place in the ghetto and all the characters, or at least the main black child, had massive heads.

Camp Lazlo is underrated


I never liked this show but I'd watch it anyway just because I thought the girls were super cute. Kinda surprised I never got into that habit with other series as I got older.


The Butt Ugly Martians

Who is this qt

Princess Sherbet.