
He didn't?

Other urls found in this thread:


>How did some nobody on YouTube make an animated short film in better quality CGI than most Hollywood animated movies?
Spending terribly a lot of time per frame and using custom software or software with private license being much cheaper than corporative license.

So I have yet to play the game but intend to, did this spoil anything for me?

Not really. It plays with the story pretty loosely.

How Skullkid gets the mask is always left unclear in the game.

I don't think Pixar and Disney are worrying about how much it costs to license software.

And now that I think about it, do they even use licensed software? Or do they use in-house stuff?

Not really.

Pretty sure EmberLab is an indie digital media company that has worked on industry commercial projects before. The quality doesn't surprise me.

I bet the lack of a budget would though


You made this thread yesterday. fuck off

Not really what was show in the video kinda happens in the original game i don't know about the remake

Cool video

That was pretty badass. Did it sound like the guy was doing an impression of Ken Watanabe from Last Samurai to anyone else?

Sounded kind of like Ian Sinclair doing a sometimes Asian accent to me.

No, that is the beginning of the game. You should play it, it's definitely the best Zelda game.

will nintendo take this down

I'm backing this shit up just in case.

He didn't. it looks good sure but it's nothing hollywood couldn't do.

They make there own. They have people who's job it is to create better technology for each movie. They then release it later on. You can use Renderman which Pixar uses.

One can only hope


Here's the accompanying soundtracks for anyone interested.

Well shit, that was pretty good

Wasn`t there another guy who did a fake Majora`s Mask HD trailer not long ago?