When did the "Wonder Woman is bulletproof" retarded meme start? Was it really Injustice...

When did the "Wonder Woman is bulletproof" retarded meme start? Was it really Injustice? Why did a shitty digital comic made this lasting impact on plebs' minds? You'd think the JL cartoon would have more impact than that, for instance

She has been bullet proof since writers never read her comics and forgot. Then someone remembered and she ended up with a weakness to piercing attacks, then people never read those and the cycle continues to this day.

Cape comics do not believe in having a strict series bible.

Making her bullet-proof just makes her magic bracelets useless and retarded for her to even use.

What is he doing to her?

Right?! I came here to say, how the fuck does someone forget what her bulletproof bracelets are for?!


no wonder those hopeless fucks who follow them so religiously are always so pissed off

The drive to make her as powerful as Superman.

I wish she was allowed to be in a lower tier than Superman.

Not even one of those fags who likes her using a sword and wants her to be a savage warrior and all that fucking bullshit. I just think she should be somewhere between Aquaman and Captain Marvel, Herculean powers and all that but not a flying brick like Superman.

I mean, writers forget she's nearly as fast as the Flash and strong as Superman all the time anyway, so might as well just not bother keeping her that strong.

What does it matter?

Superman gets new powers and abilities yearly.

Batman went from snapping necks to...snapping necks but in a way that doesn't kill.

Why is it the only person ever called on her random changes and bullshit powers is WW

She can fly, is mostly bullet proof, and her bracelets keep her from going insane on cosmic super sayjin power.

Lets all just be glad that her weakness isn't being tied up and grabbed by men in the groin area.

This. She goes toe-to-tow with Superman and many of the same villains. She's shown to be just as durable as him in many of these fights. Yet she can't take even a measly 9 mil?

It looks awesome when she blocks them though.

>Lets all just be glad that her weakness isn't being tied up and grabbed by men in the groin area.

>implying it isnt

Let's be honest, they're retarded for her to use anyway. At least they bounce off of her bracelets better than they would off her body

It's retarded that a person who can be thrown through buildings can somehow be hurt by guns. The bracelets should be used to block more powerful attacks that look like they could actually hurt her.

Having a character who is in the ballpark of Kryptonian levels of strength makes no sense for them to be physically fragile enough that their fist would explode into a pink mist if they hit someone with that strength. A certain amount of overlap is expected for strength/durability.

Her being bulletproof has been touched on since at least the 80s.

She wasn't always as powerful as Superman.

She wasn't as strong, resistant and fast, nor could she fly.

But DC in the 50's wanted to make her as powerful as Superman.

>Her being bulletproof has been touched on since at least the 80s.


>Why is it the only person ever called on her random changes and bullshit powers is WW

That's not the point. The point is that there was no change but people for some reason assume she was always bulletproof when she's not even currently bulletproof.

>Having a character who is in the ballpark of Kryptonian levels of strength
When was this a thing? I knew she was midtier strong, but up their with supes, doomsday and darkseid?

She's currently bulletproof.

That's the thing. Despite constantly using her bracelets to deflect bullets from her body, she's still bulletproof.

Brian Azzarello tried to come up with excuse that the bracelets are there to contain her awesome electrical powers, since she's Zeus' daughter, but i don't think that Greg Rucka will keep that.

>When did the "Wonder Woman is bulletproof" retarded meme start?
In 1986 after Crisis on infinite earths with Perez run

>She's currently bulletproof.

She isn't.

She is.

learn your lore, guys

There was no indication whatsoever that she was bulletproof in Perez' run

And there still is no indication that she is bulletproof in the current continuity. The most that happened was in SM/WW with that shitty Finch costume written by shitty Tomasi, but we can't know if it was the costume or not.

And yet you assume she is

That's what I'm talking about

She isn't

She is.

Show us proof

She isn't.

She is.

She isn't.

What kind of retard would try to shoot Superman/Wonder Woman/etc. anyways? Why waste bullets when you know it'll do no good?

It's like why does she have the Invisible Jet when she can fly?

They are relics of her history from before power creep, but the bracelets and the Jet are iconic parts of the character.

She needs the Invisible Jet for when she need to carry passengers or cargo
She needs the bracelets to deflect bullets away from bystanders rather than letting them ricochet randomly, she has more control over their trajectory with the bracelets

Post-Crisis on Infinite Earths despite constantly using her bracelets she was shown tanking power blasts and resisting bullets and torpedos.

Then in... i forgot which run, it was shown that magic piercing weapons like enchanted arrows could hurt her. So at least there was that.

Is she

Isn't she

She is.

Diana being bulletproof depends on the writer.

She isn't.

>taking power blasts and torpedos


>resisting bullets


Yes, writers are retarded, making her stand against nuclear explosions and shit, but they didn't show her taking bullets, so she's not bulletproof. ON THE OTHER HAND, she has been shown in post-crisis continuity that bullets hurt her.

Unless you're talking about stories outside her book.


Doesn't depend on the writer. No Wonder Woman writer has canonically shown her to be bulletproof, not even Gail who is retarded and thinks she's bulletproof using Injustice as example.



so if professor zoom takes a chunk of steel or something similar and accelerates with it beyond the speed of a bullet and beyond wondie capacity to react and release it pointing to her head she would die?

>Bondage things are power limiters
Literally anime

She is.

They've bollocked more than just bullets

Yeah m8, it's retarded, but where's the bullet?

This isn't Perez and Gail is retarded.

Here's Diana disguised as Miss America in Jimenez' run, which can still be considered recent since it's 2000s.

But if she is really tough, shouldn't it take more force to jiggle her breasts?

Zoom could kill her anyway he wants period because of Speed Force and he's motherfucking Zoom.

why not?
he could even kill superman like that

She isn't.

It's magic toughness, she isn't incredibly dense.

At least not there.

I don't get why they can't just establish that Wonder Woman is as durable as Aquaman.

bit superman has his invulnerability, the chunk of metal would rebound


It would just bounce off Superman's head.

Aquaman can't exactly take firearms, they break the skin point blank, but don't really penetrate, like a rock thrown at someone. It's arguable that higher calibers or ordinance could injure him.

See issue #1 Nu52 run.

If Zoom can accelerate the object to any speed, including faster than light, he can pierce Superman's skin, because Superman skin can be damaged with enough force

So we have another problem now... people think Superman is 100% invulnerable to anything, even though he has been BTFO thousands of times by brute force

So Wonder Woman would survive an explosion of gunpowder on her face, but would die to a bullet propelled by the same force because she is weak to piercing attacks?

How is she again crushing and slashing damage?

I know, that's why I said they should establish her as durable as Aquaman. Bullets hurt him and a huge amount of high caliber could injure him. The same should happen, and most likely does, to Wonder Woman. But she has the bracelets so it "never" happens.

you would need to repeat the attack a fucking lot to make lethal damage, like doomsday did.

The energy released in most small arms, as a concussion wave, wouldn't cause serious harm to a normal adult. Bullets and shrapnel do.

Because Doomsday didn't punch faster than light and his fist doesn't have the point of force of a small object.

The answer is penis.

She weak to any attack from weapons designed in a phallic shape.

Basically she's vulnerable to penetration.

Zoom could kill her anyway he wants period because of Speed Force and he's motherfucking Zoom.


In any case that means Superman is not invulnerable, but durable

Just like Wonder Woman, but a lot more

but doomsday is as fast as superman so he has speed that approximates light speed and he has sharp bones in his fist.

>People accept the bullshit excuse that Superman creates and invulnerable aura that makes his costume invulnerable as well because it's skintight

>But they can't accept that bullets can HURT Wonder Woman because she "can take punches from Superman", even though in any serious fight against Superman she gets at least wrecked.

If she survives a nuclear blast, she should survive a fucking bullet to her face.

That's still not faster than light speed and that's what Zoom could theoritically do
Even if he could only make it as fast as Doomsday's punches, he could do it repeatedly and kill Superman all the same.

but wonder woman should not be able to take punches from superman

Now tell me why she should survive a nuclear blast.

She leaves WITHOUT ANY HARM , even though FREAKING SUPERMAN is badly affected by nuclear blasts.

So, why? Because GAIL SIMONE IS RETARDED. I'm saying it again.

I think that would be an incredible difficult feat for a speedster because it would vanish into the speed force trying to accomplish that

People don't think that.

Doomsday has been described to seem to be as fast as Flash. We're not talking light speed punches but he was fast.

Despite the projectile moving at near light speed, its physical properties do not allow it to cause enough damage for a kill.

The bullet would maybe hurt, but surely just flatten out like a pancake against his skull.

Wonder Woman is supposed to have an Immunity to Fire, which could explain the nuclear blast thing.

It was her gift from Hestia

Remember when Superman had to wrap his cape around her to protect from the nuclear explosion in SMWW? And then Superman was all skeletal like in TDKR (and BvS), because that's what happens to Superman in a nuclear blast.

But Wonder Woman for some reason must be the almighty badass so we get shit like that from time to time.

I'd be onboard with that.

Don't cite SMWW

Come on, don't be that guy

What about the radiation part?

There's also that, but how does immunity to fire apply to nuclear blast?

Dude, Greek gods don't know shit about radioactivity.

It's just covered.

You do understand that nukes just create a huge pressure/heat wave right?

She's functional in space and on various planets right? Can't be weak to radiation and do space stuff.

That's easy though, she can have invulnerability against radiation, it's completely different from invulnerability against impact and it can be explained away with "godly powers"

But I don't think she should be invulnerable against nuclear blasts at all.

>Remember when Superman had to wrap his cape around her to protect from the nuclear explosion in SMWW? And then Superman was all skeletal like in TDKR (and BvS), because that's what happens to Superman in a nuclear blast.

That book was awful and that scene was there just to make Superman look good and powerful.

The great Superman wrapping his girlfriend in his indestructible cape while using his body to shield her from the nuclear blast. How altruistic and romantic of him.

>Glad her weakness isn't being tied up
*leans close to microphone, forms O shape with mouth* Wrong.

so bulletproof armor is more resistant than Wonder Woman

>capeshit logic

I was just citing what happened to him, not what happened to her. It's not the first nor the last time he was badly injured in a nuclear blast, but it's the most recent from comics I can remember.

if we are talking of bullets...why does a kryptonite bullet can kill superman? It does not have time for the kryptonite radiation to start to weaken him.

>so bulletproof armor is more resistant than Wonder Woman

Yeah, like her bracelets

Anything from Krypton is dense enough to compete with Superman's molecular structure. Theoretically, you should be able to stab him to death with nothing but a sharp Kryptonian stick.

I imagine it's more like her flesh is really durable

You make it fragment and stay inside, user.

Do you even ballistics?

Bitch can pull the planet, something even Superman struggle with, but she can't take a bullet to her face.

That is one hell of a specific and arbitrary weakness.

I did don`t know that kryptonians thing were super dense...so you can kill anyone with a stick from krypton?

If Wonder Woman is shown to be bulletproof, the writer automatically failed the character and the story goes straight into the trash

Yes, it's my trigger. Fortunately, it rarely happens because most writers still have some sense to not go there.